It's public - Empires: Darkest Dawn

Discussion in 'General' started by soundspawn, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    This sounds like it could have some real potential and be fun!

    Food for thought: wouldn't it be cool to have 4 teams in one game? 4 commanders and 4 "factions".... or maybe 2 factions and 4 teams (2 comms per faction). Like actually playing in a match... not on the board... would need to be implemented :) NF Army 1 could set up a base in SW and NF Army 2 could hold the center.

    But back to your idea: I think CW would be down if you made each team = a CLAN.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  2. soundspawn

    soundspawn Member

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    Yes, given enough gap in rating, 20v44 would be possible however that would be pretty unlikely. More commonly you'll see a relatively stacked team of 20 vs a less rated 22-25 or so. If you had a 20v44, there's a really high chance the 44 will win because it's just so many more bodies, and they will scalp enough rating off the losing 20 that the next game you would end up more like 26v38. If the 20 happen to win, it's saying something... To put numbers to it, you can never have a rating less than 100, and you only gain rating by taking points from others (by kills or winning games although I am considering additional means). This means two things: first, if you keep owning the same people over and over, eventually they will only be worth 100 points and thus killing them more won't give you anything or take anything more from them. Second, if they have a score of 100, they would be worth enough to not allow massive number differences. If I allowed players to have ratings as low as zero, then they could put an unlimited amount on one team while still being the lower rated team.

    I played a game of District over the weekend on ELC, was 3v2 but the two of us were significantly better than the other team. Someone joined the server and jumped in to spec, and it occoured to me how great of an example it was, if only the spec player could join the team of 3... Yes they had more numbers, but they had far less tickets, and were pushed back to their last flag... Instead we all had to use spec jumping to rearrange the teams and try to push the flags the other direction.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  3. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    tbh, kills only balance district, any other map can be won without your people killing a single enemy, and mostly the losing team has more tickets and kills

    its kinda non-logical, but if you "use" your tickets more then the enemy, you get an advantage to him untill you reach about 20 or so tickets left, then the other team gets a massive advantage but most games are won by then
  4. soundspawn

    soundspawn Member

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    No, that's logical because trying to preserve tickets means you won't take the risks the other team is willing to take, so you end up with more tickets but in a worse position. It's not always true, but I do see a lot of games where the team losing on tickets (and a lot of the time also on map control) win by knowing when and how to strike effectively.

    But alas, it was a game of District, so it was relevant. The real part that was a shame is that the team pushed back to their last flag was about to have another enemy as opposed to another team mate, only cementing their loss more. Although not the most common example, this is one of the things my balancer should address. As a note, it would be off-topic to talk about the balancer here, but it will be in effect during the non-skirmish games so in a way it's part of the metagame.

    EDIT: Also, didn't post here over the weekend about it, but The Map Maker is released. Still more of a dev tool than an end user one, but what you need should be there.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  5. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    how can i set up natural barriers?
  6. soundspawn

    soundspawn Member

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    You mean places armies cannot pass? set the cell to black (aka void) which is one click from white. Make sure you are in Cell Mode, then click the cell until it's a black box. I know it will still look like there's a small gap but that's because I was lazy with the HTML coding to make the map maker.

    Also note, if you enclose a base (including main) with void cells, there is literally no way in or out, so you don't want to do that, however you can make choke points by making a gauntlet 1-3 cells wide ;)
  7. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    I lol'd at like the next 3 pages of Trickster's posts after mine, all containing my name.

    It's ok Trickster, we get it, you are intimidated by my skill. Used to be flattering actually, now just getting old. Funny how when people are all srs business your trolling backfires into fear ^^.

    Also I'd just like to mention in case it hasn't been already, the balancing plugin is for regular server games, and is separate at this time from the Darkest Dawn addon. Lol @ Zeke.

