For armor you should use something which is easy to use, like composite or reactive, something that has uniform damage resistance and doesn't require any special positioning to work.
But the biggest problem is the win conditions...Seriously, what the hell!? I was just bombarded with BE WILL WIN IN 60 SECS or 30 SECS even when they had just 2-3 flags. In fact, after NF had won (without a single NF WILL WIN IN 60 SECS MESSAGE) then it came up again, and BE had just one flag. Just make it ticket bleed. So much easier. And VFs would be even easier aswell.
How much of the armour comparison is coming from testing? Because I know absorbent offers less protection than reflective and so the NF tanks have more armour. If the armour weapon table -=SIP=- posted is to be believed the NF tanks have better armour, for the most part. Naturally I don't fully trust the data in the table and have specifically questioned how the reflective was calculated. I just need to be sure that the imbalance in the armour is really from testing it. Odd that the win messages are doing that. I tested them quite a bit without any similar behaviour. The purpose for them was to prevent one team from holding the entire map and pining the other in their spawn. I thought if that happened the map would become a lot less fun and there should be no point in waiting for the map to end normally. Given the difficulties with them the next version will probably not have them. Oh and spawn APC were always in. I guess the increased vehicle spawn rate made them more apparent. I am really good at messing up the resource file, aren't I? It's been fixed, anyone who downloads from here on should have a fixed file. For everyone else: emp_fogtown_beta3.txt.
What is the point in giving NF a different armor to BE on a map where you can't choose research? Give both sides the same armor, and make it an armor that performs the same under all conditions because people won't know what the armor is and won't know how to use it otherwise.
Probably the same reason for BE and NF having different tanks in Empires. To give some variety and have the two side play a little differently. By giving NF weaker armour I can give them more plates, making their tanks seam heavier without actually there being a real advantage. It seams I don't quite have the second part of that yet. I might be able to go with Composite and Absorbent. With some quick calculations it looks like I can balance those so the time it takes to get through the armour only varies by 5% between BE and NF. I'll try some more rigorous tests as well to confirm those calculations this time as well.
But if there is no advantage how is it variety? If they are functionally identical it isn't variety, it's just confusing because for some reason one tank has crap armor and one has good.
why exactly are you bothering with calculations at all? with abs being good only against cannons, it gets owned in second by grens variety is good, but abs is never good dont enforce diffrent gamestyle for sides if it means (what chris said) unbalance
You don't have to obey weight limits with the vehicle spawner. In fact, I think you can put Nukes on LTs with 10 plates of armour on both sides. And forget that stupid table, shit doesn't play out like that. Ever. Take it from a few people here who work with these scripts day in-day out, ignore the table, absorbant sucks.
Fog Town Beta 4 is now available. It will hopefully address concerns about the vehicles. I also fixed a error with the AFV loadout that kept the weapons from showing up on the HUD.
i played beta 4 my team got rape by vehs winning team gets heaves and like 10 avfs and losing team gets one med
thoughs on beta4: heavies are really out of the place capping system is a TOTAL FUCKING mess, there are no clear rules of which points need to be capped before others and because its an open map, why the hell is there a cap path anyways? people camp the flags with hr and car on the roofs way too much, that needs to be solved
I agree with the observations about the heavies. I suspected they wouldn't fit in well to begin with but wanted to give them a try. The camping is a behaviour I wanted to have in the map. So the roofs will be staying unless other measures to address heavy camping fail. My preferred solution to keep it in check is to add more covered paths at street level so players can still move around. Ideally I want players to be able to mostly move around in cover but have to cross open area around the points. I'm still working on adding cover where I think it's needed to achieve this. But of course any suggestions are welcome, or better yet data on where people are bing killed by riflemen on the roof. I don't know why you're having problems with the capture point order, because there shouldn't be one. If you're actually seeing points that cannot be captured because they are locked it is a bug. In which case you are probably correct that it is a mess. If its a fucking mess though I really don't want to know what you guys were doing in my map.:eek:
one thing you could do is add a wide open area that is a direct route, and then have a path that takes a long way around, but has tons of cover. Even better if the paths that provide cover have some parts where you can peak over the cover to take out snipers on the roof.
i just played emp_fogtown for the 4th time and i'm still confused. ingame theres no notification that every flag is a bleeder ingame theres no notification that vehicles are spawned after capping several flags (or 1) ingame theres no notification that you need resources to spawn vehicles, wherever they come from ingame theres no notification that you need to cap all flags (and wait for 1 minute ?) The main strategie is going to north east, cap and wait 10 seconds to jump in a (comp ?) heavy and own ?
First of all thank you siro, knowing what where things are confusing to players is not one of my strengths. For informing the players the flags are bleeders, dose anyone know what would be a good way to indicate this? The current version should mention it in the objective info but other than that I don't know where else I could put it. I've not seen anything commonly used in other capture point maps to indicate points that bleed reinforcements. For the vehicle spawn locations I have considered putting vehicle and player spawn icons on the mini map to help show what each flag offers. This has however been a lower priority as I thought it was pretty clear that the vehicle building spawned vehicles since it shares the spawn lights with the starting bases. And I've tried to make sure the lights at the starting bases start flashing just as the players leave to help train players to associate the lights with vehicle spawns. Of course you can't see the lights at the vehicle building until you visit the point, so I should probably get on updating the mini-map for the next version. The resources are not something I'm happy with but it is the only way I can see to limit the rate at which vehicles can spawn without increasing the wait for replacement vehicles. If I could find a way to detect how many resources each team has I could provide some feedback. Until then I'll probably have to stay with the unclear and confusing over endlessly spawning tanks or annoyingly long waits. The 1 minute victory timer upon capturing all flags should have been removed in the latest version. It was buggy and although I thought it quite a natural victory condition it was not something players expected in Empires so I didn't think it to be worth fixing. If messages are still popping up in beta4 because I left some of the triggers on I can assure you they'll be gone for sure in the next version (all related game_text entities have been deleted). Heavy tanks are also going to be removed. Reason being they just don't have any downsides - besides the cost in time and resources, which can't be employed in this map - to balance them. And the infrantry only SW part of the map is getting a bit of an extension, which will also offer covered path to get by campers on the roofs.
Hi, what's this objective info ? I guess its the blue text drawn onto the screen. I would like to see sth like : Flags are bleeder/ ticket bleeding is stacked with more capped flags NE is vehicle spawner vehicles spawn automaticly using resources get resources by ..... Wait until the enemy team has no tickets to win I played this map a few times, but i haven't seen "spawn lights" . Usually you start sprinting as soon as the round starts, maybe that's why i missed this. Does capped flags provide you with resources (+1 /per sec, per flag) ? Thus far, you done a great job ! regards
The objective info is on the team selection screen that you see first thing when a map loads and click through as quickly as possible before the team you want fills up. I can say from experience that I almost never read it. Clearly not an idea place but it'll have to do for now. Regardless of where the info is put I like how you summed it up so concisely siro, and I want to make use of similar bullet points. The first image bellow is the info as it appears now. There's a lot of useless info for both teams hiding the small bit of useful info at the bottom. The second is what I'm probably going to do for the next version (minus the spelling errors). Maybe the format will catch some eyes and get a player or two to read it. In answer to your question about where the resources come from, the rate is fixed and not depended upon any actions taken in the map.
I think the main reason noone reads them is because they are the same on every maps. Full of useless fluff. I do know that the first time I played, I read both sides ones, and that if they were different for each map, I'd read them as well
shame on me, i havent red them for YEARS. If we would get back the custom loadingscreen we had in 2.1 (depending on the map), everybody would read the objective info. keep pushing