Angels Fall First

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A-z-K, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    The progression mechanic is pretty interesting. Its not that complicated but on occasion it has made me consider how I am playing and perhaps choose to defend a spot rather than push another.

    Every round you are scored on 3 cards depending you your actions/playstyle: Combat. Command & Support. Doing well increases points available to you in each of those disciplines when it comes to your load-out.

    Each item you (try to) equip uses up a particular amount of each.
    Such as a Shotgun which only requires 50 spare Combat points to equip, as opposed to a HMG type weapon that might require 40 Combat & 30 Support. Atachments & Ammo modifications follow the same thing.

    For example reviving & resupplying team mates will mean you rank up your Support points allowing you to carry more med/ammo packs, turrets or shield generators. Or if you kill a lot of people perhaps you can manage to equip both a sniper and a rocket launcher or add additional armor plating.

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