I wanted to post this like 3 years ago. Just why isn't Bio ML being researched in every single game? Especially when you are on BE, you can't do significant burst damage with salvo homing and shit. The lack of Bio ML is literally the only reason why NF tanks are really good at the moment. Bio ML provides a perfect solution against jeeps, super LTs, yolo APCs, retarded grenadiers. It's a DOT, imagine the ignite in League of Legends with doubled damage and a cooldown of 2 seconds. "B-but guided ML and its OP damage output." Are you telling me that you think your team can aim so well that they are able to land even 80% of their missiles on the proper side of enemy vehicle? Have you considered that half of the players are playing with 100 ping and above? "B-but homing ML is retardedly easy to use!" Yeah and it's also retardedly hard to actually hit shit if you aren't using salvo homing, and ffs dual salvo homing is heavy as fuck, why not use one bio ML and one salvo homing? Not to mention homing ML says fuck you, when you want to hit the far side of enemy vehicle. Let's not even talk about their weak anti-infantry ability. I am not saying that you should rush Bio ML, sometimes it's not the best to rush bio ML. But there's really abso-fucking-lutely no excuse for you to NOT get it by 25~30 mins mark. Sincerely, what are your excuses to NOT research it every single game?
Bio ml is poop on the couple of maps where people actually stay away from each other, it's much better to use homing/guided and an anti-tank mg. At least that's what I think when I'm researching on those maps, I'll get bio ml after heavies or something but homing or guided(guided is not that strong, I don't know why people keep saying this) will take precedence. This very true for nf though, on be I will probably get bio ml even if it is a larger map because I'll get ranged usually so heavies can shell bases from afar and I like to pair that with something that can be good for infantry. Moors being the great exception, homing too good on that map. I'll be honest, one of the few things I don't like about bio ml currently is the clip size of 5. It makes it a very spammy weapon which is silly because bio doesn't stack in anyway, you just refresh the time on it. I would like it if we went back to 2 missiles a clip, but possibly do 200 DOT to vehicles instead of the current 150.
I get it it with every game, bio ML and ranged cannon. And if I am playing NF I get UML to complement it.