Commander voting

Discussion in 'Archive' started by vimacs, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Except half the total players are in clans

    I can't understand not having a mic when you play online games, they're as cheap as a dollar and ultra useful. Yeah there are those 15 year old kids who are super annoying, but they're gonna wall in their own CV anyway, so the total annoyance a mic would add would be minimal.
  2. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    What clan?
  3. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    I believe it was JPL. They probably thought I was a noob, though, because i was using my brothers handle. Still, they were really rude about it.
  4. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Those bastards.
  5. pickjaoe

    pickjaoe Member

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    My solutions to this, after being voted to commander for three games in a row, sit in spectator until voting is done. You still start the game like everyone else, and you can't be voted into commander.
  6. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    I only seem to get voted in on Streetsoffire. :/
  7. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    cpugeek: that reminds me to vote for you next time >D
  8. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    headshot master isn't a bad comm, but he does get pissed when he starts loosing. I'm not talking about loosing the game, i mean loosing the forward base. He's good but he gets very shouty and loud.

    In the end, see the game as just a game. I'm not a bad comm, though some will say that I'm not as good as H/S master. but I believe that in the end, if a just do my best as comm and try to help my team (WITHOUT QUITING. AHEM. ) then I'm making it fun. I'm im kicking and screaming and calling my team names then the whole reason for playing is kinda gone. because there is no fun.
  9. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    LOL cpugeek, once on district I saw you playing engi on District as rohanrider, there were 3 or 4 dead teammates behind you and you decided to start shooting down the road and got sniped. We all had to respawn and take half our tickets and I think I typed "Rohan Rider, If you want to learn how to play, just ask"

    Then you changed your name to cpugeek and I'm like....snap

    Comm Voting is all about crediblity and fame. I get voted in a lot even though I hate it, then we lose and people hate me and call me a noob
  10. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    I find it weird how notifying your team multiple times that you can't comm and still get voted as comm, and then exiting and telling your team that you did that, still ends up having them say "we have no comm. wtf?".
  11. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I'd like to believe I'm a decent commander, albeitly a little slower than most and easily distracted. But I also play full defensive and try to keep 2 Engineers around base whilst getting the rest in the field.

    I also build an abundancy of bases. sometimes up to four others. In far locations so I have somewhere to escape to if my defense fails.

    Unfortunately, I get the caps disease when someone makes a crucial mistake. Hot headed when in the commander seat.

    Actually. I always yell during games.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2007
  12. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    I probably got on the computer right after he died. Hes younger so he doesn't understand teamwork as well.
  13. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    Then you fail to understand the way I think.

    Why do I yell about the forward base being lost? Because then we won't own that territoy anymore. Empires, depending on the map, is about dominating territory.

    But before that, why do I even yell? I like things getting done, but I also think people will work harder when I do it. Maybe it's because they want me to shut up, or maybe it's because they know I will most likley do the right thing.

    I know no one likes being yelled at, and that's why I do it. I want to spur my team into action, and help them out. People can feel pressured, and being pressured makes you do things you might not have done otherwise. You learn some of your best tactics through pressure. I'm pretty sure I've accomplished in creating great team players, and loyal soldiers in game through my "nonsense".

    Already know I take it over the top at times, and I also know that I can sound like a complete dumb-fuck. I'll tell you what though, this dumb-fuck will play a damn good game and this dumb-fuck will lead you to victory. If you don't like me, then join the losing team.

    I also know that i have a few problems I need taking care of. Like getting better at multitasking objectives.

    Also, I treat everyone equal...everyone is worthless until proven otherwise in my eyes.

    Is it just a game? duh...but I like for everyone to learn from their mistakes, and distinguish themselves among other players. In the end, I know it's just a game, and the "anger" you see me show is not my tue nature. However...JUSY DO WHAAT I FUKCING SAY!
  14. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    HS maybe you should borrow a mic from your neighbour and comm a map during the PUG ;)
  15. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    I should have one before then. I'll be in town and buy one when I'm there. I should be able to make the PUG.
  16. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    completely disagree, I don't know if you were around in the days of the original public release of this game, but I was. Once I figured out comm, I also figured out that, at that time, the game was new to everyone, people were trickling in from all source mods, most without mics, some from no teamwork games like CSS where they haven't ever typed a word, and people who are just plain dumb. Newbies would trickle in at any time, people are always just learning the game, and it was always someones first day....

    I was always comming because of it, and boy, did I shout and scream like a bitch. if more than 33% of my team was noob, I'd flip the comm, to let them know it was important to the game, then next map, I'd rush my comm out to some forward area, and of course, even the noobs would follow it. Back in the day, thats what you had to resort to to find some sort of semblance you can call a TEAM.

    It didn't get much better over the past year, although less "newbies", there were still many "noobs", and I was still shouting at people to get out there I'll build my own damn radar on emp_money. Trust me when I say, in this game, yelling and screaming makes all the difference, especially when there is alot of mindless chatter about people exchanging pleasantries going on. It gets things done,

    ahhhhhhh... its great to be back on the forums. Headshotmaster, you were always really fun to play with, and that post right there brings out nostalgia of my comm-kicking-ass days like no other. It brings a tear to my eye :|ove: . You've done well, my friend, you've done well :D.

    only one problem....

    You broke your mic, and STILL haven't replaced it? i mean WTF? Didn't you learn ANYTHING from my comming days? REPLACE IT IMMEDIATELY :mad:

    and on a side note, for the most part its always so very satisfying to run some JPL out teh server (most of you anyways).
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2007
  17. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    He made that post about a month and a half ago...
  18. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    I just got back into things round here about a week ago, I've been browsing old posts. While I ussually don't necropost, this seemed deserving :)
  19. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    jap's eye?
  20. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I dont find HSM's yelling to take away the fun. He used to be worse but hey while I play under his command I'm doing the best I can and thats all I'm gonna do, aslong as he does his part, he may even sing for all I care.

    Anywa I'm quite dissapointed a lot of the average players don't seem to vote me as comm, I don't play much anymore, but if its not jpl on my team or whatever I have to fight for the comm position, and I love being comm :(
    If any commander would be better than me, It'd be headshotmaster, he has some nasty tactics, I usually try to be a sport or try something different, but its best not to try any of that on HSM because he WILL rape your team and every square inch of the map. Most of the time though I can't help but feel sorry for the opposing team when they have HSM under their command xD

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