Nukes on Escort

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Krenzo, Nov 25, 2007.


Put nukes back in Escort?

  1. Yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. No

    52 vote(s)
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  1. tkeracer619

    tkeracer619 Member

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    It's a tea party
  2. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    It would pretty much enable spawncamping, the option's already there on the second NF spawn. :/
  3. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Well, Avair, there you go. People seem to like not having nukes.
  4. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    1. I don't really care about the vote. :) Majority of dumb people were just saying "ZOMFG remove the nukes" and we ended with this. It's not enough to nerf something to make game good.
    2. You DON'T WANT arty enabled at the last flag. You really don't want it.
    3. Nuke heavy tank has to go near the last flag so it's possible to kill it. It's far better than being killed by artillery that is 10km away.
    4. MLs and MGs. If NF isn't retarded they will always make lots of them at the last flag. Without nukes and arty you can't even walk in there. Infantry dies after 0.5 seconds and tanks die after 2 s. Adding more paths won't solve anything. It would have to be shielded from MLs/MGs, have emp_eng_restrict and you would need 2-3 such paths so NF couldn't just totally block it.
    5. I think that I reached some kind of compromise with Solokiller he wanted to enable nukes 1-5 minutes after BE reaches the last flag. I think that it is possible to do currently with Empires: event is triggered after capturing 4th NF flag and nukes are available after some time (not longer than 5 minutes).
    6. Removing stickies could help. I'm not really sure but with lots of 2x HE heavies BE would have much higher chances. Currently at most 1 heavy can go through the gate, otherwise they'll get blocked and destroyed with stickies.
    7. Krenzo's "people like": NF doesn't like it but you're totally forgetting about consequences of this.

    IMHO this change is so easy to do and important for gameplay on escort that it should be incorported into 2.0. If there's no time to recompile the map it's better to change the map script because most of the server admins will be too dumb/lazy to do it.

    It should be possible to win even if NF doesn't suck but is just worse than BE.
    Stickies, do you know what it is? And when did you play on escort last time? How many times were you a tank driver trying to destroy turrets or get to the flag? How many times did you try to use artillery against NF turrets?

    Silk: changing flag area won't make it any easier at all.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  5. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    Wrong just plain wrong!
    adding a back entrance to the last flag makes it really hard for the NF to hold back the BE tanks. Why? cause they're forced to spread out over the entire area as opposed to only the part where the tanks (+ underground passage) are.

    I Vote for a sewer system to be added to the last flag!
  6. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    I was giving orders to NF OOHRAH!

    (also sticky naded 7 fucking vehicles)

    and another thing

    The arty sucks on the map because so many fucking retarded invisible walls have been put in. It might have been because I artied the fuck out of the enemy but oh well. Wouldnt be surprised if they had to fix the map cause I whored an effective way to kill people

    lets check the list

    1.0 escort mortar over wall killing VF in 10 seconds of gameplay [X]
    newer escort arty whoring every known sweet spot of the map [X]
    APC rushing [X]
    Uber BE turret farming [X]
    District roof tops [X] (everyone did it, I just made it awesome)

    Funny thing is, I had no real hand in the nukes on escort. Tried it once, never liked it.

    /emote Puts on black sunglasses and starts strutting in emp_streets_of_fire

    soon to be?
    sticky nade ass kicking [ ]
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  7. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    just put nukes back in. Empires sucks no matter what when you have small games going....its a game designed for larger games, so treat it as such....give nukes back IMO. That, or give nukes at the last flag following kylegar's suggestion.
  8. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Without nukes or with sticky nades BE won't even get there so it doesn't matter. And then there's no need to make it easier for BE after adding nukes back or removing stickies from escort.

    So my last say is that I agree with Kylegar: it's easy to do, it will make game perfectly balanced and fun and isn't a bigger hack than removing nukes from the map. Stickies could stay on escort then. Even if it's too hard for 20 people to see that it's impossible to win on escort as BE.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  9. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    You sure are full of yourself.

    The "Invisible Walls" you refer to are the proper skybox brushes used to make a proper map. These were put here to help fix the render everything all the time shit. Nerfing your arty is just a side effect of a properly made map.
  10. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Yes, please tell me what to do next seeing as how the world of empires revolves around you.

    I would prefer something changed about the final flag's design instead of adding nukes in at anytime.
  11. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Last flag's design can't be changed other than restricting turrets on huge area. Then NF would build turrets elsewhere so you would have to restrict building turrets everywhere in radius of 100 m from last flag.

    You could make the road to the flag wider but that would be a dramatic change and would take some time to do.
  12. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    nine mining makes the last flag hell, no matter what. Maybe remove the debris blocking the road to the flag?
  13. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    or just add in a sewer system so that the BE can pop up all over the place (preferably on top of that hill where NF is :P)

    anyways maybe the bunker could have a ladder to the top so that it forces the NF folks to defend the top or move down, making everything a bit more dynamic
  14. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    That place is always crowded with BE infantry, they're constantly shooting out of the 2 windows. The only times i saw BE cap the last flag was because they jumped+proned at the small window so they could get through (exploit?) and cap the flag. Now if that would be a door, you'd have many BE soldiers with access to the flag. NF would have to put turrets and people at the flag defending it, reducing the number of turrets and people at the main vehicle area.

    I'm pretty sure this small change would solve the problem already. Many times i was just on time to kill a scout who jumped/proned through the window and was hidden at the flag, while many other BE infantry were in the building trying to get through the window as well.
  15. Coffeeburrito

    Coffeeburrito Coder

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    Yes! I think that's definitely worth a try.

    Also, I think it would be great if the NF cliff on the left (from an attacking BE vehicle's perspective) was pushed a bit back. The slightly expanded vehicle pathway would help against sticky rushes.

    In light of these changes, I think decreasing the number of tickets for both teams should also be considered.
  16. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    You, good sir, are mad.
  17. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    You an start by quit taking me seriously when I act a pompous ass which is (98%) of the time. :P

    but seriously, you can make it so you can't mute the commander :P

    Agreed. Hell, that's why that extra back entrance was put in place. (I think)

    (now for that 2% of the time)

    I think some sort of entrance to cliffs from behind water area would make it harder to protect. The NF would have to watch 4 entry points coming from 2 different directions instead of the current 3 entry points with 1 direction.

    You could add this entrance in the tunnel entrance to where instead of taking a right out into the open, you can keep on going and come up from behind the flag on a cliff.

    Just an idea though.
  18. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    the problem there is that it comes out very close to the flag, and its a tunnel, making it harder to defend. the BE would be protected from the NF on the cliffs, and then could just rush the flag.
  19. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    What about adding a ladder to the cliff opposite the spawn cliff allowing BE high ground? From what I understand, its been cut off to the NF after the last couple of updates to the map. The main problem BE now have is shooting up at the enemy.

    If anyone has seen starwars episode 3...High ground OWNS
  20. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    What about if the BE could get up on the far side of the ridge, that would give another dimension to the map
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