Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Candles, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I think capitalism will inevitably lead to some sort of revolution, but I doubt we'll have socialism after it. Socialism only works if all human beings are equally kind.

    But that aint so, human beings are pieces of shit who are mean to each other. No way that shit works
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    its the constant slinging of the clock pendulum of capitalist up and down, but for some reason it swung further and further to an unhealthy oligarchic extreme. If it does not break the clock entirely at the least it will change the game forever... Either socialist, communist or similar revolutions or on the other side total dystopian oligarchy states are within reach now. I think the kickoff to a violence less socialist compromise through a new deal was lost through the failure of bernie getting the nomination. What we get in its place is probably not better.
  3. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    communists and socialists are not the same thing, capitalists group them together because its easier to fight a single threat and communists do to be able to organise a solid front but they are an entirely different ideology that just happens to share some practical similarities. Socialism does not at all require the individual to be altruistic to the group like communism kind of does.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    there are like thousands of definitions for socialism. and communism is not as defined as it once was either. i think debating words wont lead us anywhere.

    but to be honest i have no hope in this anymore whatsoever. we - as humanity - would need to realize that private property is the root of all evil. but before this happens we turn the surface of the earth into glass. bets welcome.

    aside of that we also have other severe issues - like dwindling resources and a climate change, anthropogenic or not (unlikely) - which ofc are connected to this aswell.

    and ultimatively we as societies are depressed. pretty much noone out there truely believes this goes on for much longer and fear is a bad counselor. fear is what makes it even possible such people get to be elected. if it would be because of rationale they would be laughted at.

    not the best conditions for a bright future ... or well, maybe for one bright as a thousand stars. but it will go on for a while i think - or hope - or fear.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  5. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Im definitly one of those capitalist pigs who's trying to spread anti communistic messages through these forums boards to convince you that capitalism is the way of life.
  6. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    you probably voted vlaams belang as well you peace of human bourgeois scum
  7. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Seriously? You are SERIOUSLY predicting the "End times" because of Bernie not getting the nomination?

    Bernie wouldn't have won the GE for a plethora of reasons, namely he's a self-identified Socialist. While the "polls" showed him winning vs Trump, that was simply because he wasn't Hillary or Trump (Who both have high unfavorability ratings). As soon as his policies would have come about, it would have been game over for him as they do not make any sense in US politics specifically. On top of this, there is a GIANT stigma with Socialism in America, namely because we are taught Nazi Germany was a National Socialist country. Grandparents would speak out against it, saying they marched on the beaches to end Socialism... Trump would have hammered him into the ground with communist/socialist ads specifically saying he would end our country with the debt. He also would be able to take the approach that Bigger Government = More Corruption, and is more of a globalist agenda so he would have gained more support.

    Disagree all you want, the last 16+ years of US politics gave rise to Trump and allowed him to get as popular as he did because everyone felt he truly cared unlike politicians who do their stupid politician talk.
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i cannot disagree. what i do not understand, trump first and foremost cares about trump, then maybe trump and at the very last trump - how is this any better?
  9. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    It's been the growing atmosphere that our politicians are all corrupt and their word can not be taken seriously. On top of this, everyone agrees the media is biased over here and the media this year has only brought this out. Another thing to note, is that Republicans realize this is the final stand of the Republican party because if Hillary gets in they will turn Texas Blue, making it so no more Republicans ever win and making it a one party dictatorship.
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    and you can take trump seriously? i mean in a way he is dead honest, but i fear you guys miss what he is saying.
    you want your jobs back from mexico and china? well turn to china because god knows trump has no interest in turning either country into yours.
  11. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    No, but his proposals make sense to KEEP businesses in America and perhaps bring them back. It is much better than current politicians who don't even ADDRESS the issue, let alone have plans to combat it. Trump calls it out as it is... that is what is respectable and that is why he garners more favor than the "All talk no action politicians"

    I heard a saying the other day about Trump:

    "The Media Takes Trump Literally but not seriously, but his supporters take him seriously and not Literally", good description of why people are so fed up with our current media, government, etc.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  12. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    No, im saying the !political! end times for the status quo has become far more likely because Bernie was not given a fair shot... a lot and i mean A LOT of people begrudgingly playing the political game finally having a candidate they like snatched from them in such a dishonest and foul way... only leads to more extreme, less compromise... All of them knowing its rigged against them are currently going 'fuck this retarded bullshit' right now...

