2.12 Hotfix

Discussion in 'General' started by Krenzo, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    The bug tracker is only for testers, you'll have to talk to Krenzo about how to access it.
  2. Reef

    Reef Member

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    taiiat: all the things You reported except one, are SERVER-SIDE and the 2.12 client hotfix is... surprise... CLIENT-side. It fixes stuff that was bugged in 2.11 client and it doesn't create new bugs. That means it should go to the downloads section asap.

    About the 'commander marking weird things as targets' - I am not sure if it is a clientside or a serverside bug. I think it's clientside, so it could be fixed in 2.13 hotfix, for instance (either the commander should not target such things or client should not display it, I prefer the former one). I think that the targeting bug has something to do with recycling entity numbers in the Source server engine.
  3. Megor

    Megor Member

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    The mass targeting showing targeted containers etc I believe has something to do with Latency, Server capacity, and players.

    I have noticed this problem with servers having high latency and large population. The latency does not have to be your latency, the AVERAGE latency is what I am referring to.

    Smaller pop servers with low latency I have not experienced this issue.

    Further I notice this more so later into games, when there are lots of buildings and tanks.

    As said before could be a Source issue messing up numbers.

    As for the sound issue, maybe edit the sounds to be used like DOD:Source? That way far away sounds are relative and not interferring with close proximity sounds.

    I can hear missles sometimes across the map the same sound level as two feet in front of me. Gets confusing! I have a good hardware so I am speaking as a normal player.

    Going to try out the new hotfix after classes and see if there is a difference for me.

    † Megor
  4. taiiat

    taiiat Member

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    i agree, the sounds are a little off, makes me lok for another sniper when hes at his own base. the doppler effect doesnt seem to affect most sounds... any other game/mod theyve been fine. @megor, i see. i suppose the server might make mistakes if theyres 30 people on the server, all with a ping
    of 200+.

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