First, I keep getting some weird error, "Could not load library" after I compile and run, it happens right after the Empires game window opens and then pops up in center with OK as the only option, and closes the Empires window immediately 2nd, the screenshots I can give are only of hammer until I get that problem fixed: This will be an infantry map, won't look particularly pretty, but I just want to create a nice fun vehicle-free alternative to district. View from top Above NF spawn, this is not where NF will start at the beginning, but only if their 2nd to last flag is captured. NF 2nd flag Looking at Middle from NF Side Same focus but 180 degree flip around the middle, this is the view from BE side. BE connecting the bunker on the left, with the 2nd BE flag on the right side of the screenshot. I'm not looking to make this map look pretty, just want a nice gameplay map. There will be no vehicles, and as you can see each side has their own theme. So on the BE side of the map, things are looking Imperial, and the opposite on the NF side. The entire area above no draw will be player clipped and the roof in middle will be inaccessible. Eng turrets will be restricted to LVL 1 (but the turrets you see in the image are actually LVL 3s, once they are destroyed they do not respawn) All the vehicles are prop_static Just looking for general suggestions etc. I'm trying to eliminate any heavy chokepoint locations. Also, emp_snake coz it looks like a snake HUE
OH yeah, this is obviously a WIP, I intend to detail the map a lot more and atmosphere and all that shizzle
is your intention to make people take the zig zag route? because if you can walk along the sides a lot of players will take that route, its more secure since you can only be attacked from one side (and you have high ground), so it might become a who rushed to their base exit first not a who managed to fight through the parcours ...
You can't walk on the top, I understand what you're saying I didn't take good scerenshots, but players will be forced to do that, since there is no other option. What I'm saying is the "shortcuts" do not exist in this map, it's just an illusion.
oh i think i see it in screenshot 2 now. there is no gap in the wall it cuts the walkway in two. can you mortar/throw nades over the walls?
So far looks very promising, wonder what will become of it. Makes me want to work on mine Also, inb4 Trickster
Yes, you can, it is only useful, however, against infantry on the 2nd and 4th branches of the map (so the 2nd BE and 2nd NF flags). Just in case it's not clear, the first flag (NF 1) will be in the bottom left corner of the map, the 2nd, is between the broken arty and APC, 3rd is dead center (under the roof), and from there it's semi-symetric reflection on the BE side respectively.
Infantry maps HAVE to have choke points, otherwise roflmen will kill everyone on sight. I'm also thinking of making the small doorways you see on the map (which give you like a 3-4 second advantage of running time) only available to scouts on both teams, to decrease the advantage every other class has over them.
Reminds me of dens from air rivals. Anyways meat grinders are not the most fun thing in world. I know what you mean about rifleman and flanking... but you do need at least 2 ways to proceed I think. I mean even district has the sewer line for people who want to push from another direction. Scout thing might be really neat though. Actually looking at it do you think it would be possible to make a kind of second story catwalk that engineers could build and grens destroy? As like a temporary position advantage?
I'm making certain platforms (colored by a specific texture) that can only be stepped on or go through by scouts. I want to make an artificial buff to a scout that will decrease the disadvantage the scout has due to a lack of vehicles to stun and due to a lack of buildings to sabotage. Just some things about the map so far. Grenadier is absolutely required to take down the LVL3s up top. The lvl 3s are impossible to heal (although in some areas I suppose it is possible for an engineer to do it by jumping on his own turret and healing the LVL3, but exposing himself to enemy fire very directly. Riflemen, I want to eliminate HMG whoring places that make district a shitty map. So in any areas that an HMG can camp, I will attempt to curb nade spam. I have an idea of making small wedges in the ground to have enemy grenades get stuck in them and but have the space between them too small for infantry to drop. That way the grenades damage will be nullified to that small area of exposure
Sounds like what you really want is a map that is played the exact same way every single round. Good goal.
If every single round is fun and everyone enjoys it. Yes. That's exactly what I want. My goal is fun, not depth of play.