Empires Revival

Discussion in 'General' started by Metalsand, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    This thread.

    No, Empires was not better in the previous versions.
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    herretic 2.12 best version :D
  3. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    impulse 101, dual rail heavies, crashes and infinite res. :|ove:
  4. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Hows removing jeep armor a nerf? Stops newbs making 150 res jeeps and jeeps still take 2 shots to kill anyway
  5. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    That's such an infantry POV
  6. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    Older versions to me meant people rubber-banding into each other, bodies falling through the map, people reviving and being stuck in each other, the commander crashing, tanks getting stuck in the ground. People fought the game more so than the other team, and people rage quit because they got sick of hard collisions.

    Nah, we have come a long way. The issues we have are really bad are figuring how to balance the game, and how to solve crashing.
    This is the best state we have been in awhile minus the current crashing.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  7. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    The only person I've heard reports of crashing frequently is Connexion, and that was connection (heh) issues.

    Have you tried using something like Speccy to monitor your temperatures? I had to replace the heatsink on my cpu recently because the super godawful plastic clasps on it had worn down and raised it so it was slightly above my cpu and not directly connected.

    Trickster's post was good, I think.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
  8. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    During the pug(not the scrim) I noticed a lot of people crashing. Personally I haven't experienced it in awhile but the past few games ive been in the commander has been crashing or somebody having that source issue me and neony had.
  9. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I've had a few crashes recently, though after the last one I had my steam/dumps open and the game got scared I might actually report it, so it quit playing up. Nothing in my computer is overheating, so I'm pretty certain it's not that.

    I'm holding the dumps as hostage, so Empires knows what'll happen if it tries to crash again.

    I want to say...you know you're wrong, right? I mean we literally had a balance where tanks were much much more powerful for infantry, and it was during this time that I saw 4 hour games and longer. So...you know, by dint of actually trying, testing, and living through this, I can actually say you're wrong with no hint of doubt.

    If you said tanks couldn't be repaired, though, that might make your statement true.

    You know, I don't even know how that happened. Headshotmaster was from BSID, and literally the antithesis of what CW stood for. So I really couldn't understand first who asked him to play for CW, and second, how people actually agreed to it. I had the biggest WTF face on for so long after that.

    I literally have no clue how that happened. At all.
  10. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    Post .mdmp files with descriptions of what you were doing just before the crash in the bugs forum, "I have crash" doesn't really help in determining the issue.

    This goes to everyone.
  11. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I like how most people by "x was best" mean mostly the balance and overall game handling ,but everyone else just points out shit like bugs. Come the fuck on.
  12. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    steamworks automatically sends dumps.
  13. 101010

    101010 Member

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    The main issue is people make decisions based on what a few people say.
    This has been an issue for years. Developers don't seem to realize not every one is active on the forums or on their friends list..

    should have never been removed. People liked it and it was fun.
    Some even stopped playing and haven't been back since it was removed.

    Jeep customizing
    Should have never been removed.
    See above.

    Scout damage over time removed
    logic - make a useless class more useless ???

    Scout to assault back to scout
    WTF ???
    Pick a direction and stick to it.

    Funny but a developer who I will not name..Used this logic.
    He said we couldn't roll back scripts due to the bugs in past versions..

    It was at that point I realized how screwed Empires is and that with all due respect.. The wrong people are developers. Not saying all the Devs are bad. Much love to Empty, Beerdude, and others.

    My suggestion as little as it matters
    @ Trickster
    Pick someone to replace you as project lead.
    Allow the to pick a new Developer team and direction for Empires.
    I nominate ImSpartacus or JGF.
    Both with the right team could do some amazing things.

    It's sad but the amount of people who can contribute is a an all time high and just not being utilized.
  14. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    You claim decisions were made because of lobbying of several people but then immiediately give an example of shit that was kept because of several trolls defended it like it was thier daughters virginity.
  15. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    umm no, jeep armor was dumb and everyone was glad to see it removed. you sure youre not thinking of jeep engines? removing that was dumb as everyone uses jeeps now to rush at start (im sure you love it though)

    scout dot ruined smaller games. small games are actually fun now

    also you think trickster is project lead lololol can you even read member titles.
    actually those 2 suggestions for project lead prove you are a lost cause
  16. Candles


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    Turbo outright broke maps. Removal of jeep customization was a buff, not a nerf. Scout DoT only encouraged lone-wolfing and made small pop games hell; Sabotage is still a powerful as hell skill if used correctly, it literally lets you cut the health of an enemy's base in half without being noticed.
  17. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    it actually is
  18. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I don't actually know if this post is trolling or not. Like I honestly don't know. But whatever, I'm retarded, so I'll answer it anyway.

