I've been getting complaints that my voice is comming through distorted, when i checked the voice settings, gain was on, also 100% outputvolume, so that was the cause off that. My problem; when i change the settings, apply and go to the menu and back into the game or directly back to the voice settings, nothing has changed, i checked config.cfg if it wasn't read only, it isn't, the userconfig.cfg file that the concole refers to when saving doesn't exist, i created one in empiresmod dir and cfg dir (empty ones, hoping emp would use em if they existed). What needs to be done to make the changes work?
I assume you're running on Windows, what version? Vista changed things around a little bit from how XP did them; What sound hardware do you use?
Vista, now you mention it, haven't tried running Hl2.exe as admin yet, usb connected headset, virtual hw soundcard.
Double check and make sure it's your headset that is producing the sound. For some reason one day my webcam became the default recording device. And yeah check your recording sound settings in windows.
This is what I was getting at: change the default recording device. I'd snapshot my current Vista install at work...but I can't just drag and drop the screenshot into this post like I can a outlook email (and I'm lazy, its 8 PM) and even if I could, I'd have to first hide all my work stuff and then take the screenshot...
>hen i plug in the headset it becomes the default recording device automatically, the problem is related to a setting that keeps getting reverted to it's old value, i tried the mic with audacity, and there i have none of the disturbing hum i get in emp, Problem is i tried to change it directly in the config.cfg file, but which value needs to be changed? there are several volume settings, and the value that activates the gain i couldn't find
It's something like avggain or something. Type find gain in the console and you should get a list of commands
did the find gain, avggain didn't come up; this however did: cheat "snd_gain" = "1" cheat ] snd_gain 0 Can't use cheat cvar snd_gain in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1. sound gain a cheat??? find avg got this: "voice_avggain" = "0.5" but gain is either on or off, 0 or 1 so that aint it i guess