Hello, I am the leader of CEL AKA Chrono Elite Legion. We are a very small clan and I mean very small (only 2 people). Currently our clan is divided up into 2 fireteams called |KGB| and |WR| AKA White Rose led by my good friend Volemire who likes to be a scout. You may see me on the [VIPER] server. We are recruiting so if you would like to join just ask me, contact me on Steam, Vlamnire. |KGB| is just a normal Fireteam that plays games and the |WR| fireteam deals with different clans and plays games. Again the Steam usernames of our clan are: Vlamnire -Leader forgivness2 -Co-leader I hope to see you guys on [VIPER] server some time, I hope even more if you just let me shoot you with my tank :D
Isn't marcin in bsid now? They all got problems. :p Also a clan consisting of two people, both being scouts?! Sounds good so far.
Maybe they take turns, like if the first fireteam is playing then the second person joins it and the first commands, and if the second fireteam is playing the first person joins it and the second commands.
If you get one more scout to join and focus fire you guys can 1 hit kill people with the scoped rifle!
I once took a team of 5 scout riflers to the middle on Duststorm. 1 Spotter, 4 riflers. We dominated it, shit was lulzy.
Yea, but with a squad that coordinated you could have dominated with the pistol 1. That thing is surprisingly accurate actually.
The Fireteam idea is only works for more members and since we don't have that it's kind of pointless I know. But the fireteams (when we are large enough) will scrim each other. Please stop with the KGB comments. Just think of it has Kinetic Gaming Bureau :D. Uh I'm the Engineer and Volemire is the Scout.