FTL: Advanced Edition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Space_Oddity, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    In case you fuckers didn't know, FTL recently got a mahoosive update.

    10 more ships, a new race, a fucktonne of new weapons and encounters.

    The new version is a lot more active than the last; you're far more involved in the battles this time, rather than simply setting yo shit up and watching the rest of the fight.

    It has automated fire extinguishers now, that alone is enough to reinstall.


    Fuck you, game.​

    I was going to add a poll but I forgot. The options were going to be "I love FTL" or "I am a huge fan of cock."
  2. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I almost made a thread about 2048 and then this. You guys are on the ball.

    So flak... OP, amirite?

    Flak 2 + glaive + cloaking/igniter = furiously violent buttseks

    Also hard mode, amazing, amirite? People bitch that ftl is to hard, but hard mode is actually challenging.
  3. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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    The OP weapons made easy mode actually easy, gj FTL.
  4. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Also, hacking feels so unfair. Once you send a hacking drone, is it possible to ever destroy the damn thing? You have to go for the hacking system, right?
  5. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I mean FTL does do a bunch of things right, but the way shit goes bad and there was nothing you could do about it will always be one of my pet peeves about roguelike games. Still, will be reinstalling to check out update, for involved battles sounds good to me.
  6. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I enjoy your pet peeve, the game is challenging as fuck even on easy mode because do 1 thing wrong, forgot about 1 thing, get the wrong synergy in weapons and you are fucking boned, maybe not in the first 4 sectors but after that shit bro.

    My best strat= go early game killing squad so u get more everything and chance of everything then lategame go massive lasers and cloak + stealth weapons
  7. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    The randomness gives you infinite replayability, but it also gives you unusually difficult scenarios.

    I've had the scenarios on easy where 4 mantis appear on your ship for whatever reason during a fight, but since it's against a mantis ship, the ship, itself, sends 2 more mantis. If you're on Noether with 3 weak zoltan, you are literally fucked.

    But you know what? Noether is literally God-tier for every other situation in FTL. It's usually the first ship people win the game with (aside from Red Tail). Shit is balanced, brah.

    Except for boarding... Boarding is generally considered OP as fuck. Do you board?

    If you want hard, try DA SR 12. Shields are for pussies.
  8. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I wouldn't know about any of that, furthest I got was like sector 4 or something. See, FTL does things in that rolling the dice kind of way, sometimes you just roll snake eyes and lose. There isn't a real way to prepare for it, you can't do certain scenarios any better, the game just decides "no, I think you lose today." It is like playing solitaire with 3 card draw, you really can't win every game.

    I don't think these elements are always bad. I really like xcom, both old and new version. The difference here is 2 things though. One is that it isn't game ending to have people die, or fail missions(in FTL it is usually.) Two is that it does give you the option to save in fight, and just replay it if things go horribly wrong. I should clarify though, that point 1 is still in effect, you can just accept the loss and keep playing. I know that sounds like a bad thing, but I really hate the idea of spending a couple of hours on something just to have a bad dice roll and lose. Especially if it was, once again, something you couldn't even learn from.

    All I could think of was materia slots are for pussies.
  9. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    You've never made it past sector 4?!

    What ship are you using?

    If you don't have anything unlocked, the kestrel is great. Burst Laser II is probably the best weapon in the core game (some say Flak I is better in Advanced).

    When you play, don't beeline to the exit. Take as long as possible and get into as many fights as possible to earn precious scrap. I generally like to kill shits instead of taking their bribes. You get less fuel/missiles/drone, but you get more scrap. Upgrade your shields first. It shouldn't cost more than 100 scrap.

    If you're looking to do better in (not so) random scenarios, here are some general rules:

    • Blue Options always end well, use them every time (unless it's avoiding a ship fight that you want).
    • Never send your crew out to do shit unless you want them dead. No giant spiders, no docking anywhere to explore some bullshit station, nothing.
    • Never trust Mantis unless you want your crew dead. No pods, no stowaways, none of that.

