Advanced/Gauss Turret

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Vaun, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    Its essentially a cross between mg and ml turret, but without seaker projectiles. It fires a no arc, high velocity round and targets both humans and vehicles.

    -medium rate of fire (faster than ml, slower than mg)
    -requires lvl3 reasearch to be completed
    -allows targeting of both humans and vehicles

    -targets both humans and vehicles
    -reduces number of turrets necesary
    -cant be built by engineers

    -needs direct line of fire
    -expensive research (requires lvl 3+its own research)
    -the coding/modeling/other normal stuff (or just modify BE's lvl2mg with some magnetic couls around the barrel).

    Just an idea I got after playing with STALKER's Gauss sniper rifle (and modifying its dmg to allow a 2mm tungsten round to take out a helicopter).
  2. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Why not just make a turret that targets invisible people only. >_>

    Anyways, this'll be four turrets. 2much?
  3. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

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    They don't hate defenses, they hate easy defenses. Defenses that can be spammed to defend versus everything are frowned upon. Defenses that require some sort of human effort to put up and have a big weakness are just fine. If 2 of these turrets are a better choice than 1 ml and 1 mg then you wont see anything other than these turrets, if not then you wont ever see these turrets.

    How about mannable emplacements instead. I have visions of an mg emplacement with lock on or guided missile upgrades, placed near a rax so that if it is under attack the spawnees can just hop in the emplacement for defending. With appropriate open sides and backside for sniping the operator of course.
  4. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    Its more like an "in between" type of weapon, its decent against both, but doesnt really have an advantange over the mg/ml, except that it can target both types of enemy.

    Also, they tried manned guns before, it failed horribly because only a few people actually used them, thats why theres autoturrets now.
  5. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    For mannable defensive / offensive structures, I always liked the idea of missile silos / radio towers that let scouts (or whoever, some kind of infantry) call in a strike on anywhere in a nearby radius. The structure itself should be weak and tall (so it is vulnerable to mortar-sniping, cannons, and other such weapons, and can't just be hidden behind a wall), and the radius shouldn't be too far, so people can always fight back against it by hitting the tower. This would be useful both defensively and for breaking defenses (by forcing turtling opponents to attack in order to hit the tower.) Since it is tall and weak, you can't turtle and use it -- walls won't protect something that tall.

    The problem with manned defenses is that nobody wants to just sit in one place, that's dull. But a defense that you can 'man' simply by being in the area and spotting targets for it could get a lot more use.

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