Anti-Projectile Turrents

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by aaaaaa50, May 15, 2006.

  1. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Actually, I was thinking of it as something that only a commander could drop, and if it only killed a missle every 3 seconds, then a few would be needed to create total defence. Even then, a farm of 3 or more would only defend from one tank, so two or three could easily destroy them. VERY low health also would help, and remember, they don't stop gernades. Worst case senario farm? hide behind your (now rocketed to death) tank and throw nades to clean up the anti-projectiles. One gernade should destroy one, so this is efectivley a anti-arty turret.

    Giving it to engies in maps like escort would stop arty, but since only one nade is needed to kill one, and since they can't defend from all missles at once unless they are grouped together, (all those anti-arty in one place won't help keep the infantry away!) then they should only add more strategie and not servely unbalance infantry.

    Yay! Problem of balance solved! :D
  2. zachtos

    zachtos Member

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    that's a good idea aaaaaa50 - giving anti projectile turrets a cooldown/low ROF is a perfect balance. hopefuly the developers will see that suggestion.
  3. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Thanks. I mean, really, you think the unhittable turret would actually happen? This is something that could be placed as a simple anti-arty. Say you just deployed an apc but an arty has pinned you. You set up the anti-projectile. Your team gets more time, but if the enemy gets another arty, then the turret gets destroyed in one hit. A few more and the apc's dead too. Or a rocketeer killes the anti protecting a refinery. Teamwork out of nowhere! Yay! :P
    Last edited: May 23, 2006

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