Clans, what I gotta do to bring it back?

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Lazybum, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    If you want to form new clans, my best advice is just to find 2 people willing to lead a team each. If you can find 3 or even 4, that's great, but to be honest I have no idea who else in the current community could run a clan outside of Lazybum. It was different when I set up because I formed with 3 other people who had something vaguely in common. 3 of us were rejected from Ghost clan, the 4th was accepted but decided not to join. EPIC was essentially formed out of butthurt. Either way, we knew once we got on our feet and got the players, there were clans for us to scrim. Unfortunately for you, that isn't the case, so it really needs 2 clans to form at the same time with both leaders willing to work together in order to create decent opposition.
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Did i wrong you? why are you mean in this instance?
  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    What, take the easy way out? NEVER, hard way is the only way.

    On that note I think I have an idea of what I need to do after reading this thread. In no particular order here's a list.

    • I need to create squad leads. At the moment we really don't have enough and this hurts not just clans and scrims but even the general pub setting is lacking a bit. I do see players who have potential, but they either don't know how to lead a squad or don't know what's actually important in a game and what needs to be done. So on that front I intend to basically do what destroyer does with squad play, but have someone else as squad lead and just guide them in what they should be doing. I might still lead a few occasionally, but I intend to get more competent squad leads in play.
    • I will most likely host pugs at least once a month, most likely at the end of the month. This ties in with making squad leads because it's something like a performance test, and pugs are just simply fun. Players need to experience it every so often so they can say,"gee, that was great, I really want more of that. I wonder how I can get my team to do that awesome 'insert tactic here' in a pub setting?". I don't think I will do it more then once though, too often and it loses its flavor, and I would like to do other things occasionally on Saturday besides play empires. Like a-z-k's arma coop, shit's dope as hell.
    • Super secret 3rd entry

    So as you can see, I'm not immediately starting up the clan scene again. I honestly think it would be bad to do that without the community support it needs which if you can gather from my list I intend to rectify. I feel once I get more squad leads up and running, the general level of pub play will increase which will bring a competitive nature needed for clans, and potentially older vets who've lost interest in empires. Once december or probably january rolls around I'll check out how the competitive scene is looking and if it's good I'll see if I can get people to either start new clans like trickster suggests or just kinda revive any current clans(this really depends on who's playing and what those current clan leads feel.)

    One thing I didn't touch on but would like to talk about is population. People are kinda right and there isn't quite a player base for scrims. Honestly, I'm not to sure what to do about that. I'm hoping through raising the skill level in pub games a bit and hosting pugs occasionally(and not all the time) the player pop will start rising a bit on its own.

    Sorry if I'm not doing anything super amazing at the moment, but this really what I think is the best way to go about it for the time being.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    its so contradictory it makes sense again :D
  5. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    he means we should fake rivalry and gang mentality to kickstart real rivalry...

    the death of the big clans in empmod was them being all buddy buddy so they didnt care if another clan won or whatever.
  6. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    You clearly haven't talked to trickster about that game...
  7. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    chances are real i was there...
  8. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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    Then why would you say something like that?
  9. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    because times have changed and even then it was 2 or 3 real clans and that's it...
  10. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    You can't get the era of clans back. Clans naturally arise from people playing the game, and you lack the people. The devs will have to fix quite a lot of the annoying gameplay problems that ruin what would be an enjoyable game experience.

    I do miss the old times, bsid, cw, jpl, one, ...
  11. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Nah I agree with Blizzerd. We should have more clan drama between clans and be less friendly to each other. I'm sure it'll make more people want to create clans.

    If there is anything that causes people to want to play in a game, it's telling them that they're idiots and being rude to them!
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016

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