I don't like the idea of comm powers or anything like zombie master traps. They make the game too linear and map based. A lot of custom maps these days try to force players to play in specific ways, like by having infantry-only areas etc, and I think its a bad philosophy for empires. And after thats whats the point? Some commander that can change some codes and flip off the lights? (epic deus ex (mis)quotation) Do we really need to redesign the comm HUD to open gates we already have buttons for?
When you have a player-usable button for something, it becomes horribly griefable. Not to mention you can't count on empires players to have an IQ of more than 20.
I support this idea still. Mappers deserve as much freedom as they can get. i'd say put an onscreen (but not huge) icon so comms can see selectable objects and a brief description. Dam doors for example on mvalley, being able to open and shut doors if you have the ref down would be SO USEFUL.
Opening doors like those on mvalley, or I even had the thought of activating draw-bridges to block baddies, thats stuff would be okay. I just don't want this to be a backdoor to comm powers, which I think has been quashed as a concept before.
Not all ZM maps are linear. While, yeah, some of them are, there's a huge amount of variety, which I think is a good thing (and part of the point.) I think that having more things "map based" improves the game in the long run, because it allows for greater variety in gameplay between maps. Part of Empires' problem is that a lot of maps play identically or near-identically; there isn't enough variety. It's a self-correcting problem. If someone uses it to make a stupid map, nobody will play that map. If someone uses it to make a map that rocks, it'll be popular. Comm powers could ruin the game. A feature for mappers can't -- it's not like it will retroactively go back and make other maps suck; and if someone sucks at mapping, they'd probably make a bad map anyway...
Forgive me for resurrecting such an ancient thread, but I'd like to resubmit the suggestion again. At least for a definite answer of "The gui code has mutated into an incomprehensible city-sized blob of horror and will soon consume all of us."
To simplify this couldn't you just make a gate open when a CV enters the brush ? I am assuming your thinking for the new slaughtered. I would hate to see this map delayed for GUI support. The map is freaking amazing and can't wait to see it finished.
I think he wants the com to be able to remotely allow his team to enter an area or close it off if the enemy is nearby the entrance. It would be awesome if the entrance was... override-able via flag capturing the outer door for some long period.
If we have the minimap icons/icons to show selectable and pressable CVBUTTONS please give us a way to adjust their size