Does 2 minutes of research time matter?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Lazybum, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Vehicle training is a metric for quickly testing out Heavy tanks - never did I say it was a metric for gameplay. Head to head to determine which is more powerful or which team is more skilled, it's Vehicle Training. We've also done tank tests on Tank Training since we don't have to wait for research to test out everything. So since we were talking about BE Heavies being more powerful than NF heavies, wouldn't you think that is the map to validate that claim ?

    Good comparison to District flasche, which is a decent map to try out weapons. The walls are good for looking at different firing spreads and distance shot tests. We did some tests on various skills and ironsight aims. We talking about Practice.

    Oh and welcome back HeXi - now get into a game so I can spank you.
  2. Candles


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    Sure, it'll tell you head-to-head which one's better. But we all know there's far more to Empires than just tank combat. I'd rather have a nuke tank or two in that army in an actual game rather than having them all be the same.

    Plus, everyone almost always gets the same thing on it. Full, or almost full compo, HE for the cannon, BioMG, BioML or Homing Salvo. It doesn't really change past that.
  3. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    No, the map doesn't take into account the efficiency of the tanks. Resources are almost unlimited, but it goes without saying that even though a tank can output a lot of damage it wouldn't be so effective if your team can only afford two.
  4. urethra franklin

    urethra franklin Member

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    You think resources matter in normal games?
  5. Candles


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    Resources are the difference between having to actually think about what to research and rushing compo nuke heavies every round. Sadly, due to the inconsistency between resource rates on maps, they're a terrible way to balance things. If <A> is balanced against <B> because <A> costs twice as much as <B>, that doesn't really matter if you're playing map <X> which has ridiculous resource rates.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  6. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    Well, if it was stated somewhere, say on the wiki how much resources a map generally should have, it would help the mappers as right now it's more of a "decompile <X> map, look at all the refineries, guess that it fits your <Y> map and then add that to your <Z> refineries."
  7. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    They do.

    There are so many things that I hate about this game. I try to just shut the fuck up because no one likes a whiner. But you made my hour for articulating one pustule of bile that's been bubbling in my belly for some time now.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  8. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Lots of opinions on armor, as Candles said there are few choices for weapons and engine. It comes down to the fact that most commanders will push bio, nf dual bio or be single bio. Your armor choices are then limited to regen or compo. Regen sucks against missiles or he. So regardless of the price compo is the right choice. Must good tank drivers can keep the same tank all game if you give them a good armor, shit armor loses more tanks. If you are a shit tank driver then go cheap. Keep your expensive tanks longer and have more on the field.

    My opinion.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  9. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I am suddenly reminded that the people who will go back to base to get a vehicle are usually new players or bad drivers. Getting decent drivers in a vehicles is harder than one would suspect. All the decent players just grab a jeep to get to the frontline or bring an apc. Usually jeeps though.

    I know on maps like slaughtered that everyone will try to get a tank because it is hard to do anything on foot, plus there is enough money for it. On a map like say canyon or crossroads, most of the good tank drivers aren't tanking. Mostly because they think they can do a lot of foot. At least that is what I think anyway.

    I am just saying that because I would agree that getting compo would be ideal 80% of the time, it's just a case you expect new players to not retreat or bad drivers to over heat or go too far. That is one of the nice things about reactive, it is super cheap for the amount of health it gives. I also suspect scrubs to last a tad longer in reactive than either regen or absorbent. Regen is still the best armor for good drivers, second only to compo of course.

    Also why do you say regen sucks against HE or missiles? As far as I know there is no extra damage it receives. Though to be fair on a apc or light with only 2 plates the whole regen point is rendered useless because a single hit takes all its armor. Probably why regen is worst early game armor.

    Edit: Thought about it for a second and realized that the reason I see new payers or bad drivers constantly getting tanks is because the keep losing them. Still, most of my points still stand I think.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  10. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I think he said "missiles & HE" and meant "weapons for meds & up", which are opposed to weapons that APCS & LTs use.
  11. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Begin game armor, reactive is great. It's heavier but you have more that you can put on a medium and still have a missile and he. When you get to heavies and many times shortly after mediums are pushed they will have bio missiles so reactive is then bad. Now you have to stop researching heavies and get compo. The team that starts with compo gets to heavies first. Heavies with bio are more difficult for ground troops to fight But of course on a resource constrained map it may be good to hold off on compo. A fully loaded compo heavy costs 1750 ish. I wish we had more big maps with resources, since tank battles are alot of fun.

    Regen imho drops more plates on missile hits than compo, and you can fit more plates with compo because it's lighter. If bio ml were not being used, reactive would save you money.

    There are alot better tank drivers out there than me, but I know that I usually keep my medium and drop it in front of the rax for a heavy. Put on regen and I won't have time to get away before it is dead.

    Let's meet online at tank training and run some tests.
  12. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Well considering regen is 55 a plate and compo is 80, you end up with mediums with 3 plates or 165 health, compo gets the full 4 so 320. So of course it looks like compo is super amazing compared to regen. This is comparing mediums, which most people will see every game. Still the cost of a compo medium is about 200 more I think. That is a cost of a barracks, and on a map like canyon where walls and a squad of infantry can lock down a area, I'd rather have a rax than a medium that can take a hit or 2 more. Not to mention canyon is a low res map to begin with.

    Honestly, I can't think of a single person that would say compo isn't the best armor barring a few really specific scenarios. It is just as you say, pricey. Which is why not many commanders take the chance on it. Especially when the basic tactics for the first 15 minutes is rush Ugl apcs til the enemy dies and you have map control. Just about any armor works fine for that, Unless of course the enemy has some really competent grens. Or more grens than engineers, a rare yet amazing sight to behold.

