Advanced tips, mostly for engineers, some are useful tactics, some are just details that can make you more efficient. 1: When you finished customlizing your vehicle, always repair your front armor. The repair pad will fix your right armor first, left armor second, rear armor third and front armor last. The time for the repair pad to fix the other three side's armor = the time for you to fix your front armor, with repair upgrade. This will save you the time and trouble for walking around your vehicle. 2: For maximum cover. If you are on an upward slope, drop walls and don't build them at all. If you are on flat ground, drop walls and build them by 2 units. If you are on an downward slope, drop walls and build them by 4 units. 3:When you meet an enemy AFV/LT, don't just drop a ML turret, you might as well just suicide if you do so. Instead, drop walls and build it by exactly 2 unit and then drop turret on the side. _____x <-- turret location If you still have the leisure, drop as many walls as you can. Building the wall by 2 units is so you can still jump across the wall, but it would increase the difficulty for AFV/LT to hurt you with the splash damage of CN. 4:An unbuilt wall can be destroyed by 2 mortars, if your wall got hit by mortar, fix it by 3~5 units so you can maintain the wall's health without making it taller. 5: If enemy engineers aren't shit and they dropped walls at frontline, you should immediately push quickly with a loooong wall and keep a 70~80 degree angle between your loooong walls and enemy's walls. Especially useful on Canyon Slaughtered's early skirmishes. How it looks like : 6: Deconning is slightly faster than repairing, so if the enemy building is almost dead (<10% HP) while someone is repairing it and you still have 50 or so calculator units , don't give up, go for it. If the enemy building still has 10% HP and above, switch to seismic and throw all of them, then immediately switch back to calculator and keep deconning the shit. During this process, every 0.1 sec counts, make sure you switch between them ASAP and make sure there's almost no time between each throw of the seismic. Of course, this is if you and the enemy aren't interested in killing each other, for valid reasons. 7: Know your vehicle exits. For example, APC, seat 1 left, seat 2 right. What about seat 3~8? If your view is at the right side of the vehicle then you'll exit from the left side, vice versa. It's very useful and handy to know about the exits, as you can give enemy a surprise or just generally save a few seconds when you have to leave the vehicle to build a ref and stuff. Obviously, if you know where you leave your vehicle, you'd know where enemy leave their vehicle, exploit this. For example, when tailing an enemy APC, tail on the left side, for most of the time you can just drive straight over if someone comes out. 8:When using Homing ML, you can use your turret to control where the missiles will come out, thus your missiles will have more chance of hitting the specific side of enemy vehicle. This is kinda hard to describe radically, but you'll figure out the details. 9:When building buildings, make sure you don't face any potential enemy with your ass, use the building structure as cover and look at non-secured area. 10: If those retarded NF grens placed mines in your rax and try to get some easy kills with them, just drive your vehicle onto the rax, it will explode the mines inside. 11lease, apply some goddamn common sense and don't always try to calc revive and die on the way, squad revive isn't even that expensive. I will be adding more.
1. Yes 2. Those values are important to remember, I should have memorized them sooner 3. This sure limits direct hits, but you can still get flanked and stdcn actually has a fair bit of splash 4. Again I should have memorized the values much sooner 5. Need to learn this one for sure 6. Yes 7. I only started learning these recently and never noticed that chasing thing. 8. Yes 9. Yes 10. If only I were good enough to do it with a normal vehicle 11. Yes even though I'm still working on balancing greed with safety on this one So hey, I guess I'm not too bad. Awesome stuff, can't wait for more!
Only one I didn't know was be able to defuse mines in rax, though I've never seen mines go off yet I've seen be bump off the rax. Is it any vehicle? Feels like a case of I should do this, but I never do for some of them. I'm having fun no matter what, so I suppose being efficient is whatever to me.
You will reach a point where you can perform these tips instinctly. For instance, I just accidentally killed you.
Sgt. Security, you can always write these up in HTML and have them added to the Empires loading screens. See
As BE commander (with a few hundred spare res) you can place armories end-to-end to form something resembling a tunnel - allowing your team (who mostly have no idea what the fuck is going on) to quickly cross large, contested, open spaces. Works well if the enemy has a turret farm locking down an approach or to negate an enemy overwatch on a good position. But you really need to explain this to your team because mostly people will sit an e build the first one and then blame you for wasting the money that should have been spent on a VF. But if you get one good offensive squad who can understand what you are doing then they will usually get where they want to go very quickly and arrive at full health. Obviously placement and direction is important, you are essentially creating a fatal funnel so you only use it to push people at 45 to 90 degrees from an enemy positon. For example you can easily cross from the hills at the center of dust storm to the hills overlooking either enemy starting main. If the push is successful you can then drop turrets behind them and recycle every other armory to lock down that throughfare and make it more difficult for the enemy to counter back swiftly with light armor. Drop a repair pad in the area for total domination.
If you wanna brake to the left you brake and click left? Same for right side. good tip: you can get ammo by reselecting your class in rax or armory-> way faster than resupplying nades + basicly unlimited firing as rifleman Another great tip: long distances dont spray dont burst, SINGLE TAP
It's even better with flags, some offer you a really good firing position while still within the flag area, like the northwestern flag on eastborough - great overlook on the northeastern one. I modified the field manual extract, added two from my tips and editted a few outdated/misleading tips. Like half of my tips are just unsuitable for "field manual extract", so I decided to not add them.