Donating Wages to your Team

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by TheCreeper, Feb 28, 2016.


Should this be implemented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I wouldn't mind that if they were better versions then can be got via com since they are paying for them or just a lot cheaper (depends on the rez flow I guess). Example,Cameras are pretty weak and can be spotted on enemy map. If they were not spotted on the map it might be worth a small amount of rez.
  2. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    maybe for personal weapon upgrades, like for rpg/mortar?
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you already buy personal upgrades for points

    also @topic, if you can donate wages you should only be able to donate to the general team-pool. giving them to individual players will only promote stacking and harrassment of players that dont see why they should give all the money to this one super important top-tier player (at least by self-definition)
  4. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    How about donating to team and it would spread the wages between all players in team?
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you meant to their individual wages-pools? for a full server with 32players/team thats merely about 32 res/player per 1000 res donated (thats the donation for 50pts if its still 20res per point). with 11 on your team each person would only get 100res/1000res donated, thats about nothing, 4 jeeps.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  6. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    I wish we had some upgrades for the gear, not just skills. It would make things much more interesting since you'd be able to willingly spend resources to better your infantry vs bettering your tanks.
    The problem is Empires is only tanks tanks tanks, no loves for the infantry or the economy part of the RTS.
    If Empires had a way to invest into Economy or Infantry it'd be way more of a strategy game.
  7. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Yes thats what I meant. If I ever wanted to donate wages, it would most probably be because I dont use them and I dont want to keep them to waste.
    If we dont want donations to make it so that it will be used to give individual players advantage and we dont want to give it to the res pool for everything, then why not?

    Doesnt matter that each will only get 30 or so, if each one buys a tank it will save all that from the actual res pool and in the long run, you are actually saving quite a lot of money that are in the team res pool.

    Also, its more of a team game after all.

    I see donations as just a way to use your wages somewhere, rather then keeping them.
    It shouldnt be better than buying a tank for yourself or for someone else, its just about the option to put it somewhere.

    But thats just an idea that revolves around the opinions that people had here so far.
    I get that many of the wages would this way just go to waste, because many would just keep them.

    Its just better than no donations and most probably better than all the hassle that would come with donating to individual players.
    And Iam not sure I would like any kind of separate pool for vehicles thing.

    Simply, it shouldnt make any big difference. Just another way to use them, even if the use is tiny.

    I would happily donate them to the team and continue with the mortar in my hands :P
    Rather than sometimes seeing the scoreboard at the end with 1000+ wages on me.
  8. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    True but, they are more like permanent perks then buying things; they can not be lost. Where as the things you spend your rez on, are only there as long as you stay alive. This will promote spending the rez wisely as well as trying to NOT die since you might loose your uber gun, as well as more requests for revive.

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