Another turret suggestion

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Scythe, May 28, 2010.

  1. Scythe

    Scythe Member

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    to keep it short:
    Since turretupgrades aren't worth researching them, my idea is to limit the upgrading to the engineers only.

    How would this work?
    At a specific state of research (My opinion after researching upgraded chassis)
    engineers with turret upgrade would be able to upgrade all commander turrets.
    (not turrets from other players)
    To prevent that 1 guy walk through and upgrade everything while others without the upgrade skill are building them, upgrading should consume charges (~50%)

    turret research for free without imbalances
    teamwork required
    singe engineers can't set up lvl3 mgs that fast anymore
    easy to implent?


    Turret upgrade avaible at start/after radar/whatever
    limit the upgrading of mgs to lvl2

    Dear trolls, please be gentle, this is my first time. :rolleyes:
  2. MajorTom

    MajorTom Member

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    Actually I find lvl 3 turrets on 5 vs 5 servers and even certain maps with 10 vs 10 quite useful and is usually one of the first things I research when I comm.

    I fact, I know plenty other comms who do the same on those maps and can prevent the occasional tank or infantry from claiming a ref by simply putting an mg and ml on the sides of it.

    But maybe we can find a middle ground, though my idea would require a change in turret stats.

    So I think that the comm turrets should be upgraded by engineers but without turret upgrade as you already have the upgrading cost charges. You should still have the turret research in electrical however because we don't want to go from lvl 1 turrets to lvl 3 making lvl 2 as just a useless mid point in between. Now to counter the fact that the turrets need an engineer to upgrade we could enhance lvl 2 and 3 commander mg and ml damage and hp.

    I like this idea because we could potentially get rid of the need to recycle lvl 1 turrets in order to replace them with lvl 2 or 3s leaving you vulnerable during that time.
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  3. Scythe

    Scythe Member

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    lvl 2s are already a "useless" midpoint, atleast i havn't seen any1 stop researching after them.
    Think that won't be a good idea, because lvl2/3 mgs act already as death lazors (as already mentioned in omnehs thread, which if i had found it earlier, i wouldnt have posted mine :rolleyes: )
  4. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Having engys manually upgrade commander turrets looks good on paper, but in practice, it will overload a class that already has too much to do.

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