    all a revolution is is enough people no longer supporting the status quo systems... nothing more nothing less and i believe we have already reached and surpassed the terminal amount of disenfranchised people needed for a violent revolution... doesn't mean it cant be stopped but some compromises need to be made to bread, play and clothe the people or the emperor might find his final act to be against the lions in the circus itself.

    all they need is a somewhat common goal and a key event that galvanizes it to set off that firecracker...
  13. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    There are definitions of all movements all over, for some black lives matter is about getting black civil rights on par with other races, for some its about getting blacks treated as an elevated race to make up for slavery, for some its straight up black panthers gone mainstream.
    To know what a movement is about try to get to know what the average self described member versus a semi prominent figurehead teach their kids...

    Socialism has a thousand definitions, but do we really have to take the definition a president of the US during the red scare cold war serious for example? judge ideas for their merits and cherry pick what you talk about... Even if that means abandoning charged terms (like 'socialism', if it needs to be done to progress the debate then it needs to be done...)

    Democratic socialism for example is the same thing socialists wanted during the communist revolution... but the leninist call to brotherhood, the red scare and the 'socialist' soviet russia collapsing happened, so now they placed that 'democratic' in front to differentiate and thats fine but a cat is a cat.
  14. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Rofl, no wonder the US is fucked up. They don't even know their history. The genocide of specific classes of people doesn't really sound like socialism to me. It started out as socialism, sure, but it wasn't the reason why we had a war. In fact the socialist policies boosted the economic output by a huge percentage. It was the non-socialist policies that got Hitler into trouble.

    And if you're so scared of facism then you should probably start supporting your lower class citizens a bit better. Considering that gays do not have equal rights still should kinda give you a clue.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  15. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    Americans seem to have the highest number of sheeple and the herders are the rich. Kinda sad boys.
  16. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    cool and all, but now we are not a bit smarter and you wasted time defining something i know anyway. i could now go on that according to marx' definition socialism is what turns into communism, blablabla - what does it matter actually? its just not the point, its no contest to recite ideas and definitions best, its about identifying, understanding and refining the underlying ideas and problems.
    "the worker" and "the capitalist" like they existed in the midst of the 19th century dont even exist anymore (or barely) - yet capital accumulation still does, its causing us trouble and its "conveniently" left out of the public discussion and instead we fall for the idea that isolationism and competition between nations (fe. the "europe of nations" propagated by the far right) can solve anything, while actually it couldnt be toxic more. what this really means is a race to the bottom - the wealthy* live global, financial capital is highly mobile and its what makes blackmailing whole countries quite easy. "if you dont do <thisandthat>, we leave". "you do want to compete with asia? cool lets reduce social securtiy systems and create a climate of uncertainty, then people will be happily accept wage slavery".
    i do believe its possible to counteract on a political level, but only in a collective attempt, and it really doesnt look like this is going to be a topic on either side of the atlantic for quite a while.

    *which more often than not are not even real persons, but "only" legal ones.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  17. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Thats nice, but i did not define socialism in that post, and neither did i in other posts i posted here recently so i dont know what you are talking about. Keeping socialism and communism seperate however does add to the clarity of the conversation, especially since the conversation relates to bernie sanders socialism which has nothing to do with communism what so ever.
  18. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    No, it's just seen that these policies are an overall failure, especially because the USSR is attributed HEAVILY to Socialism. The Red Scare scared a lot of the people who are aged 40+ because of heavy propaganda at that time, so my point stands that Bernie would NOT have won.

    Also, we aren't Europe and SOME of those policies wouldn't work over here. I know over in Europe they make it seem like if you don't have insurance you are pretty much dead over here, but that is also simply not the case. The Government and state governments all run a free healthcare service, far before Obamacare, that takes care of whatever you need. We are actually pretty well off, though Obama has made some moves to counter this, but the people of the US are very well taken care of.
  19. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    believe me, amazing. *points both hands up*
  20. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Alright sure, if Bernie's socialism is linked to the Russians in the Cold War period then that is justified. I can see how that can be exploited if he were a presidential candidate.
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