Will Scotland liberate itself from English tyranny?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by McGyver, Sep 12, 2014.


Independent Scotland?

Poll closed Oct 19, 2014.
  1. Yesh!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Nosh!

    10 vote(s)
  1. Candles


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    No, but I can present them as evidence for why trusting everyone is different from trusting no one. You don't even have to see it in terms of what actually happens, you can just think of it as an example and critique it from there. If trusting everyone was the same as trusting no one, there'd be almost no difference between a person who's naive and a person who's paranoid.
  2. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    "submit reply"

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    Anyhoo, thats why i said there is nothing wrong is the benefits are comparable and you decide to go with the "self" option. Its more likely to benefit yourself back. And as I said, I argue the use of word "nothing". Call me a nitpicker, but i really have a beef when people overshot theor arguments and use strong, extreme, final words such as always, nothing,
    hate et cetera. I argued that there can be wrongs with that, ergo its not nothing. I also think we have a different definition of nationalism, or at least the divide between that and patriotism.
    I see what you are trying to say, but I can't fully agree. Trusting people you know is one thing. That a long lasting knowledge of one another build trust is nothing weird or bad, its just proof that someone is less likely to screw you over. But that is person to person basis. I can't really see how that transfers to millions of people. The only reason why id be more sympathetic to someone of my own nationality would be if I didnt know the whole picture and because there is no language barrier that would inhibit getitng that knowdledge. To give some example, id be more saddened in a situation when someone told me they've lost a family member than if someone just cried for some reason unknown to me. On the other hand, a picture of someone with a dead family member would hurt the same no matter of ethinicity/whatever
    As for the last part, I disagree on a more personal side, since I seem to have ridiculous empathy (though I might be misusing the word here) and a bit of compulsive thinking and can easily put myself in someones proverbial shoes or instanly know how the can feel.
    I would rather say they threaten civilisation than humanity, but thats word usage nitpicking.
    Ill have to take yours and candle's word for it (in case of candles, forcibly; you doggoned cunt), but Chris never really struck me as a nihilist-anarchist, his sentences seemed okay, but as I said, I never really read any of that in depth.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  3. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    It's often disrespectful and personally insulting to critique a personal anecdote, which is one of the reasons they are inappropriate.

    I already said that "trusting everyone" is not a maintainable behavior. It is, however, a temporary behavior that a naive college student can practice since he hasn't lived by himself long enough. Eventually, said student changes his ways and learns to ration out his trust like a normal person. Otherwise, he determines that he can't trust anyone if he stubbornly must treat everyone equally in the long term.

    Judging everyone "properly" takes too long. Long enough that you can consistently get fucked over.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    the question isnt "can we all be in the same team?" we are.
    if you piss far enough you piss on your own leg - thats the problem with living on a gravitating spherical object. the world isnt limitless.
  5. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    I would like to chime in and note that you guys seem to treat trust and lack of it as two opposite extremes, a 1-0 state which reeks like hell of false dichotomy fallacy. There is absolute trust (though id personally say its a trait of stupid) and paranoid distrust ( of the same and mentally damaged), but there is a sea of in-betweens. Not to mention different people think that trust starts at different point along the axis.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    SPEAKING OF SCOTLAND, id be very surprised if they did separate
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    no one fucking cares anymore
  8. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Not really. I think more people would vote to separate because they think it unlikely that a separate vote would go through, but then that Scotland might end up being independent because they wanted to send a message.

    Mistakes are the things that happen most often in life.

    Can't be bothered to weigh in with trust and antitrust. Seems like you guys are still finding your way, and I really can't be bothered to argue with people who may just revert to "lol, I was just trolling". CW seems to have it covered anyway ;)
  9. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    I sure hope it doesn't become independent. We Americans have a hard enough time keeping track of your hodge-podge of borders to add yet another one.
  10. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Im afraid ive got some bad news for you..
  11. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I should've been more specific as to what form of Nationalism has nothing wrong with it, the general kind; the basic principles of Nationalism with no frills. Obviously it is evident that examples like NatSoc, the Cultural Revolution, or Juche, etc. are nationalistic ideals/movements that have something wrong with them. On the rest, I think we could just agree to disagree.

    Thank you, that was actually the word I was looking for.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  12. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Idk, separating into "teams" helps with identity and greatly fuels trust, which subsequently improves output.

