Save to empires/particles. Enjoy your pretty new non-laggy smoke. Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood empty. I don't have a screenshot of turret smoke. It's sparks and smoke, no fire.
Fire = Awesome. But does it start as smoke, and then turn into fire after it takes more damage? Because that would be cool, and present a nice visual for gameplay that would benefit gameplay as well.
does the fire make crispy noises? also someone should code in a difference between unbuilt and damaged
I put this in general because it's a hotfix for an issue empires has. If it could be moved to gameplay or whatever, where people can see it so they can fix the smoke FPS issues, that'd be nice.
looks nice empty, i'll take my rax slightly toasted on the top plz. now coders, make it so that it actually hurts players, no more sissy nf's taking advantage of the low be rax roof