Well I guess I might take over Diligence lead instead of Lazybum, when he goes commanding, but feel free to give it to somebody else as I usually prefer to be a Follower rather than a Leader.
Updated the roster list with win's and loses. Wondering if I should reorganize squads by wins or just keep sign up order.
WTFace doesn't have a permanent squad too, he kicked our butts last week. You should ask him if he wants to play. Maybe if your draft is scary enough our squad will finally be picked WITH cake squad.
Here's my squad currently, might change a little: capguy Drag0wn HaschteWas Insignus cabguy These events had better happen
That's 6 squads plus floaters. If we will have everyone together for game 3, I think that would be pretty fucking decent.
I dont know why ounin and his buttbuddies do it but ive lost count of how many c~guys ive seen as well.
I only saw capguy and cabguy to be honest. And there's finally a sliver of a chance we won't be the automatic 2nd pick
We also have WTFace, so cabguy/WTFace are alternates or could be a floater. I wouldn't be surprised if someone can't make it. As for a name, I haven't thought of one yet. Also, capguy is the in-game squad lead. I just organize us outside of the match.
Capguy Cabguy Catguy. Also Lazybum, if only one or two players of the squad will make it to the game, do you still count their W/L?
No, it doesn't make sense to count a win or lose for a squad that's not all there, it's unfair to the other squaddies. This is why spike's squad only has 2 wins and nothing else, because he was the only one on his squad that was there on game 2. Alright dragown, I'll just add a little note to your names. It helps me a bit at least.