    The secret to using regen is to keep spinning your vehicle around so they keep shooting at fresh armor, letting the damaged stuff repair itself. The problem is you need space to do this in. That is why chokepoint maps like slaughtered and streets of fire are the worst place to get it. I'm not sure how fast it repairs though,scripts say
    for regen
    "Regeneration"			"0.1"
    for compo
    "Regeneration"			"0.03"        
    I don't know if that means like 10% of a plate a second for regen or what. Would like for someone to confirm how this works.I do find it amusing to watch a tanks health magically rise in comm view though, like the tank is chugging potions or something.

    My math may be terrible but I think the total bio damage over time is like
    "Vehicle Bio Damage"	"15"	//damage inflicted to vehicles every interval
    "Vehicle Bio Time"	"15"	//total time to inflict damage to vehicles
    "Vehicle Bio Interval"	"1"	//time inbetween each infliction of damage to vehicles
    ((15*.25)+15)*15=281.25 for reactive
    ((15*-.25)+15)*15=168.75 for regen
    This doesn't include the fact that regen is constantly regaining health while it bio is taking effect. All that said though and you should ocme to realize that is only a little more than 2 plates of reactive and 3 plates of regen. Probably a lot less for regen actually, more like 2 if you count in its regen effect. This is why reactive isn't as terrible as people say it is.

    Still, I really can't think of a reason to get absorbent. It is light so you can put a lot of fire power on a tank, but it still feels like paper to most. Considering I always open either biology for diesel or electrical for 3 phase( nobody on the team wants to try fission or figure how coolant works :( ) I always get something else. I think the last couple times I researched absorbent was when I got delayed so my only option was to rush absorbent, gasturbine ugl apcs.
  13. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    If you go the reactice route, you should have compo before you start heavies.

    Reactive is the best armor in the game for LTs, APCs & early mediums (meds with one 70-weight weapon).

    When we're talking about fully equipped mediums (with 2+ ~70-weight weapons) or heavies, then you need compo instead of reactive.

    So after you finish equipping your mediums, you need to get compo. Your beefier mediums will need the lighter armor. Then you get heavies.

    I get that res might be tight, but you shouldn't be thinking about heavies in the first place if you're short on cash.

    Is there any way that we can get Candles to look this stuff up for us (or share some source so we can look it up ourselves)?

    I'm not sure that you're interpreting the bio modifier correctly. We shouldn't have to test this stuff if we have access to source.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  14. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Lazy, keep commanding and you'll understand why we research compo. I spoke my peace. Anything more is redundant.

    Canyon, is normally won by foot soldiers, but game ended with tanks. By that I mean the soldiers destroy all structures, the heavies destroy the com, but there are variations like arty is really worthwhile on canyon.

    Play me with your regen vs my compo on any map and you'll quickly get tired of losing. Two grens will destroy your mediums before they can get away. Well bleed you while apc's take down your base and heavies tool around tormenting troops, buildings and your com.
  15. urethra franklin

    urethra franklin Member

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    Because it requires the least thought?

    Also I don't get the hate for absorbant. I usually keep abso tanks longer than other tanks for some reason, maybe I'm just getting out and repairing more often because I know I don't have regen to fall back on or something.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  16. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    For me, avs is in this sweet spot where It doesn't die instantly to concentrated fire but doesn't cost an arm and a leg at the same time.

    The problem here is exactly what Franklin said.
  17. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Now we're just rehashing, Spartacus gets it, and is my best adversary.

    Reactive requires you to research Electrical - if you're going for speed engine it is your best choice. If you want to rush Medium Bio, HE you stick to Chem, Mech, Bio and don't waste more time getting 3Phase and Reactive. If you have nubs you need Bio engine. As previously stated vets will not come back for vehicles so unless you're on Dust Storm you need to cater to your nubs. As Spartacus and I previously said, by the time you get to heavies you need Compo. When not researching Electrical - absorbant or if on a money map going right for Compo is your next best choice.

    Next release all of this goes away and we learn again and YES please give us source code. It's highly unfair to provide it to some and not let all commanders analyze the values. I find the .1 vs .03 very interesting. You might find value in doing this as a real open source effort instead of having only a handful of developers helping.

    You know when you are battling, and spinning your tank your not going to regen in time to take out 2 or 3 tanks. You might take out one with regen. Compo will enable you to fight longer, then come back and heal. You never sit around waiting for .03 to heal a compo tank. You might if you were in regen, MAYBE, sit back and shoot from a distance.

    A point in your favor is that I know the timing of compo. I can fight and come back with three sides of armor completely gone and the tank still green. I don't play regen enough and when I use the same timing I lose a vehicle. I'll then push on foot as gren, since I don't believe in pushing vehicles if you can't keep them alive, so your team is then over-all weaker.

    Also play with Hastchewas ONCE. He will be the only heavy on the field fighting three tanks at once and will rarely lose his tank. He will demand Compo and ER. He keeps his distance from the three tanks while pounding them and using team mates to benefit his ability to kill you over and over again. He won't get suckered into losing his heavy. He defends base when the team is weak and I've seen whole teams lose every tank while he's still out there with one tank. Most players jump in a tank and rush the front lines.

    We should have a thread on how to fight from within a tank. I think I could learn a few things since I do rush a short distance from the front lines.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  18. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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  19. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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  20. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    close the dammned quote.

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