Make it normal geometry. Func_detail should only be used on small/thin geometry that's not going to block anyone's view. If someone can hide behind it without trying, it should block vis.
The last version I got from you looks like this with func_details off. If you updated it since I downloaded it, I can't tell as I don't see a timestamp on your posts as to when you edited them.
I'm really curious as to the effect it'll have on playability. I really want "before and after" screens showing the fps at certain locations
When i finished BE base i opened the in-hammer fps reader, there was a difference of up to 10 FPS around some areas, in hammer alone. EDIT: New version of the map, download:
Just a small thing that I think needs to be fixed in terms of gameplay is that BE can get to the NF's second flag spawn room, or just stand outside of it and hit anyone trying to get health and ammo, which BE can't do for the other flags. Maybe just a ramp or something that will provide a bit of cover for NF as there ammoing up.
Merged Solokiller's changes again, also did some more func_detail work as well as sealing up certain parts of the level. Newest version as of 23/10/07 20:43 GMT.
I worked heavily on the last flag area to seal that part of the level. As far as I can tell, the only areas not sealed now are the 3rd and 4th flag areas. If anyone knows of specific locations where players can use exploits to reach higher areas, provide screenshots so we can make sure it won't happen in those locations anymore.
I really hope we'll see the new and improved Escort in the next RC. Can we then turn the official server into 24/7 Escort for a few days to test the shit out of the map?
I support this idea. :D Well maybe only one or two days because when you can't play any other map than one for 24/7, it gets boring very quick and you don't want to play it ever again.
I have it in a state that should be compilable... but theres a LEAK error and no pointfile :confused:. After some quick googling, I found that textures with alpha channels cause the brushes they are on to not seal the level. A quick test using a 6 brush map confirmed this, so I fixed those issues that I could find in escort, but the LEAK message is still there. I'm taking a break for now, but If anyone wants to try to find that LEAK before I get back to it, feel free to do so.
For no apparent reason, vBSP started making point files. :confused: There were like 3 real leaks, various important entities (emp_info_params) below the level, a light entity outside the level, and 2 prop_static ladders went through the floor and outside the level. It can now be compiled, leak free :D I think I'm gonna start my own full compile now.
Did you address that little sploit too? And if you don't know about that one, think engi and use your imagination.
Seeing as vVIS decided to crash right before it was done, I've gone ahead and fixed that, as well as made a few other modifications to try and make it not crash again. I'm gonna start my compile again now. EDIT: Almost forgot, new version I'm compiling EDIT2: Whoops, in my rush to get this thing compiled, I missed some of doobie's bad mapping in the areas I changed and there were leaks. Fixed now.
JCW87, i would advise you to not work on areas close to the last flags, as i may need to alter the area entirely, like the circular areas at the third flag. EDIT: newest version, as of 26/10/07. I know it doesn't have the changes you did Jcw87, but that's because i was already working on the map again before you posted your new version, and i needed to finish the area entirely.