
Discussion in 'General' started by DonMegel, May 14, 2006.

  1. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Last edited: May 14, 2006
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    white = readable

    I dont have the standrd skin it hurts my eyes :/
  3. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    I think the most pressing issue is a less linear version of the new map (see the new map thread); whose name I can't remember. Other than that, DonMegel's wish list is a pretty good list of things.
  4. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    District is indeed very fun, but it does need heavy modification. More routs and maby no turrents would make it much better.

    Pretty Pretty please with sugar on top?
  5. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    whats wrong with torrents? p2p ftw!
  6. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    oh and fix turret hitboxes so they can't be used as mini bunkers to hide behind while you build your portacannon >.>
  7. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    I fully support the ideas in my idea thread, red ones are most important
  8. duke

    duke Former Developer (BE Creator)

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    To let you guys know, I believe the plan for patches is now to spend a long time on the next one. This may have changed, but at this point all of the preliminary features are in, lag reduced to an acceptable level, and all in all it's a playable game. The next patch will cover a wide range of changes aswell as additions, and to do this we need a good month or so.
  9. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    I am both thrilled and horrified at the same time. I'm so confused! Whose job is it to modify district?
  10. Revolver

    Revolver Member

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    I'm all excited, despite the fact that we might have a while longer before the new update.

    ...Airplanes soon? Maybe? ...here's to hoping.
  11. MuteDonkey

    MuteDonkey Member

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    lol Dee, you don't want much for next patch do you? Optimisation across everything..... ouch

    Anyway, one thing with the autoreload, why reinvent the wheel? Do what a lot of FPSs do, if you run out of ammo while holding down fire, you have to release then click fire again to reload. If you dont click fire after release, there is no reload so you can weapon switch/melee.

    Also can you please make the no auto-reload work for mortars/missile launchers, I know they differ from most weaps by being one shot but SOOO much of the time I want to rapidswitch after firing one of the two. It sucks to be owned by other infantry after you almost killed them with a mortar to have to wait on the reload before going pistol, or not being able to get a second shot off by switching to the other before being blown up by a tank etc etc.

    Now thats something everyone can enjoy :)
  12. Dt|Lance

    Dt|Lance Member

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    The game in general most certainly needs optimisations i have Dual Core processor 4800 2gb ram and 7800gtx card and i am getting 25fps in places and noticing increasing jerk lag/spikes in 1.05. Network wise latenacy for me seems fine and stable apart from alot of choke on most servers.

    Possible improvements:

    Add more alternative routes allow entry to certain buildings at choke points: add some barricades or crates on the road ways for cover saves being picked off by scouts in the smog when you cant see them.


    up res income from the current res facilities makes for a more intense battle, make the walkways in the middle base areas higher up to idiots’ in the comm vehicle don’t get it stuck underneath while learning to play.

    Turrets on Badlands:

    Placing a turret in the middle of the badlands just at the top of the ramp way leading to the centre of the map they are unable to shoot down make it perhaps so they can and easier movement for vehicles also.

    Additional fixes plz!

    People still crashing in the comm vehicle

    Add icons for the buildings to the minimaps, building don’t move and its good to know which buildings you see on the minimap.

    Walls recyclable plz!

    include a machinegun/chaingun on the jeep which can be operated by a second person. Use them in drive bys! instead of people driving to destinations getting out of them to fight and then back in them.

    Add aircrafts!!

    Make it easier to squish and run people over in vechicales i mean running someone over and they dont die!? come on if i drive 60mph into you i expect to at least knock you back not for someone to go inside my hull.

    Bug in the Brenodi vechicale factory enemy can walk right inside the main hangar and goto the back and fall inside the model and then blow it up from the inside with no one able to kill you unless they full inside the vechicale factory.

    plz Fix stamnia: after using all of it sometimes standing still it doesnt recharge backup.

    plz fix crosshairs: sometimes jumping in the air and you goto crouch on landing the crosshairs appears massive and inaccurate.

    if commander goes to windows accidentaly and comes back into game he can no longer logout of the comm chair no keyboard functions work only mouse!

