Empires and the Slippery Slope

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Sneaky, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    -1, pork would become harder to obtain.
  2. Demented

    Demented Member

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    Eh, they'd just clip the wings off every piglet. If we can debeak birds (and we do), we can de-wing pigs.
  3. duke

    duke Former Developer (BE Creator)

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    Two equally skilled commanders with equally skilled teams should have a fair chance at each other. A terrible commander or team will bomb the game. The only assistance we need to give is remove unintended gameplay (bouncing a vehicle into space or something) and increase communication between the team. Measures to resuscitate a game in the late stages only leads to a drawn out, usually unfun game. The only other thing that could be done about the "prolonged death" issue is to optionally specify victory conditions, ie. Destroy CV (default), Destroy all Spawn Points, etc. which might make for a more tactical game, rather than a giant mop-up operation that invites you to button mash for half an hour.
  4. Catface

    Catface Member

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    Holy mother of.

    Where have you been?

    Other then that, I support.

    Generally I believe making the CV, Buildings and Vehicles more vulnerable together with weapons being more powerful means games become more unpredictable.

    But again, a team with better organisation then the enemy team will usually win the game.

    I have a great example of that.

    Today I was comming BE on mvalley and both teams had quite a few decent players.
    There was however 1 notable exception: NF had most of its people in squads and was highly organised while BE didn't even have 50% of its members in squads.

    We both organised an APC rush at the beginning of the game, and while neither were failures we kept losing our main(twice), causing us to base swap in the end.

    Nevertheless, we kept up to research but our rushes kept failing, on the other hand, they had far more organised squads and kept pounding our base, causing us multiple times to lose our VF.

    Eventually I ragequit to spec after we lost the VF for a second time.

    Arguably there were decent players that genuinely cared about winning the game, but most couldn't be bothered with even completing the most mundane tasks.

    Squad members failed to use voicechat often enough. Simple requests were often denied and ignored(causing us to lose our main in north even though I told people to killspawn way before the NF APC got there, while also causing us to lose the VF twice, even though I told people beforehand to repair it when there were plenty of engineers nearby)


    Skill matters little if you cannot coordinate it and organise it in order to better serve a team's interests.

    Proper and high organisation wins games in Empires, even if the players in question are below average in solo combat.

    By decreasing the HP of armour, buildings and vehicles while increasing the power of weaponry you further emphasize the importance of organisation and teamwork over that of brute force and numbers as games become less reliant on having the best guns or armour and more on how one utilises them in a more volatile and dynamic battle environment.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  5. Apex

    Apex Member

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    Low armor HP was already tested on EPIC and most people seem to of agreed with it. Buildings already go down fast with a 1-3 tanks sniping it with UML/Rail/Ranged/HEC.
  6. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Given how successful the tests have been over on EPIC server, I'm pretty much set on heading in that direction.
  7. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I actually think thats wishfull thinking

    Well it makes it possible that I can rambo through multible late game tanks as gren.
  8. Catface

    Catface Member

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    Maybe it was somewhat of an exaggeration, but no matter what, even if it are vets screwing around: the ensuing antics and shenanigans at the cost of team tickets, resources and teamwork will usually cost you the game.
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Or at least rambo through ONE fucking late game tank. God damn I hate how powerful heavies are.
  10. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Duke, the co-founder of empires, I thought you were a myth!

    You know there is a lot of communication in teams already, there is a decent amount of players with mics (some may say there are too much) but the communication isn't really a big problem, it really is with the sad spud launchers and airsoft weapons the tanks/infantry are equiped with that fail to stop a slightly larger amount of tanks.
  11. Nickierv

    Nickierv Member

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    we should just decrease the gren_rpg resist on heavy tank armors.

    Oh wait...
  12. duke

    duke Former Developer (BE Creator)

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    I have no business commenting on the current balance because I haven't played for ages and aren't familiar with the reasoning behind everything, but if people aren't doing what's required to win the game for your team, it's probably because the reward isn't great enough for those tasks/following orders.

    Look at people playing MMO's. It's not a team game at all, but people will perform their specialized role with a small group of players to achieve some end result (completion of quests, receiving items, etc.). Unless teamwork tasks are obvious and gratifying for the different player types (team players, lone rangers), they don't happen without someone yelling at you, especially with people new to the game.
  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but empires is no MMO. there is no loot to fight for, null persistency. it doesnt matter if YOU fuck over a round it doesnt hurt YOU at all. if your raid wipes on the other hand, YOU gotta pay rep-costs, YOU lose a chance to roll on that epic item YOU ever wanted and YOU maybe cannot get to the boss for another 24h.

    in empires, you just lose a round. and maybe you even lost in 15minutes, so given the rage you caused, it actually pays off. and the best sideeffect, the more obnoxious you are, the more attention you get, the faster you get considered as part of the community, the faster you can act up like youd be someone.

    also there is griefing in MMOs aswell, its, as in empires, only a minority of players that are disruptive, but "we" are stuck with a 100 or so active players for years now and the obnoxious idiotic kids just wont go away, actually its like theyd act as magnets for even more retarded kids ...
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
  14. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    The dev team doesn't care about new players. I'm not being judgmental, that's just their stance.
  15. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Yeah, without a doubt this is true. It's the problem we had for ages with Grenadier. No-one would take down tanks because it was so difficult, and they could clock triple the amount of points up as Rifle or Engy. Stuff like that we really have to work on.

    I don't remember this being our stance at all. We absolutely want to help new players, but 90% of the problem with Empires is the unintuitive GUI, that's what makes life the most difficult for new players, and it's the hardest thing for us to fix.
  16. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I always used gren to kill tanks :<
  17. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    But...but.... you get to blow up tanks! I don't need a stupid number telling me that's good, blowing up tanks is awesome! Maybe if tanks did more fancy visual stuff when they explode?

    I've never been particularly enthused about so many video-games turning into "bigger-number" contests. Games like WoW are total bore-fests for me. Those numbers sometimes mean something significant, but winning the game or having a few awesome moments, having fun at all, is always what I play games for. I honestly don't get why so many are crazy about the numbers, or worse, spreadsheets.
  18. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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  19. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    Ya kno, empires got more and more geared towards not being able to be won by a single person if shit goes down ever since 2.12,
    and now this suggestion is just showing that being able to win even if all goes down the shitter should be possible.

    Or short: REVERT!
    Revert APCs being slow,
    Revert Jeeps loosing their Armour,
    Revert 9 mines not being able to almost 1 shot a CV.

    And for the sake of speed:
    Give mines more dmg against buildings.

    And maybe give jeeps a bit more punch, it's only fine with the turbo, which shouldn't be the solution for slow accelerating jeeps.
  20. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Actually quite a lot of the dev team do.

    If only because they hate most of the old players, having put up with them for years.

    Points are (or should) be a way of telling you how good you're doing, and whether you like it or not, having lots of points will make players like you better, because they think 'wow that dude has lots of points, he's pretty good at this'.

    Fun things should give you points, getting the most points should involve doing the most fun things the best, and in the most fun ways possible. The game should also revolve around the fun things, so that way getting points and having fun would also make you good at winning.

    If the game has something fun but doesn't give you points for it, make it give you points for it, if the game gives you points for something not fun, make it stop giving you points for it, if the game has something in it that isn't fun but is a good way to win, fix it, it's an exploit, which ruins the fun of the game.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2012

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