Well hi everyone, Cvg is not a clan, is a community! http://convictgaming.com/ We start a few weeks ago but we trying to find new players to form a clan only for empires, and everyone is welcome to apply to be admin or to join our community. Our server is locate in Dallas, ip: You want to apply? Easy, first goto the Main Website (convictgaming.com), NOT THE FORUM, login on the website using your forum user/pass, and on the top right it will explain to you what you must do to fill out an application. It should say something like "Apply Here". Once you click that, it'll either tell you that you don't meet the minimum post requirements or you haven't been registered on the forum long enough. That's ok, just get your post count up with decent posts, (dont worry we're not looking for einstein material), just make sure you aren't spamming or it'll make it harder for you to join. Once you hit submit, your app will be thrown into pending status which you can see from the main website page until it is either accepted or denied. Anyhow, good luck joining and hope you like the community. ¤CvG¤™ ReLLiK_pt
I believe I've heard of your community before, might have been when i played Zombie Panic a few days ago. How many different games do you guys got servers on?
Counter-Strike Source - 1 server Empires - 1 server Killing Floor - 4 servers Team Fortress 2 - 1 server Zombie Master - 5 servers Zombie Panic - 6 servers Fistful of Frags -1 server half-life 2 deathmatch - 1server eternal silence - 1 server and NeoTokyo some day soon looking for new games or mods for new servers the servers are form usa and european
I wondered where i'd recognised the name from... Although I'll never know why you named yourselves "convict" ?
Empires servers are srs bizness. But really. I understand wanting to expand the gaming scope of your community, but at least take the time to learn the game and understand what it takes to run an Empires server well. We are not just "territory" that you can expand into.
well i want to see what is going to happen when this mod will be release on steam. then you can say that... if you know what i mean. dunno what is wrong with poland i have to see. sorry about that
hopefully it will never be released on steam - the audience that would come to play it would be put off from the "complex" gameplay
It's going on STEAM. The devs have STEAMWORKS licenses. They're just a bit slow implementing it because, well, I dunno why.
It's valve dragging their feet. If you look at PVK, they've had their new version ready for months and months now that was supposed to be released on steamworks. Originally they thought another mod was to blame, but I knows it ain't Empires, so who has a longer development time? :confused:
Empires isn't ready for steamworks. Its not exactly new player friendly now, is it? And that is what Steamworks will bring, LOTS of new players.
It's good to see new clans in Empires, the last clan that joined (Sadly), I welcomed them with an APC rush. You can ask Tovarich Cookie.
Their server seems only to lag when it has a lot of non-US players online with high pings. Also rellik is my favourite CO
Poland is blocked from Posting on the forums, not server It says my ISP is blacklisted, which is the main ISP of Poland.