    Please try come out with 64bit lib server files please helps also for bigger larger servers. And try do something about client side optimisations you will have more people wanting and able to play the game if lower spec pcs and higher ones can play the game smoothly without being able have an fps lower than 30.

    Also add a horn the vechicales so you can honk people out of the way and well also its fun *Honk *Honk get off the road you crazy tank driver!

    Add remote C4 so people can plant it in drive ways and remote activate it mines are well ok. but running up to a vechicale planting several charges underneath and BOOOOM or placing charges in the middle of a road and BOOOM so much fun!
    Last edited: May 15, 2006
  13. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Well it would be nice to get more than 20-30 fps average on this rig :P

    Not too bothered if they don't all make it but I do believe there's still a lot of work to be done :)
  14. Bodrick

    Bodrick Ye Olde Supermod

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    I've got used to playing with 15 fps now. Would be nice to make it higher though :) The main component of it seems to be the swap buffers.
  15. Petko

    Petko Member

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    Oh man, it seems my posts are too unnoticable or something like that:((
    I wrote two post before 1.05 relased that there is a major bug with the price counter. Armors are calculated as double. It substracts the correct amount of money, but doesnt let you build it until the team got enough money for the bogus calculation. For examle
    There is a tank, it costs 500 without the armor...
    I put on 6 inches of composite armor. One inch should cost 50 credit, but the counter counts 100 per inch, so it will show me the price is 1100. If i buy one it will substract the correct price of 800 credit. But if the team doesnt have enough money 1100 it doesnt let me build... even if it would only substract 800 credits, and there will 300 remain.
  16. Geogriffith

    Geogriffith Master Debater and Conflict Resolutionist

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    GASP! Will we at least get weekly media dumps? This always seems to be the death knell for most mods: They get past their first release and updates, start a major update, then choke, as the team scatters about with real-life issues.

    I dunno, it just seemed like with the 2 week schedule, you had a strong argument against feature creep. I.E. if you can't code it and test it in two weeks, its not going in.


    I would also like to see a "enable auto-reload" button in the menu. Or a cvar, so we can incorporate it into our oh-so-1337 keybinds as a toggle.
    Seconded! Make fast switch work for all weapons, please.

    Can we also please remove the "no auto-reload" rule from any and all guns with a zoom button. Obviously, the scout rifle cannot be used for melee, so what's the reason for no reload?

    Quick question: Are you using 1 or 2 armor slots? From what I hear, the second armor slot does not work yet. That may be what is causing the armor to be double-price.
  17. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    There are some things we cant make in two weeks but dont worry, we've been at this for the better part of 3, going on 4 years now, we arent likely to scatter now that we have somthing out that people like and our hard work is paying off.
  18. Stu

    Stu BehälterGott

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    A month to work in aircraft. :P
  19. Petko

    Petko Member

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    No, this bug exist with one slot also, with all empire, with all vehicles.
    Btw ive just played on stormed, but the lag makes it unplayable again like at 1.00. It produces the same extreme heavy lag as before, when there are lots of player. :( It seems i have to wait 2 weeks again to play. :(
  20. zadarblack

    zadarblack Member

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    yeah i must admit something should be done for the FPS *maybe solve the problem thats stop ppl from using lower resolution/setting whitout making hud unreadable?*

    beside thats its clear thats most server need lower max player or upgrade hardware as they are truly too slow for this kind of game with this kind of ppl

    also the infinit grenade spamming of the engineer should be stoped or limited. i found two way to do it first make the ammo box engineer drop be limited in shot ppl can regain ammo from it *25 to 50 max* and make it so they cannot drop em as much often (maybe also add a price to it like half the repair meter for build one)

    finaly the arti need price tweak. a basic one should cost near 1500 and a fully equiped one near 3000. why? first because 1 arti can easy kill over 50 ppl before dying, Arti shoot can kill heavy tank in less than 4 hit usualy even 2 hit making it a very powerful thing thats need to be more care off and seen less often on the battlefield. so in the end twice the price will mean twice less Arti and much more fun for everyone

    beside thats 1.05 rule to be franc its only getting better and better :)

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