here's a story line: bad ppl came, bad ppl die. we eat CAEK! a shame there's no cake in emp... We should import the cake from portal!
When is the next one? I got mixed up with all kinds of junk and then had an appendectomy on the 17 so I've been away for a while.
Every Saturday at these times: EST - 3pm PST - 12pm GMT - 7:00pm UK - 8:00pm Germany - 9:00 pm Sorry about the last match being a bit meh, I blame Glycen. Next time will be better!
Glycen was actually good, I think. Someone took out our vf, so it was fun for a few minutes. Then the LTs came in :\
So yeah, people started dropping off after district for some reason, then the second match on mvalley was griefed, and the server started freaking out (nothing to do with the map, before anyone goes LAWLS U KANT OPTIMIESE MAPZ LOOLOLOOOLLOOOL) when we played emp_silo. We can hope we will have better luck next week. Although... I suppose we could try for a rematch today sometime.
lets just make a deal that we wont start a pug with a district again also, massive griefing by noobs now one question: if this is supposed to be a vet pug, why is nobody paying attention to who is joining?
Because if you manage to join, you are expected that you can play worth a damn. Also I don't know everyone in Empires so I can't stop noobs. However I will kick noobs.
thats what i mean, if someone is acting like a noob, and noone knows him, he should be kicked also make a more complex pass..
Ok, how about us euros have a euro pug, and you americans have a US pug. Then you guys can enjoy playing 5vs5 and we'll enjoy playing 11vs11 or something. That fact of the matter is, there are more Euros.
How about you stop being a fag. Simon knew that you would end up screwing this PUG over and that is why you didn't get group admin at the start.
1) Why would I need group admin on a pug group when half the people playing aren't even in it? More importantly, why would I even care? 2) Simon came to me asking if g4tc would host it because JPL server crashes every map change. I can't help it if the server happens to get hacked whilst we have a pug, the pug isn't organised like "oh, we'll have a pug when hackers aren't feeling like breaking our server". We've taken preventative measures to prevent it happening again. If you fix JPL server, I'm more than happy with it going there, but aside from this week where our server had major problems, a stable server with low pings for 80% of the people is better than an unstable one with low pings for 20%, even if you guys do seem to have some sort of obsession with being in control of everything. Its this simple, fix your server or stop whining. Besides all of this, I was the only person inviting people and getting the word round, so considering your current efforts, you're glad to go on as is, and enjoy your 10 people pug due to your laziness. Aside from me, Mageknight was the only person even doing anything. As for the people not crying like Cyber-Kun, next week I can pretty much guarantee we won't have another repeat of this weeks disaster. The server has had the necessary anti-hacking stuff installed, the box itself has had extra stuff added to prevent it and I've added some more admins so that they can help run it if I have to go AFK last minute again.
You quoted something I said after last weeks pug. I was fucking around but now that you take it out of context and make it seem like I was being serious. And also cyber-kun and like like 5 other people spammed me messages about joining the pug. Not just you and mage. Edit: And another thing you guys were trying to use this pug to test your map. I don't like that. Let us enjoy a map that's already balanced and not a FPS eater. I say you should setup a map testing group if you want to do that.
First things first, emp_silo was mapped by myself, not Trickster. Secondly, it has already recieved quite a lot of extensive playtesting and is in a reasonably balanced state so far as you can get with the current LT/AFV imbalances of 2.23. The FPS drain you experienced was NOT due to issues with the map itself, it was the fault of the SERVER being hacked. The map plays perfectly acceptably otherwise, and I have already implemented various other optimisations in RC4 to ensure that those people who whine that having 70 FPS as opposed to 80 is interfering with their aiming are appeased. Oh and in regards to the PUG itself... yeah, lets all play the official maps that have been played over and over again, and have been played in previous pug games, and fuck any kind of variety. Thats fun, right? No. I wasn't aware the PUG is official maps only. Nobody else seemed to take issue with playing a custom map, and the only opposition to it came from yourself when you kept spamming "fuck silo, lets replay mvalley" or something to that effect in allchat. I am aware that mvalley had been griefed and sure, we could have moved onto another official map. However, it was decided that since most of the official maps had already been played in previous games, it was thought best to mix things up a bit instead of going over the same old stale ground.
Silo is very similar to Nomis. I would put money on the fact you wouldn't have any issues if it was Nomis, purely down to the fact it was mapped by Simon. It has been playtested tonnes, we don't need vets for it, but its a popular new map, balanced, good FPS and above all, fun. But sure, as Omneh said, why not play the same official maps again. And Again. And Again. Also my bad, didn't check the date, I just saw a page of bitching. Although, you DID say something like that on the server, and that sounded less "jokey".