    If you want to be a pussy, you can save your game by saving & quitting, then backing up the continue.sav file. It's frowned upon, but if you haven't even won yet...
  10. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Lazybum, check Rogue Legacy out. I feel like it addresses your pet peeve rather nicely, you always can do something.

    Except some fairy chests. But that's like bonus content.

    @topic: I've been watching Lethalfrag play this, seems fun - maybe I'll get it some time.
  11. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Once you find out how it works, it's easy to get past sector 4. I still haven't won, however, but I didn't get too worried about that.
  12. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Use boarding. It makes the final boss really easy.

    And if you board other ships, you get more scrap. If you find a scrap recovery arm, then you'll be overflowing with the stuff and consequently dominate.
  13. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Yeah I came back to it a few months back and did pretty much that but something insanely crappy happened in the boss battle, and I was a little peeved.

    To be honest, after I play for a bit, I take a break for a fair while, since sometimes I just want to accomplish a little more :p I do love the game but I think...I think the fact that it's a roguelike with a definite ending stops me after a time. Not that endings aren't good, but if it was more of an open universe I probably wouldn't put it down.

    Do love the soundtrack though.
  14. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Since you guys were whining, I'll copy my save file for the first ftl game that I'm playing tonight.

    It's on DA SR 12 because I hate myself, but I picked normal because I wanted to win. I lost my zoltan because he suffocated a moment before reaching the medbay, but otherwise I have done well for myself. The save starts in sector 6, a nebula sector. I have Ion + Charge Ion alongside my glaive. That setup alone should be enough to kill the final boss.

    Here's how to play it:

    • Start charging, don't bother targeting anything.
    • Once the enemy fires their first shots, hit the cloak (continue charging, no firing).
    • Once the beam is nearly charged, fire all ions at the shields and let the beam work its magic.

    If you don't know how to use beams:

    • Beams do a certain amount of damage per room that they cross (glaives do 3).
    • Damage/Room is reduced by one for each layer of shields that they must pass (e.g. 2 shields make the glaive do 1 dmg/room).
    • It doesn't matter if the beam BARELY enters a room, it does its full amount of damage.
    • If a beam crosses a crew member, it damages them.
    • If shields recharge or get damaged WHILE the beam is firing, it can change the effective dmg/room up or down.

    I'm gonna be honest, I'm not super amazing at using DA SR 12, I just got pretty lucky to find two good ion weapons for my glaive. If I find another charge ion or a flak I, I will shit myself.

    EDIT Speaking of Ion weapons...



    The first stage of the final boss went down in two volleys of flak 2 + glaive. The second stage took 3 volleys. I had basically no damage at this point. The third stage fucked me straight up the asshole with like a 4-man boarding party. My crew was very poorly equipped to fight them off, especially since one of our own kept getting mind controlled. It was painful, but we eventually killed off the boarders and got off the first volley. It took two after that.

    This earned me 4585. It was my third highest score. My two higher scores were with modded ships, so it's basically my best legit run ever.

    See if you can use one of those saves to beat my score.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I do do most of that stuff. Reason I lost before even getting to sector 5 was either cause I simply ran out of fuel or got stuck in this fight in an asteroid field, and there wasn't anything I could do. Also it is annoying when people say you should do something(boarding) and there is no access to that in early game.

    Been meaning to grab rogue legacy, but I keep missing the sales.
  16. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Who's whining?
  17. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Ok Mr Debbie Downer, load my save, use my advice (which only pertains to this particular ship & this particular save) and beat my score.

    I just did it and I haven't restarted back to the save once.
  18. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Is it important to you that he beat the game, or are you trying to prove him wrong on some level?
  19. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Both. I'm tired of the whining that ftl is unwinable because of so much randomness. I'm dumping an excellent save in everyone's lap and I want to see if they can use it. I suspect that many (not lazybum in particular) won't be able to because they are missing some other competency that is unrelated to the randomness of the game.
  20. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Spartacus why arent u maxed on crew if u are boarding da fuck. + upgrade medbay to 2 lots of events are blue solved like dat

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