    1) Developing a game is not a democracy. Krenzo decided to make the game, he made design decisions, and then passed it on to other people, who passed it on to other people and so on and so forth. That is how it works. There's no elections, nor are there even people queueing up to have a crack.

    2) Turbo was never removed because it was never added. It was a few script lines available to be commented out by server owners to enable turbo. The lines got removed entirely but that was purely so no-one thought there were some sort of "set" values we had somehow balanced around. If a server owner wanted to re-add turbo now, they could do it in the space of 30 seconds. If players stopped playing Empires because turbo was removed, then chances are they weren't actually playing Empires in the first place, they were just dicking about on servers griefing their own team.

    3) Jeep customisation being removed isn't exactly a big deal. I mean seriously, it's the engine. I can't say I'd have done it myself, but I can't say I give a shit either way, because it's such a minor thing. The idea that, like you said, "people left because of that", then chances are they weren't really playing Empires anyway.

    4) Wow, so you honestly think that nothing new should ever be tried? Do I agree with Scout to Assault? No. Do I agree it was worth trying? Absolutely. There's no logical reason to "stick to a direction" on a game nearly a decade old, and over a decade if you count the BF1942 version. Right now, experimentation is the best thing possible.

    Funnily enough, you can't actually just roll back scripts a lot of the time. Many changes are made in how various things are handled and it's not backwards compatible, especially through engine changes like Source 2006 -> Orangebox/Source 2007. I'm not saying it's impossible, with tweaking here and there, time consuming bug testing and whatnot, in some cases older versions could be replicated. But why? Like what on earth do you hope to achieve? You're making the exact same mistake Metalsand did, confusing core mechanics for surface-level balance stuff. Like, it blows my mind how shallow people like you think the game is, you have absolutely no comprehension of how much depth the game has.

    So ok, forget the fact that Spartacus already tried doing the gameplay direction and didn't have as much success as he'd hoped for. Forget the fact JustGoFly can barely play the game, let alone have any semblance of understand as to how it works. Forget the fact that I haven't even been project lead for 9 months since I stepped down because I couldn't commit the time or motivation required any more.

    Where on earth do you actually think these other "developers" to replace the old ones are? Like, where are they even coming from? Do you think we just have lines of potential staff waiting to join the team but constantly getting turned away? Are you honestly that fucking high on chromosomes? Literally anyone who can make any substantial contribution is taken on whenever they ask. We virtually never turn people away as long as their art is up to a decent standard/their coding prowess is good enough, they show the right attitude required for working within a team, and above all, we think they'll actually contribute for more than 3 days before giving up and going back to whatever they were doing before.

    Like, fuck man, how can people be this fucking blind?
  19. 101010

    101010 Member

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    JGF - isn't great in game but he is like Steven hawking with code.
    So someone that would understand how much work adding new features would require.

    Spartacus - Tried and kind of failed but learned a lot from the failures.

    But basically what I was saying is we need someone active as a "Lead developer"
    Someone who can kind of step in and keep things on track or step in and say no what your doing is horrible and is being removed.

    Yes turbo was never official but it was one thing that kept some people here.
    The biggest issues was being able to push other vehicles and map exploits.
    Since then vehicle weights have been modified and as for the map exploits
    there are ways of stalling the engine when it hits a set elevation. Or just move the center of gravity so that going up an incline too steep would flip the jeep.

    Jeep customization
    Easy fix would have been allow people to pick between different engines / armor even if they all had the same values. The illusion of choice is an
    amazing thing.

    New Developers -
    You would be amazed at how many people here could contribute.
    The issue is like you said they must be able to work within a team.
    But the part that we are missing is the team.
    As far as I know for over a year the "team" was Candles.
    With others working on projects. Like the new GUI.
    But or the most part. The day to day work was thrown on 1 person.

    Even now there isn't much of a team. That's why you kind of need someone active in charge so that they could recruit some like minded people that could work as a "Team".

    This is volunteer / non paying. You have to kind of like the people your working with. So maybe that's why Empires has issues requiting talent.
    Maybe the ones developing are just too hard to get along with.
  20. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Trolling belongs to bears asshole not general discussion

    This is the worst flattery ive heard. I dont think jgf is a cripple, let alone a cult leader.

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