Vicki suggested this to me. In short, if the commander vote ends and one side lacks a commander, the game will automatically extend the voting time by some amount controlled by an sv value. If that value is set to 0, then it'll work the same as it always has. Just putting this here because it's like 120 and I'll forget if I don't.
Would it be population based? E.g. 30s per 10 people? Also, would you need a "start game" button if you found a commander in the extra time and didn't want to wait an extra 50s?
so if still noone wants to command we will have people apply for comm just so the round starts and then get out and run off somewhere leaving the team with even less clue about that they have no comm? i dont think the idea is bad though. maybe it will actually work, but you know empires made me a videogame cynic.
Sounds like a band-aid to me. I can't recall who, but someone mentioned this exact idea and said it probably wouldn't help since specfags would know that they can drag out the pregame even longer. I disagree and I think it could help, but it's a bandaid for the true problem with spec, so it gets a solid "meh" from me.
It'd be a constant server-side variable. I imagine most servers wouldn't set it to anything more than 30 seconds. It's more of a "Hey, you guys don't have a commander yet, so here's a warning message that you should get one" than anything else. If we judged every possible feature by it's ability to be griefed or exploited, I'd warrant that we'd get no where in development fairly fast. Not everything in Empires is about spectator, ya' know. I literally did not even think about spectators when I posted this, it's more of a thing about people going a minute or a half before realizing they have no commander.
Sounds great. It would indeed be a warning sign to a team that may not know that Empires teams require a dedicated commander. It is important that this extension is made very clear, like with red bold text - not just the timer silently flipping from 0 straight to 30 again. As for exploitation ability, the worst that could happen ("people apply for comm just so the round starts and then run off") is no worse than not having the feature in the first place.
have it extend by 15 seconds and have it only happen once. otherwise, tough luck. gives ample time for a person on the other team to teamswitch or a person from spec to join e: maybe disregard teambalance (or change it to +2 instead of +1), if one team does not have a commander?