Wages when VF is restricted

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Terminutter, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Terminutter

    Terminutter Member

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    If you can afford 100% of the vehicle from your wages, but the VF is restricted, you should still be able to make the vehicle - as it's not harming the teams res count at all.

    - Comm can save team res, but tanks can still be rolled out.
    - Could be the difference between victory or defeat.
    - Semi-counters a griefing comm (if you have loads of wages...)

    - Comm might be trying to stop vehicles from being rolled out at all.
    - Would have to be coded...
    - Comm might want a solid armour rush at once.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  2. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I've heard a lot of people suggest this, and tbh, it makes perfect sense.
  3. Fooshi

    Fooshi For fuck's sake Fooshi

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    The only con I see with this, is that some people might run off in a tank when the comm wants the team to rush together. (Hence restricted VF)
    This could also be the difference between victory and defeat, since I've lost so many matches due to retarded comm restricting the VF, even with loads of res.
  4. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I like it, I think these wages can open up a lot of new opportunities, and this one is one of them.
  5. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    when i restrict there is a chance i am either wanting the team to use my tanks, restricting for res, or want a large rush at once.

    keep it or add a extra button
  6. Terminutter

    Terminutter Member

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    The keeping for res point is invalid - as this is only if they can afford ALL of the vehicle from their wages.
    The armour rush is a con, and I've alreay added that.
    As for using your tanks, if they are good enough players to afford a whole tank, they'll probably know what's best for 'em.

    Just had a second thought... though this could (and is likely to) be terrible...
    How about swapping a "locked" VF status for a "restricted" status?
    The comm can set a "minimum contribution" at 0% (same as unrestricted), 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. (same as restricted, but player can buy if he has the wages for the whole tank)
    Minimum contribution would be the minimum % of the price that the player pays. The player must have wages over the % set to be able to buy a tank.

    Say a player wants a 1000 res tank, but has 600 wages. The "minimum contribution" is at 50%.
    As the player has over 50%, he is paying enough to pass the "minimum contribution" level.
    He looses his 600 res, and the team pays the remaining 400.
    Another player tries to buy the same tank, but only has 400 wages. He is under the 50%, and thus cannot buy the tank.
    This could be used to add more control to how much the team will pay per vehicle.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  7. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    I'd say give comms two options:
    - Restrict all (the current option)
    - Restrict res usage (i.e. the proposed option)

    I don't see why comms shouldn't have both options. There are good reasons to restrict vehicle creation (there still is a vehicle limit) besides res usage.
  8. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

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    Comms already have way too much power over players, like a game on money the other day where the comm researched mediums and heavies and two different armors. If a player slaves together enough wage to buy a complete tank then I say the comm should have fuck all to say about that.
    I like the variable player contribution idea, but in practice it might not work as intuitive.

    Anyway, nerf comms.
    And give them something fun and useful to do.

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