2.2 Grenadier Is The New Rambo

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Sneaky, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    CG seems way to strong now needs the nerf bat. Tanks are too fast right now for current gren damage. Especially LTs they can just boot off in the time it takes you to reload your mortar and engy repair and be back attacking with full armor in seconds. I still think its one of the main problems with empires. Advancing teams almost never have to fallback to resupply or respawn. Comms can keep spamming barracks farther and farther forward and it takes engineers anywhere from 5-30 seconds to get their tanks repaired back up and pushing again instead of having to try and conserve their armor they can just keep bum rushing kill a few things run back 100 yards behind a wall repair the armor lost and repeat.
  2. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    hell, they can repair right in front of your tank/turret if you don't have the heat left to do more damage than they can repair. but only for the early game. later on in the game, such a tactic will get you or your tank killed. which is why i think repair upgrade should only be a "later game" ability. raaaaaawww.

    why does it take a serious problem to get anything changed around here, if at all? manipulating gameplay here feels like pulling teeth. that said, i am well aware of the many hours of work that it takes to put even cosmetic changes into the mod, and balancing change can take longer. that isn't a reason not to though. /rant
  3. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    I don't want random changes because they'll break things not because they take time to implement.
  4. Kai

    Kai Member

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    I don't like how Sonecha can kill the command vehicle in 5 seconds from miles away by using squad arty.
  5. Scikar

    Scikar Member

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    Upgraded RPG doesn't prevent infantry from becoming obsolete. At best it delays the inevitable as you force the opposing tanks to retreat for repair more often. Honestly I think it's simply down to the fact that engaging in combat with a tank is rarely decisive. Tanks have too much agility and acceleration to properly finish them off, especially as a grenadier when you can't chase them or move around to attack a specific side. Against a heavy you fire two RPGs at one plate, he turns, you fire two rockets at another plate, he turns, you hit him again and if you're still not dead despite him lobbing HE shells at you he'll just go and repair and come back a minute later to repeat. Now try doing that while under artillery fire.

    The only time tank combat is decisive is when LTs ram AFVs and spin them around.
  6. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    RPG is so shit upgraded just puts it on par with the mortar anyways.
  7. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    just don't know how to reply to that. I don't think there's any reasoned arguement for "change or iteratively changing gameplay instead of, what in all honestly appears to be a laissez fair attitude to a system which hasn't been changed since it was first implemented," that would persuade you to change gameplay.

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