    Anyone wan't to see the latest EPIC stack photos? I'll save them for the next root adminz meetin :D
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  8. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    You can be lady gaga and I can be T-Pain.
  9. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Be aware that not all EPIC members stack, and the ones that do don't do it all the time.
  10. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I was considering Evan's idea of 4 factions but I wasn't sure how it would work.

    Still, I'd love to command a much smaller side of EPIC players vs far larger numbers of pub/clanners.

    So if we had 4 teams, 2 could be mixed, 1 EPIC, 1 CW or something.

    And I've done big stack matches where it's been 20 clanners vs 40 pubbers.

    The clanners only won when there was immense organisation, as well as the ticket advantage they would obviously gain over time.

    Either way, I think a 4 faction system would be awesome on so many levels.

    And lol Cpatton, considering you don't know when root admin meetings are, nor are you, or will you ever be invited, good luck with that.

    But by all means, post more, and I'll happily disprove them and just point out that they show you not doing your job as an admin. :D

    But that's for another thread on another forum.

    Spawwn, how possible is it for 4 factions? And how would it be handled if 2 factions attacked a 3rd one on the same cell?

    Also, whilst 4 factions would be awesome, I don't see how we're going to pull 32 per faction for every skirmish, so this should probably be kept in mind if the 4 faction idea did gain some weight. Still seems like it could be awesome.

    Or at the least, have a regular version with 2 factions, and a 4 clan version seperately, so BSID/JPL/CW/EPIC can all play, in a slightly more interesting version of what was once the league. Albeit I came to empires after that.
  11. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    i made a map, just to try out everything etc, heres the picture map files can be found on bsid forums

  12. soundspawn

    soundspawn Member

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    Evan's idea was specifically for Empires, not Darkest Dawn. Well, he did brush on the idea that once in Empires I could follow suit in DD, but regardless it's something that the Devs would have to add first. Would be fun, but would change everything.

    Clan stacking against pubbers shouldn't be an issue during FFA games or during games outside of the Darkest Dawn play times. If the balancer works the way I mean for it to, the games will always be competetive because if you skill stack your team, the other team will be number stacked. The real root of problems with stacking is even player count on each team, fix that and make sure that all the highly skilled players aren't on one steamroller of a team, and the games should be fun.

    I will upload the map after work (I just started, so it will be about 9-10 hours from now). Once uploaded, all registered users at the BSID forums can click the Darkest Dawn link and run the metagame. NOTE: We're not in a play time, and almost no one has an assigned team, but it will log you all in to spec mode where you can see the void cells, the map, base locations, etc. It also works as a chat room for what that's worth.

    Due to potential breaches, specs and mercs can see the map, but no LOS/armies/etc.

    *EDIT* Thanks to my wife's help, it is now active. I must say it looks good, there are a lot of choke points. Looks very fun.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2009
  13. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    That is...a really great map. Nice job, Blizzerd. :o
  14. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    yyaayy ty (k)
  15. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    GJ Blizzerd. I look forward to playing it :D

    Good to see you've finally joined the srs business discussion and dropped your trolling down somewhat Trickster... But you are still fail trolling. It would be nice if you stopped.

    Also, welcome General, Jpatton.
  16. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    lamest... trolling... ever... :pathetic:

    Patty... I am dissapoint.
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Cpatton sucks. Any team with him on is destined to lose. /discussion
  18. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    It's a supreme commander map with a hex field overlay.
  19. soundspawn

    soundspawn Member

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    All interested players, please visit the BSID forums (even if you do not want to register at this time) and fill in the form of available times and/or opt in as a potential team captain. With a little luck we can nail down a time (or two) that will work for everyone... I know, I'm dreaming...

    I'll mention it here as well, the first Campaign should run throughout February, plus or minus approx 2 weeks. At this time I'm looking for best guesses to help in team creation.
  20. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Your posts are more mundane than ever when you guys run out of troll info. Lol fail Epic CO+XO.

    Glad this is moving to the BSID forums ^^.

    @Chris, we noticed ^^

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