2.14.6 Released - https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Version/2.14.x#Version_2.14.6 === Bugfixes === * Fixed some incorrect movement speed values as of last patch. * Fixed incorrect map names in the default map cycle files. * Fixed the ladders on the map emp_coast. * Changed the particle effect for Standard ML because it resembled blood splatter on lower settings. * Changes have been made on the map emp_crossroads to address issues with vehicles getting stuck in the ramps. === Features === * Added team warnings when command vehicle takes environmental damage. (Drowning/flipped) * Changes to how stamina discharges. ** Sprinting when ducked or prone will now drain less stamina. You're not gaining the full sprint effect that you would if you were running normally, so it now matches your the speed gain. ** Sprinting will now only drain stamina if you're pressing a forward/backwards key, are on the ground and are moving fast enough to actually activate sprint. === Misc changes === * Added some decals requested by mappers. (Team emblems and arrows to help better inform players) * Added new models that are used in emp_crossroads.
2.14.7 Released - https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Version/2.14.x#Version_2.14.7 === Bugfixes === * Fix to address key binds not executing properly.
Not sure if anyone's said it but good job on 2.14! After playing for a bit it's a significant improvement; things are noticeably more consistent.
I am one to just go with the flow as I can adapt, but please change composite back to what it was. the point of composite is it supposed to be the lightest armor, and to counter that it was expensive. The weight of compo should not be equal to plain armor.
Composite was the lightest armor for around about one patch a long time ago. I'm not sure where you got the notion that it should be the lightest as well? It takes damage to heat from absorbant rather than its weight.
Although it's old this is the point I was making. Weight for composite should not be the same as plain. Compo was the lightest in the past.
It may not be super apparent but in those old ass scripts(what is that like 2.24?),I'm pretty sure compo didn't have the reflect mod or regen properties it does now. Those are kinda the reasons it's weight is normal. Abs is currently super light though, even lighter then that old version of compo at 8 a plate. Also I'm laughing a bit at everything using the speed to damage mod, what a terrible idea.
Hey your right, wow I have not been keeping up with changes. I could have sworn abs weighed 8 at one point, but I guess I was just thinking of budget.
It's really nice to see those rifle nerfs, they were definitely the biggest thing that ruined my enjoyment of the game. Hopefully it will take a bit more skill to play rifleman now. Not sure about the buffs to vehicle MGs I don't quite remember what the values were when they were way too good but those are prone to get abused. I guess the lack of organised games will prevent it from being a big issue.
Vehicle MGs were nerfed a few versions ago following the addition of client prediction. Turns out they were nerfed too much and this patch was aimed to rebalance, it's still too low if you ask me.