*facepalm :pathetic:

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by angry hillbilly, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2008
  2. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    People need to get over it. They remind me of scientologists, who want to kill you if you point out the fundamental flaws in their beliefs. Personally, I would love to go up to every person in the world and shout ALL RELIGIONS ARE WRONG (seriously, what makes them think that the beliefs imposed upon them are any more correct than the many other religions in existance?)
  3. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    So you want to go up to people and be pushy about your beliefs because you don't like people being pushy about their beliefs?
  4. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    So.. I'm just wondering, is it only me who sees the insanity in this?

    It was ONE paper magasine who did this, and I'm pretty sure that the whole danish people doesn't even read it, anyway these people want to burn their flags, remove them from their country, shoot them on sight..

    For a paper magasine. I've seen worse on the internet, heck, we see jokes all the times, learn to live with them.
  5. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    It's crazy, but I suppose if I believed with 100%, I mean with the same belief that I have that the sun will rise tomorrow, that if I stood by and let people insult Mohammad or God or whatever I would go to hell and suffer for all eternity, then I'd be out there protesting too!

    I once knew these young Christians from the bible belt. You could tell they didn't really believe all the crap their church told them, but they were so scared at the tiny possibility that it was true and God might punish them they went along with it just in case. Poor bastards.

    I like to think the big G is a quite smart and has a sense of humor and hence couldn't give a shit about niggly details. :D
  6. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    i think it was newton or davinci or edison that thought the same way hendar, that it was "safer" to believe than not to because you don't know whats in the afterlife, so if you make the wrong choice you could end up in hell.

    as that bald comedian on mock the week put it: "i think when you go up to heaven all the gods are lined up. of course you have to believe into the actual right religion to get into hevan, so you go up to your god and say "so i picked the right one?". your god pulls out an envelope and gives it to you. inside it reads "BLUFF"
  7. MobileKT

    MobileKT Member

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    This Thread is going Places
  8. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    People tried to impose beliefs on me, and I believed them for a while... Then I gave it some thought, and determined that its all BS, and all religions are wrong. People shouldn't just blindly believe the things that get imposed on them.
  9. REX

    REX Member

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    Indeed I found it to be too flawed and filed with wish full thinking even at an early age. Most of them are religions of death where your reward is only given in death and all good and bad things through life are your own fault explained via god. the rapture, Armageddon, Ragnarok and so on are just tool of fear and control.

    They just seem way too human to me to be godlike. At some point most people will get the sudden notion why am I here, what am I and where does everything come from and what is the purpose of it all. Any form of afterlife is just an easy road to accepting death and brainwashing yourself to think that you are going to live forever.

    I usually dont bother discussing this as the believers wont budge at all. They push the what if.... what if of their believes, but they tend to completely deny evolution and do not even consider it or at least take a look at it.

    I do however not hold back when jehovah's witnesses come to my front door. They asked for it and since I started doing that, it is never the same person that comes back. When I was younger and my parents talked to them the same ones would visit for years.

    When they ask have you ever wondered if there is a god ? I give them a blank no. This I follow up with a grin saying I have an education and have studied biology, Astro physics and so on. I then give them questions that go against their faith and ask them to explain why it is not so.

    Most of them can not engage in such discussions and clearly wish for an easier target like old people who knows death is getting closer.
  10. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    a bit of 4chan wisdom

  11. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    ROFL! nice one :D

    Any how to me 99% all religons are about control, think about it look at cristianity, in medieval times WHO was actully bowed down to in the local chirch? answer: the high presit, and who did every body actully bow down to and had the most power and the richist person in the world and still is? Answer: the pope.

    Its the same with muslimisam (cant rembember what its called) their religion has held them back for centuriys, if they didnt have their religion then they might be as advanced and rich as all of us. I think its a shame over a few silly belifs.

