BSID Statement on Recent Matters

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Duke Pending, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Dubee, not to jump on your case or anyone elses' for that matter, but a good amount of BSID members have contributed to the mod in a number of ways. Awhile back I can remember BSID testing all releases, official maps, and the likes before they were released to the community. Not to mention, BSID has Empiresmod developers, server admins, and people who script for the mod. Saying we don't do anything for the mod, and that we havent given back to it is definitely a misconception.
  2. John Shandy`

    John Shandy` Member

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    Well I guess that's definitely something different between you and I. Unlike yourself, I do care about quite a few Empires players. Some of them I have met in real life (DrummerX), some of them I soon will (communism, to buy his vegan ass a damn salad since my challenge to JPL ended in forfeit, as he lives in my city & went to my high school after I graduated from it). Others I've just gotten to know really well (Keef, Dessus, Dubee, others). I could go on listing names of people, but I'll leave my point with this:

    I have befriended more people in Empires than I have in any other game/mod/community. Just my Steam Friends list itself has grown exponentially since I started playing Empires about 2.5 to 3 years ago. I like Empires, I like most of the people I've met while playing it, and I wouldn't trade the good times of these past several years for those I had in any other game/mod.

    I know you haven't been playing Empires as long, and maybe that's part of why you may still have some apathy towards the community and individuals within it. Despite the fact that you're definitely a less-than-ideal poster child for BSID, I'd like to think that even your views are capable of changing later on as you continue to get to know people around here.

    We're not trying to impose morals, ethics, or "caring for others." We're just seeking some understanding and cooperation, both of which have been sparse and dry up to this point, where Duke has at least made an attempt to open a channel on the matter. Understanding and cooperation are what will help us keep from having to use coercion, something which neither party enjoys.

    As for Christianity, well... I'm not religious... and I have my own collection of opinions on how caring most Christians actually are... but I'll save that discussion for a more appropriate time and place and leave off of it with this:

  3. Jessiah

    Jessiah Member

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    Not saying BSID doesn't contribute, but I would like to point out that having clan members that contribute isn't the same as the clan contributing.

    BSID isn't contributing that effort because these people are in the clan. The individuals are. There is a difference between individual and clan contributions.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    And fair enough, that was appreciated. Back then.
    This is like saying "Well once upon a time, I found some bugs in empires and reported them for fixing, so that gives me an excuse to go around exploiting on servers from now on". Whilst you contributed back then, this whole stacking thing is detrimental to the community, and thus undoing these evidently helpful things you guys once did. Ok fine, you have developers/scripters in Beerdude and Dizzyone. You "had" admins until they were recently acting very irresponsibly. But that, in my honest opinion, (and either of those 2 people are very welcome to come say I'm wrong here) isn't an excuse to go "BSID develop empires, we can treat it however we like", because whilst I could be wrong, I highly doubt those to develop empires purely for BSID's entertainment. Its an individual thing. Not a clan thing. You can't make BSID take credit for something an individual does. I highly doubt Recon would like BSID taking credit for his sourcemod work.

    EDIT: goddammit Jekotia, getting in there before I do.
  5. BitterJesus

    BitterJesus Member

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    I feel as if you pick out all of Thor's posts and try to argue with him for no reason. His point was that BSID aren't just a bunch of assholes who stack, but also help the community. He didn't say "lol respect us coz we got involvment and shit".

    To Shandy:

    I doubt it has anything to do with the fact I've been here very recently, I just feel like people on the internet are simply not connected. It's insulting how you state that my opinion is somewhat of "childish". I cannot care for somebody who doesn't even know what I look like. There are several people in this community that I've grown to like, so it's not like I'm a total asshole who wants everyone dead (Fricken Hamster, YOU STILL WORKING OUT?).

    I like to think that I'm a free spirit. I speak my mind, but I know my limits.
    I doubt that I'll change my point of view just because I'll stay longer.

    Also, I've been playing this mod from 2.0, just never bothered registering on the forums.
  6. John Shandy`

    John Shandy` Member

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    I didn't say that your opinion was childish. Re-read my poster child remark... it's more of an expression (common in the US at least).
  7. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I was reluctant to reply in the first place due to people with simplistic views like yourself seeing it that way, but I thought it impossible for anyone to be that narrow minded.
    I stand corrected.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  8. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Where do I say bsid in my post? If all my other posts weren't deleted you would know that I am saying its not just bsid, its everyone in the community.. All the lurkers/vets/clans they all should not skill stack.
  9. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    No one cares if a group of people stack. It's when they tell you that they are stacking when it bothers people. Unless they KNOW you are stacking, they don't know you are stacking. Does that make any sense? Only a few people in empires could honestly tell you by looking at the game while it's in progress if the game is stacked, assuming no one had a clan tag on or any immediately recognizable names.

    Normally points in a game will escalate from 1 or 2 people having some rather high amount of points, and then a large group of people on the low end.

