Easy "makes sense" suggestions.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Private Sandbag, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    but the NF rax is a easy target. balances out in a weird sort of way.
  2. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    remove the "one target down, 5 remain" messages from the comm view.

    they don't help. they do add spam.

    also: bump.
  3. Deadpool


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    get rid of auto reload for anything with melee
  4. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    as others have said time and time again

    Melee interrupt reloading > auto reload
  5. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    it's because of the third hand, BE engies haz 3 hands.
    Two hands to bring life and build and one to bring death, its a BE religion thing.:p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2009
  6. Deadpool


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    when I kill someone by damage over time w bio mg, it shows it as a tank/apc kill, not as a 'biohazard' kill, I'm pretty sure of this, could be wrong tho
  7. o_O

    o_O Member

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    Make the "I need ammoz/medic/repairs" local sounds, so only people that are nearby enough to do something about it hear it.

    Give each of the armors and engines in the vehicle menu a different icon. I know of at least one thread with these already made and we could probly necro up several more. Just make the icons different colors if nothing else, its too easy to accidentally leave plain armor/engine on your tank.

    emp_unstuck should be bindable in the controls menu, and be bound to something by default. Its important.

    NF armory needs another hole to prevent traffic jams.

    Needs to be a way to teleport between functional barracks, because killspawning is EXTREMELY important, but new players tend not to.

    make revive less 'sticky' or if its easier just increase the range on it so you can rev someone without standing on top of them and getting stuck.

    Add a simple visual warning to the comm view when the vehicle takes damage. (MS Painting required)

    Add a give squad leadership button

    Add invisible clip brushes around places where people get killed by physics bugs

    Make the "Ive spotted an enemy thing" sounds only play once per 30 seconds or so, no matter how many things you spot

    Get rid of the "target destroyed, X more to go" spam that clutters up the comm view.

    Make the repair pads less easy to roll off of while you are trying to upgrade your tank, OR make it so the handbrake stays pressed as long as the vehicle menu is open.

    Make the horn useable x times per y minutes, as opposed to 4 per tank.

    Make APC spawn be added at a repair pad, or something.

    Add a progress bar for defusing mines

    Make everything (except jeeps and comms?) able to turn in place just because its easier to get out of certain situations that way.

    Add something in the rocket description that says "does not damage buildings"

    Add a little message to the vehicle creation menu that tells you why you cant make a tank. Example - If I try to make a tank with nothing on it somewhere there should be red text that says Warning - missing engine... Warning - missing armor... New players are ALWAYS complaining they cant make a tank and the response is ALWAYS something like "did you put an armor and engine on it?" "oh... thanks"

    Add some kind of visual indication of what sorts of things you can put 2 of on a vehicle (grenade launchers, small arty cannons), and what sorts of things you cant. Example - putting a standard cannon on a medium tank would put a red X through the second cannon slot, indicating that another one cant be added no matter what.

    Make it so you spawn with 1 ref already made on cyclopean.

    Make some kind of standardized color scheme on the minimap to indicate what refs produce double res or whatever. Like yellow circles = 1x res, green circles = 2x res, etc.

    Make some kind of standardized minimap icons that indicate whether a flag gives res, gives a spawn point, or both/other.

    Make it so stuff can scale with player size, in particular flag res, number of people needed to cap a flag, tickets you start with or how many tickets it costs to spawn and the commander's health (if thats doable)

    Get rid of the little holes on escort and other maps where you can fall into and be stuck.

    Make 8 mine + mortar not work , because its exactly like 9 mining except farther right on the [smart tactic] --------- [exploit] spectrum.

    Add like a 2 second delay before you take damage from being upsidedown, so that barrel rolling doesn't hurt you, or wont finish off an 8 mined + mortared comm.

    make meelee attacks interrupt reload. Or something.

    Update the field manual extract. In particular, remove the 9 mining one and add one about rockets not hurting buildings.

    Allow commanders to recycle people's turrets and cameras and stuff. Sure its griefable, but the comm can just drive into the water if they are a griefer.

    Make it so when you try to recycle something with a sliver of health left, it just dies without giving back any res, instead of it being unrecycleable.

    Make it so dropping a building 1) pushes friendly players out of the way if possible. 2) overwrites an enemy ammo box (shouldn't be sploitable because it wouldn't work if there was an enemy nearby using that ammo box).

    Make it so the research tree shows what research leads to other research. Ideally by making it a tree instead of a bunch of hexagons.

    Make it so if you are in the second seat of a tank, when the driver turns the turret your view does NOT turn with it. The point would be to make the second seat not impossible to use, because good tank drivers are always looking around which messes up your aim.

    Make it so jeeps cant get under tanks so easily, or else take damage if an enemy tank is on top of them. This solves the problem of jeeps getting under tanks (removing their traction) and driving them off cliffs, while still allowing them to just go and push tanks off cliffs the normal way.

    Make it so that you can only have as many dead turret 'corpses' as you can have turrets. So if I am a level 1 engi I can make a turret then recycle it and it leaves a corpse, but when I make a second turret and recycle it the first corpse dissapears.

    Remove that feature where you can have tons of little minature wall pieces.

    Add a way to 'decline' a revive if possible

    Make it so you can reload as a passanger in a tank/apc

    One more - A little icon in the corner of the equipment pictures that tells you there are other SMG's or grenades you can pick

    Last and most importantly --- POPUP HELP BOXES TO EXPLAIN STUFF TO NEW PEOPLE. This may not be a quick easy thing, but it would do more to help train new players then anything else.

    Edit: yea some of these are not easy suggestions, but I think they are all things that we could generally agree would fix problems and streamline gameplay.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  8. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    a big fail on the "easy" front for some of those, such as the new model, rigging and implementation of a second entrance to the NF armoury.

    but that doesn't stop the fact that you're bloody right. even things like the NF armoury should be changed.

    the reason i'm looking for easy suggestions is that this thread is my ongoing experiment to see if empires is being developed, and to see if the developers actually value user input or not. until suggestions such as "Grenadier should have more ammo as default on spawn" get implemented, i'm forced to conclude "not".

    also, i've realised that the "X has killed their target, 4 remain" spam isn't a problem in itself, but a symptom of the larger problem of mass targets. but that's a different discussion as isn't probably not easy to remove, and certainly not obvious that it should be removed.

    new suggestion: APC's (with the spawn point upgrade) shouldn't die if not used for a long period of time, like other vehicles do.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  9. Jimather

    Jimather Member

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    if there is only one spawn point, select it by default.
  10. Meliarion

    Meliarion Member

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    change the APC grenade slot from a 1x3 to a 1x2 and a 1x1
  11. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    All these are very good suggestions. I hope, that some developers read this.

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