60~ seconds to loss after your team loses spawning capability

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Empty, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Empty

    Empty Member

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    That simple.
    Have no rax? 60 seconds til defeat
    No tickets? same deal.
    No flags? Yup.

    If you hit 0 tickets, then bring the enemy team down to 0 while your team is counting down, both counters are reset to 60 and when they hit 0 it is a tie.
    Same goes for if both teams lose their raxes

    60 seconds is ample time to get a new rax or spawn an APC if you're still actively fighting and are even with the enemy, so it won't usually fuck the game up, and it'll promote hunting down raxes as a form of victory rather than just owning commanders.

    And lets face it, if you can't kill the enemy CV in 60 seconds you aren't going to.

    -Players never spend more than 60 seconds ingame unable to play.
    -Failmates never occur
    -New ways to win
    -No more 5 minutes of comm chasing
    -A match that would drag on for 20 minutes of noobgrind can be ended in 5.

    -Less forgiving gameplay (though losing your last spawn is basically GG)
    -No suggestions ever get added.
  2. Sheepe

    Sheepe Member

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    Sounds very interesting... However it completely removes any sort of revive comeback attack. It also makes the Rax a higher value target, which is bad for NF (right now)
  3. o_O

    o_O Member

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    Good idea.

    The timer should probly be 90 or 120 seconds to prevent rushes though. There are early game situations where you are 'between raxes' but have revivers or control an important place you are going to build a rax at.
  4. RoboTek

    RoboTek Member

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    Hmm... I would be fine with it if it was a 2 minute timer.

    I think I would prefer if it counted down (60 seconds) to sudden death when both teams were unable to spawn. That said, I really like the idea overall. It might be worth some tweaking, but honestly without playing it I can't say exactly what the number should be.

    Again, an awesome idea. I feel like we should have thought of this before at some point, but for some reason never did.
  5. zenarion

    zenarion Member

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    Yes, please. Good Idea. Tweak and test it.
  6. Demented

    Demented Member

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    I suggested something like this, albeit with an invincible CV. (This was in the days of ninjaing.) You'll remember it was unpopular.

    The barracks-killing summary was here:
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I think 60 seconds is ample time to make a comeback. If you can't do it in a minute, you're gunna end up so far behind you're fucked anyway.

    More efficient defeat.
  8. Demented

    Demented Member

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    Sixty seconds is fine, but the essential part is that having an incomplete barracks should pause the countdown.
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Disagree. We want to make it so there's never a long period where any given player cannot play, I feel it's one of the major flaws that turns new players away. Sitting around for 20 minutes waiting for a squad revive is a shit experience.
  10. Demented

    Demented Member

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    It doesn't take long to find or destroy an incomplete barracks, especially a freshly placed one, and if the timer is paused (but not reset) there is at least hope that a spawn will be coming online, even if the timer is currently at 1 second.

    If either team has 0 tickets and you need to rely on squad revives, it won't even matter.
  11. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I don't see what it adds.

    As a solution to stalemates it's pretty crap, rather arbitrary, there are far better ideas like allowing people to spawn with a large delay, or steadily weakening structures, or preventing CV repairs, or just about anything other than ending the game.

    As a solution to the CV running after the base is gone, it's unneeded, the CV always loses in those instances, it doesn't need speeding up because it's rarely going to be longer than a minute anyway.
  12. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    At the very least, the timer should not count down when there is nobody dead.

    Well, this would lead to people yelling at dead people to go spec to stop the timer... so maybe it shouldn't start until someone dies. Either way.

    Or having everyone on your team alive and no more than a two-player difference in team sizes could prevent the timer from counting down; when everyone starts going spec and the team sizes collapse, the game is over. But if everyone is still alive, it would be very, very frustrating to have the game suddenly end... and it would be completely pointless, since it wouldn't serve the intentions of this suggestion.

    Maybe even allow one dead person.

    But basically, I agree with Chris0132': Getting players back into the game in some fashion even with no tickets would be more fun than just arbitrarily shouting GAME OVER when it might not actually be over.

    Epic last stands can be fun as long as you're not dead. I've enjoyed them before. Occasionally a team even manages to win through one (and not just by ninjaing.) I don't like the idea of cutting them out of the game completely.

    I've also seen multiple games where one side hit zero tickets but still managed to get big tanks on the field before the enemy, and won by using them well over the course of more than a minute. Getting a GAME OVER screen in the middle of that -- just when things finally manage to pay off and we're about to win -- would be frustrating beyond words. Pure suck.

    Come up with a way for players to rejoin the game while at zero tickets without breaking the ticket system, instead. That would be much better.

    One small suggestion that might help a bit: If a team has no tickets or no spawns, allow its dead players to move their view around like spectators, without having to actually leave the team and go spec. Being able to see what's going on would reduce the frustration of being dead at least a little bit. (Sure, they can ghost, but they could go spec and ghost anyway.)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i suggest to get rid of tickets and let nukes and arty decide matches like they do already. for flag maps we just leave tickets in like they are.
  14. 0yv47

    0yv47 Member

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    so...more or less a (completely) new greif capability
  15. zenarion

    zenarion Member

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    Only the commander could actually do that, by selling all the barracks. And the comm can already grief, but usually doesn't.
  16. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    I don't want this for commander maps.
    For example had a round at emp_coast, where the enemy had no tickets left but 6 heavy tanks with nukes.
    We had many tickets left but no good tanks.
    Finally they won, but this took more than one minute.

    And endless games only happens regularly on money, because commanders recycle the barracks to prevent sudden death.
    Solution for this would be:
    No spawn point for 3 minutes or 0 tickets at both team will start sudden death mode.
    There is also a new version of money in production. Maybe this solves this problem.
  17. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    No, no, and more no. Completely ruins the fucking sudden death mode, makes it obsolete. What's wrong with sudden death?

    I say suddendeath should occur if both teams meet the conditions of either A. no spawns or B. no tickets. that way, there is no douchebag stupidity with one team recycling the rax at 2 tickets left, to prevent sudden death. Sudden death is THERE to make the game interesting again, just because you fail so fucking hard at sieging a team that is dead with tickets and turtling from you that you need more than 300 seconds to kill them does not mean you get to subvert the sudden death which gives them a chance to fight back against your own stupidity.

    Sudden death should be the one triggered, not this retardedness defeat. There is nothing wrong with sudden death, and no nead for caveats either. When both teams stop allowing or having the ability for spawns, then the sudden death is invoked, and the sudden death mode does not have any of these drawbacks. Just that some jackass comms recycle their barracks to subvert the sudden death mode, if we dont allow sudden death to be subverted, there is no problem ^_^
  18. o_O

    o_O Member

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    Its a shitty way to avoid calling the game a tie with something basically like a coin flip. Its also extremely easy to prevent by recycling all spawnpoints at 1 ticket, so it doesn't really do its job.
  19. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    See =PVCS) Cpatton and my posting. Sudden death should also start when there is no spawn point (for some time).

    And sudden death it's not like flipping a coin. You have 300 seconds to do your preparations.
    So send a scout to enemy base to sticky stun the CV. Or block the way to your CV with walls and hide yourself in a VF. Or research ranged arty. Or many other possibilities which adds some tactics to sudden death.
  20. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    It's great way to stop an epic come back.

    I agree with the whole part about people getting pissed that they can't spawn but they can join spec or another server.

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