    Using 100 points as an example, Scores would be like this:


    Assuming everyone was in game from the start, Generally team scores will look something like this, though sometimes there will be an average of 10 less points starting at where my list says 54.

    Generally speaking, even the noobiest of noobs can make it past 20 points in a game as well.

    Now, if a game is stacked, you'll see the above points vs something like this:


    The large group of 70's could either be a squad of team stackers, who's scores could range from all being in the top with 90~ points each to somewhere like this where it's less of a rape squad and more of a construction squad.

    That's how I see team stacking, I'm not sure about all of you. It's now about who is on what team, it's how well those people do together.

    If BSID is going to put a squad of 5 people on one team, and they don't put an equally skilled squad on the other team, it's a stack. Same goes for any other clan.

    I would suggest, in your clan, find ou who is generally on at the same time, and group them into opposing squads so they can play against eachother. Even if those squads are only 2 or 3 people, fill the rest with pubbers. It's a great way to get new players into playing as a team if they are the only ones in a group of people who know what they are doing.
  10. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Also, it doesn't have to be same-clan stacks...or stacks at all!

    I mean, I was commander, Clanserver and Cire (All3Of us are OMFG) on the same team, and 2 JPL on the other team.
  11. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    The main difference between the two teams I posted about don't have anything to do with the amount of skill of the team tbh, the only real difference is that one team gets a good 20 points from squad activities. It's not even skill stacked if that one squad didn't stick together. but since they did, they are, overall, far more effective. Also, if it is just some random noob squad, they won't generate half as many points, nor will they EVER use them, as no noobs ever use squad point cause some dumbasses seem to be making them think that squad points should ONLY be used for squad revives >.<
  12. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Actually, people like Beerdude, who do weapon scripts consults the clan in it's entirety on what needs fixed/balanced. Etc. These people may independently push the mod, but I'd say most of their consultation, and people they use to test these things come from WITHIN the clan. And I'm not saying we should recieve any special favors due to those facts, but it does often go unnoticed.

    Dubee, I apologize, I assume you meant BSID as this is our thread regarding recent stacking incidents

    Trickster, don't call anyone narrowminded. You're the very reason why tension runs high, because all you do is insult people in a thread thats *trying* to fix things, and you have nothing constructive to say. Stop targeting my posts and trying to act intelligent because you passed 7th year English.

    John Shandy, Thank you for your input. You are one of few people posting here who I find to be saying anything remotely valuable. I would very much like to speak to you on steam friends sometime so further progress regarding matters can be made.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  13. John Shandy`

    John Shandy` Member

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  14. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Good post, Duke.

    It does suck to be in a clan and not be able to play with your clan
  15. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    BJ isn't helping. And also most of the BSID members that tested back in the day and are the devs aren't BSID any more or aren't active in empires. The problem isn't them, the problem is other members.

    Not quite sure why we're discussing it, seems to have been sorted anyway....
  16. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    What about BSID just stops to behave like little elementary
    school bullys if they appear in groups above 2?
  17. P0intman

    P0intman Member

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    I registered today when I read this thread and I have to say this (and by the way I have been playing for some time)... btw, Hi all.

    I don't care when a clan all join to one side. But, when a good number of people in the same clan all join to one side and when battle does not go into their favor they all leave that leaves a huge gap and ruins the game. This happened last month with BSID on VIPER (42 slot server i think) cyclopean with the server being full. It was still in the middle stage of the game and they had 13 BSID players on BE and were winning but NF held the fort until the battle shifted against BE. I wish I kept the log, but all 13 of them left the server within 4 minutes when one of their members asked in open chat for BSID to move to some other server.

    Now, how can we play any game when this happens? If one or 2 players leave, it does not make unbalanced. But BSID, if you stack on a side you should at least finish the map.
  18. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Actually, BSID still retains ALL of it's founding members save one or two.


    Headshot, Cpatton, and Opie haven't been here since day 1, but it's been close. All the people who actually have done anything are all still here.
  19. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    We have BSID (and ex-BSID) devs working on the game, BSID members are currently putting a new video tutorial together, The core BSID have been here since the beginning, and many BSID members have put so much of their time into this game...Yet no one mentions our good deeds in the past 3 years.

    Now, I don't really care about the hating on us, because we'll still be here when this nonsense blows over(for the 4th time), it's just sad to see that after 3 years of helping where it counts, we're still treated as some sort of sacrificial lamb(albeit an immortal, vengeful lamb that is still dominating the scoreboard).

    Sometimes our members act like asses, myself included. We've talked to our members about our misbehaving. To be honest though, if they do something outright stupid we won't defend them if they're banned for it.

    And we're not bullies, we just like playing with our just so happens that we're better ^^
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  20. RKB53

    RKB53 Member

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    And you come into every single thread with anything to do with bsid denouncing it and starting a flame war...

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