ROFL John that's hilarious. Anyways I have only 2 members that actually have skill in Empires. I forgot to make a change though, Company leaders will be members of the Council. My time zone is GMT -6. Soon we will get a custom URL for our forums. We'd get I believe instead of
Why moderate? All these clans possess the ability to laugh at themselves, there's nothing here to be taken seriously.
The forums have been set up to support this new system. If the banner at the top is not displayed correctly for you then please tell me. Want to help this movement become a reality? Add me on Steam Community: Vlamnire
EPIC WIN! You know you're there when the mod's confused :p Naw, our people are all over the place. I'm trying to pull them back and organise them, because a lot do still play, and alot are involved in testing and a lot are developing Cold Trap. BSID asked for a scrim and got like...3 no's, 3 yes's and a couple of maybes. That was like, saturday before last. I gotz to get these guys running in the same direction again!
We are looking for players that are not just interested in Empires but any other strategy game such Command and Conquer or perhaps R.U.S.E. which we will start to get big on.
You misunderstood, the clan will be bigger or more focused, in the RTS genre, on R.U.S.E. Sorry if I did not clarify that before. I edited the post to make more sense.