Empires Pug #2 Sunday 26th 20 : 30 BST - 13 : 30 PST - 16 : 30 EST Time (click for local time):https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=empires+pug&iso=20170326T2030&p1=1318 Server: Jekotian pug server [US] Group: (join the pug group for more information about upcoming pugs) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/emp_tnep Maps Emp_trenchassault (warmup map) Emp_delta Emp_frozensummit Emp_silo Teamspeak:http://pmuris.com (empires teamspeak) Possible Commander's Please post a comment if you want to be a candidate for commander. (only accepting experienced commanders that have previously commanding in large scale games and pugs.)
While I have plenty of experience of commanding large games for some obscure reason I am still one of the worst comms for large scale games. So I wonder if being actually decent is also a requirement? Not like I could actually play(WORK ALL DAY LONG ON SUNDAYS FFFFFFFFFF) but I would like to know for future reference.
I hope delta has adjusted tickets, the last time we played it it lasted two hours and ended with an admin changing to the next map.
Yes i made a cfg file that sets the tickets of delta to 300 i think that will be enough tickets or we would of had 1200 tickets....
can we play chain instead of delta if we get a decently high population? delta is kinda meh. i dont think its a good map.
Chain is a great map however people always bitch about it because they no idea how to play it properly. I will do chain at some point but there would have to be at least 40 people.
I want to like chain, but most of the time I think I end up commanding and it's just a really hard map to command on. Commanding that map without any competent squad leads is awful because absolutely nothing gets done and people don't use all the paths to get around everyone else, so it deadlocks when it really shouldn't. It's funny how on paper it looks like a bunch of chokepoints but it's almost as open as cyclo. Even worse it really shows the lack of map awareness people have. I swear on no other map have I seen people get attacked from behind as often as on chain, or at least lose things they built 20 seconds ago. More fun to play as infantry, but still a bit frustrating how fast and often you have to rebuild refs on that map.
I seriously need good leaders/commanders for the pug on Sunday i don't really want to have to command again.
Silly you, thinking you won't have to command every pug. This comes from a guy who has to command on 80% of the pugs he makes because willing commanders are harder to find then people who know how to play scout.