Actually, a 25% increase to armor is pretty useful. For instance, a gren with increased armor driving an LT ensures that 1 gren RPG will only take out one and a half plates of regen.
Most important time to use Armour increase is when you have plain armour. It'll let you take an extra RPG/mortar and possibly survive a sticky, all of which are very important.
I don't think I'd be able to survive without speed upgrade. There's so many times where I find myself having to run a great length or cross an open expanse with little to no cover.
I used to be the same, but my playstyle has just changed so much due to the amount of DayZ/Arma I've been playing. I now tend to just sprint cover to cover and only fire once I'm in the cover. This also stems from not wanting to shoot when you're in open ground in Arma, due to the movement being clunky. Given you sprint faster than you run with speed, the playstyle can work in Empires. I've had differing success with it. One thing I did notice is that I tend to protect my engineers better when I'm not pushing so quickly. It can take longer to get from A to B, but it has a higher success rate.
I have recently been taking the pro skill for my 1st slot, and the camping nub for a 2nd. Then I adjust the last two based on what I need.
i think this thread shows quite well that rifleman needs a skill overhaul more then scunt - only one that picked a rofle skill so far was hexi in his first post with dig-in.
I use digin too occasionally. Fuck youuu not reading my posts. Also I think I was one of the first people to use speed regularly. I started using it about halfway through 2.12's lifetime on grenadier. When did you guys start? I've noticed it's been increasing in popularity but I dunno if the vets have been using it the whole time.
im sorry empty, yes you take digin too. still - the class with the least amount of skills has those heavily underused. if there wouldnt be an outcry i would suggest to move some of the heavily used general skills to rifle. real statistics for skills would be interesting ...
Digin could use a light buff. Vehicle damage should get a buff, rofls are terrible in vehicles atm so they should at least get some beefy firepower.
I've hardly use any of the Rifleman Specified skills, ever since dig in got massively nerfed. Dig in, Vehicle Cooling, Improved Vehicle/Rifle damage. I think they all need a buff, perhaps a 20~30% increment. And Weapon Silencer too, though I am not sure how to buff this. The problem with the skills is : Some skills are almost always more useful than other skills. This has been going on since Empires born. Especially now it's much harder to achieve 4th skill, to a lot of players there's pretty much only 3 skills available.
maybe its not that the rofle skills are to weak but the general ones too good to not take them? a lot of the above loadouts contain 2 or more general skills independend on class often as 2nd or even as 1st pick. engi is only an exception because its actually 2 classes in one. not saying that some might need a buff, as i said, i dont play rofle much, i just dont really know ... would you hate me much if i suggest to give regen to engi, health to rifle and speed to scout because youd have to adapt your playstyle much? edit: well that wouldnt change much with picking skills for the rifleman. forget about it
Speed upgrade is perfect where it is. Accuracy upgrade is only barely noticeable on some weapons, any less and it'd basically not do anything. HP upgrade only lets you tank 1 more bullet. regen is (still) too slow imo Stamina sucks ass. Ammo upg needs to give you extra ammo on spawn. General skills are fine, class skills are too weak.
yes i was thinking the wrong way round. though i think that hp upgrade is good enough, its in almost any build posted here ... it would be good if some skills would work differently.
They ARE too weak, 10% increment is just wayyyy to weak to consider. In some cases the enemy might kill me with maybe 1 hp left, some people might say : "If you picked damage increase you'd have killed him", but they igonred the fact that if I picked damage increase instead of health upgrade/acc upgrade, I would have failed to get my enemy down to 1hp in the first place. Also, I don't have to adapt anything at all. health/speed as Engi regen/speed as Rifle regen/health as Scunt They aren't the main skills anyway. But I would support this if this means Grenadier won't have speed upgrade/health/health regen. They deserve the nerf.
yes i already realized i was wrong. anyway, im sceptical about a flat damage buff. maybe empires needs active skills (with neat particle effects)? not only for this.
I use regen regularly. It's hugely underrated, especially when stacked with an engineer healing aura.