    The best way to look at the bible, koran and all those books is at each story thing 1 at a time E.G.: When moses saw the bush on fire and it 'spoke' to him. ANY WITNESSES? NO!!! how conveneant (lol). Do this for every story and shit and ull get my point.

    there are only 2 (that i know of) religons that i dont mind in this world and there callled:

    Buddisham: coolest religion in the world i love budders cus there so calm (watch Bullit proof monk IT ROCKS :D)

    Hinduisam: this religion doesnt give a crap what u do in life as long as its good. belif in re-encarnation.

    My point made :D
  12. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    islam was pretty useful in the begining, it forbid the drinking while the guyz there had an alcohol problem plus it was a good way to unite ppl, but after the usual spliting business started it all went to hell.
    btw for the multiple women marriage and a paradise full with beatifull female virgins islam gets my personal coolness award xD
  13. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    I think that this supports this comment fully and is very funny. (Ive got the full DVD and its the best :D)


    ENJOY!! :rage: :rage: :rage:
  14. TheAllmightyMighty

    TheAllmightyMighty Member

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    hell was invented by mankind so the whole thing is kinda stupid^^
    well thats my opinion i donĀ“t have a problem with other people believing in god but starting wars or lynching people because of that is just plain stupid
  15. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    I might get warned/temp banned/perma banned but you are a fucking retard. Seriously, just STFU. I'm all for public forums and free speech but mindless bullshit really pisses me off.
  16. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    What the hell is ur problem u dick. If u dont have something nice to say then dont say it. Ive got dislexya
  17. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Err, First of all, why did you make this thread if you go by what you said there?

    And second, Get the Firefox plugin dammit!

    Deiform - When he said 'conveneant' I think he was trying a play on words (Convenient and Covenant) I could be wrong though

    Finally, Lol, Firefox's own spellcheck doesn't think Firefox is a word (even with caps).
  18. Chahk

    Chahk Member

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    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Religion is the root of all evil. It used to be a tool of the enlightened to control the illiterate masses. Now it is simply a tool of the rich to control everyone else for their own goals and agendas.

    Do you really think the poor and starving afghans really care that some danish cartoonist drew their prophet? I highly doubt that comes at a higher priority than say, making sure their children have something to eat today. But their religious "leaders" blow shit like that out of proportion specifically in order to incite riots, get media attention, skew international opinion. All of this so that in the meanwhile they can continue to rob their own people blind... Much like the Bush administration is doing right here in the US.
  19. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I think he has clearly explained his thoughts so why is it "mindless bullshit"?
    Just because someone are not good in the "craft" of spelling doesnt mean
    he is a "fucking retard". The joke of your writing is that you are behave
    like those people that thread is all about.

    I dont know if you are in need of making others down to make yourself think
    superior among others but your attitude is fucking retarded.
  20. REX

    REX Member

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    Well anyway yeah that spell checking thing is cool I just got it again and I forgot how good it was.

    Buddhism is fine as they seem happy and so on. I went to thailand and they dont seem to care at all that people was of another religion. Only thing I got was some comments that I had a good soul because of the way I moved around slowly and looked at things, but that was just delivered as a compliment. The truth was that I am used to 17 degrees and it was close to 35 and maximum humidity, so I had trouble breathing normally.

    About Hinduism they also mostly seem friendly and dont seem hyped to convert others and so on. But there are a few issues with the womens rights. Their tradition called Sati was outlawed long ago, but it does happen still. When a man dies the wife is supposed to burn herself on the funeral fire. There are still also quite a few cases where the man burns his wife with petroleum and declares it an accident, to marry again and get more money from the new wifes family. Then theres the caste system.

    Also some parts of the beliefs are a bit destructive. If I remember correctly the god sheeva is said to have destroyed the universe as many times as there are drops in the holy river of Ganges. But I guess that doesn't matter much as long as it doesn't say stuff about killing unbelievers, spreading the religion and so on.

    Shinto is another religion that seems fairly neutral to me.

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