Mission Statements

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Ikalx, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :)
  2. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    yeah i just asked if you were gonna join clans..

    im not gonna have everyone vote for someone and then find out they dont want to join
  3. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    I so fucking count. I'm like the 3rd highest ranked member in the clan now that dizzy is gone.*

    That was hysterical on money. HSM is funny to comm under. Just be sure to talk back.

    *may or may not be due to a promotion I gave to myself
  4. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Personaly... I love to play against HSM, and do everything to piss him off... I don't know... you just dont get the same type of satisfaction anywhere else...

    Though... Sometimes I do enjoy Mic spamming with him (mostly on Glycen)...
  5. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    We will not ever force a recruit to keep them away from CW.

    *Edit* Real reason for posting.

    The object of clans can be in skill on how Shinzon said, but it can also be in how the organization has been run.
    The JPL/BSID/CW system of power is run very differently, and it shows.
    The right to individuality in a clan is what to me makes JPL very worth it, as we can say whatever we want unless it causes a problem.
    We have had people speak up about the clan, but do to our freedom of speech, the whole thing was solved. I know when one clan was about to crash and did, they had members speaking out (This is as an example, not a reason to flame. I can remove this if this causes an issue.) and people where trying to silent them.
    As I speak with a bias, I can not be a good observer, but with the logic I see in our clan, that is what makes us the best. (And the godly skill, but some JPLers like me need to sharpen up again.)

    It can also be that you can't get in JPL at the time and needed a different clan, like some people.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  6. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Mochiron I wasn't saying the door was swinging open, but i'm not gonna apply to two clans at once (and probably not one clan then the other if I get denied, just one clan or none). Anyway i'm getting more and more offtopic...

    Cyber-kun...for some reason your explanation seems more like a clan ties you rather than helps. No one, no one, will ever stop me having my say and i'm sure many other recruits are the same. If this is a feature/issue of a clan, it might be best if you include a statement about it here.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  7. Caggers

    Caggers Member

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    I think what Cyber was trying to say was that in most of the clans, you have to do what your leaders/superiors tell you to do and you don't have much of a choice. In JPL, however, everyone has their own say and decisions are made based on what every member thinks; i.e. no-one is in a position of power over anyone else.
  8. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    i had a few reasons to join jpl

    1. all the griefers made me crazy.. in JPL you get admin in the best emp server

    2. these guys are cool.. good friendships worth more then the game itself

    3. too defeat the clan that made me dislike emp.. bsid.. but now they cool.. and all the people i hated arnt even in the clan anymore...

    I remember them ruining the game everytime i tried to play.. this was long timeago
  9. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    I was talking to him for an hour beforehand so he is correct to say that is my option. To add upon it...

    Well the leader/superior can be a bad thing as it can force you to give respect to people who you don't think deserve it.
    You could be right or wrong, but it could not matter since they are the superior and you are a new clanner.

    People in JPL, they get the respect the deserve. Tyberain is the old timer we all love, Shinzon is spending too much time helping us, Dubee is cool, And Bob is a very bad person. (Moral wise)
    Ranks have nothing to do with it.

    Since there is no ranks also, there is no positions you have to take on a political issue. This is what I mean by being to forced to say or not say something.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  10. Opie

    Opie Member

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    Can I report the JPL member who abused me (slapping me around and setting me on fire) back in the 1.07 days? (No I really won't do that cuz thats just pitiful, and I doubt I still have that demo) TBH I was looking to join JPL for about a month, then JPL members did something that made me really mad and made me realize that they were no better than BSID, and then I realized Simon was in BSID and I couldn't be separated from my butt buddy.... I mean buddy. If I were you, I wouldn't join any clan until after 2.0.
  11. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Lemme guess, davee magee?

    He really shouldn't play drunk. :P
  12. Valiant

    Valiant Member

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    Honestly, the only times i can remember the guys pulling rank was putting this tag thing in my sig. and on the issue of disagreements... most of the new guys have been doing and contributing to allot of junks, 'Specially drag and weedy. I'm just the guy who gets shot at for science. And i haven't yet been forced to take a certain side on an issue.
    Plus, a bit of order is always nice. We all have at least 2 ways to get in contact with each other, which allows us to have a quick game with the clan,
    and/or appear like a swarm onto the server. And once 2.0 gets out, we are supposed to be running a newbie training server. At least, unless plans changed or something.
  13. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    was it worse then nuke lts? invincable flag cappers

    making level 3 mgs on roofs/top of skinny polls

    or what about all the flaming.. and the OMG DO YOU KNOW ONE OF OUR MEMBERS IS AN ADMIN(lol talking about dizzy on the offical server)

    the list goes on.. and you told me you didnt want to join JPL cause we shared a server with One

    edit: here is the worse thing.. bsid acted like they owned this mod.. they had a clan member who was admin on the offical server and fourms so they could act like they had power over anyone.. they demanded to know when 1.8 was gonna be released?! and recently CW did somthing similar.. simmer down emp clans

    vaporware i tells ya
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  14. Opie

    Opie Member

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    I joined BSID before your servers merged. I told you now I would never join JPL now because you merged and two of their members have some sort of vendetta against me.
    I didn't think making lvl3 turrets on those polls were any way against general rules. Come to think of it, since the turrets are fixed again (horrible thing actually) turrets poles should commence. The flaming was mutual. And from what I hear from the people newly from 1.07, did not stop since 1.08, a lot of talking about BSID without any BSID in 1.07 to counterdict what they say. It was mutual, thats all I'm saying, neither side was right. BSID members know my stance on the other stuff, but they were mostly bugs, and bugs that were fixed because of it. I used to be one of the biggest bitchers at BSID about the admin abuse, then I realized it was isolated and not the whole clan. Since joining the clan, multiple threads were started trying to clear up the abuse, and it was in fact, cleaned out. The last couple of months we had a 1.07 server there were no incidences that I know of. In fact in my application, the first thing replied by simon was "Good we have his steam ID, now we can ban him". I remember at one point some members at JPL saying they missed eth0 because he made the games interesting. Alas, I ramble.

    EDIT:damn my grammar is becoming crap
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  15. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    Clan section doesn't need to mean flame war guys
  16. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's a pretty sad state of affairs when not even one clan can say they have conducted themselves with decency and fairness in their dealings with other players in the past or even the present. It is even sadder when they need to flame each other on almost every page of this thread.

    Frankly, you're digging all of your reputations down into the mud and it's interesting that you don't even see it happening.
  17. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    How has CW done that? :D
  18. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    "Excellent now we have his steam ID so we can ban him. JK. I say yes."

    Would be my actual quote from his application. ;)

    Also everyone not in a clan get off your high horse. Non-clan players stack just as much if not more often then clan players. Go make your own clan if your so much better then the rest of us.
  19. Opie

    Opie Member

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    Who is flaming? (LOL BESIDES SIMON, he's totally gay)
  20. Simon

    Simon Banned

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    The only thing flaming here is opies sexuality.

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