    Bigger teams are probably more effective, but it takes a counter to encourage an unusually large number of people to "team up".

    Here's an example that I always found nifty: As late as the early 20th century, American Christians of different denominations were generally pissed at each other. Lots of little groups that never trusted each other. I mean, remember the controversy with JFK being catholic? We're talking deep seated distrust. And yet, as the cold war ramped up, American Christians teamed up to provide a collective counter-identity to stereotypical communistic atheism. The infamous "Under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in like the 1950s as one way to speed up this effect. Today, there is basically no conflict between denominations. Anecdotally, I'll occasionally hear someone go, "oh I have to find a Lutheran church in this new city," or something similar, but most Christianity is non-denominational in this country. America has successfully nationalized Christianity and used it to bring Americans together against the country's enemies. You see the fruits of that movement in the the continued middle east conflict. Obama continues to kill shit with drones, but Americans give exactly zero fucks because 'Murica. That's tremendous dedication and identity.

    That's how powerful people can be when they "team up" and trust each other. But if they didn't have a catalyst for that trust, they'd fall apart again. I don't see a similar catalyst that could unite all people into trusting each other in a meaningful way.

    To get back on topic, I am amazed that the UK always seems on the brink of falling apart. We all know this Scotland thing is not new or unusual for the UK. They fucking suck at establishing a national identity. Everyone thinks of America as a mega-Christian nation, but that identity is barely 50 fucking years old, so I don't want to hear that the UK can't build something similar in the bajillion years that it's had.
  13. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    America?Being viewed as a mega Christian nation? Give me a minute while i laugh my ass off.
    Outside the bible belt radicals, that is seriously not the case.

    In fact, I struggle to recall any instances of media that had alot of america and christianity.
    There was like one film about some guy who loved some deathsick girl, but thats an outright christian film so that doesnt really count. There are really casual references here and there, but the only messages seem to be
    1)"Catholics are funny"
    3)Illegal immigrants are usually deep believers (and goddamed token religious characters most of the time)
    4)Fuck Mormons
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  14. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    and it has proven that small groups help with pressing global problems like pollution, overfishing, dwindling resources, anthropogenic climate change, epedemic diseases and the like? dont let greed fool yourself, these are problems that dont have anything to do with sympathy and empathy towards other human beings, it will affect you within your span of life (it already does, we just hold ourselfs up with pointless simple minded bullshit)

    nationalism, a concept well explored in the 19th and first half of the 20th century (not that it has ceased to exist sadly, but up to 2001 it had less influence) has lead to where we are now - i dont see how any previously explored concept will enable us to deal with the challenges we face currently (neither those we dont know about yet). its all issues that cannot be solved on the nation scale, its just dumb to put persistence of the human race* at stake for short profits - especially if its assumed that the drawbacks will appear within your lifespan - but shortsightedness seems to become envogue again.

    but yes, neophobia strong in us. rather endure a suffering you know, then the uncertainty of change. maybe we just dont deserve anything better ...

    *short reminder: you are part of it, you cannot just ragequit to somewhere else once we start losing. the teams aint humans vs humans - this part is solely manmade - its humans vs physical limits of a small rock with far less then 1 permille of its diameter called biosphere floating in a gigantic void so far spread out that reaching another of those small rocks where our known form of life can sustain is so far away that reaching it is against all our knowledge about physics ...

    also zoom, plasma is ionized gas ;)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  15. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    You're too young to even know what you're talking about. Most of our trust, faith and sense of honour was lost when we took part in the revenge war in Afghanistan to find weapons of mass destruction.

    That still continues today. Blair has no idea of just exactly what he did to this country when he agreed to be Bush's lapdog.

    Edit: Also I have to say, you guys don't even have standardised schooling, or even half the systems we have in place on a national level, so I don't even...
  16. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    When did this thread get so fucking boring?
  17. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    When we all stopped to think about how shitty the UK is at uniting its people. I get what happened in South Africa & India, but not in Canada, Australia, the US, Ireland and now Scotland. The queen needs to lrn 2 Murica.
  18. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    and fluids are liquified gasses.
    still considered a different state of matter
  19. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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  20. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    When Devu started to dream about the rebirth of the East India Company.

    Sparti needs to lrn 2 troll.

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