Vista + Empires = Crash

Discussion in 'Archive' started by rampantandroid, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    On map change, and one while playing crossroads.

    I sent an email with 2 dumps to

    Any known fix/bug here?

    EDIT: 32bit build of Vista.
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I heard eth0 started a fan club for Vista users who play Empires.
  3. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    Known fix: Use Windows XP or Wine.

    Known bug: Vista sucks.

  4. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    The latest range of Microsoft products are not properly designed, AKA X360's never get to be started up, Vista can't work with XP stuff, etc.
  5. Headshotmaster

    Headshotmaster Member

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    Im using vista on my new laptop(until I can get XP drivers) and empires worked alot better since RC 17.
  6. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    Does Empires work properly with WINE?

    Btw: I've had the mapload crash and some others on XP too.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2007
  7. dady5000

    dady5000 Member

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    Strange...I've Never had a problem, I have Vista 32-bit, Version.... I've only had ONE map Crash, (it was on emp_money), while the map was loading up.
  8. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    That's a rather dumb statement (Yes, I see the "j/k", but this is a general statement from me to all Vista critics...) To expect everything to work the same means that you don't want any changes. Frankly, adding something like DEP into an OS is enough to make programs no longer function the same. The fact that most software I have used in past...still works...makes me happy. The fact that I have no stability issues with CS:S/Lost Coast makes me think it is a Source SDK Base or Empires specific issue, esp since it consistently dies on map change (something isn't closing right and thus a section of memory isn't able to be allocated for a new map is my guess. Maybe that's because those are the types of errors I see at work all the time...)

    Anyway, my point is - a new OS WILL change how programs perform. 100% compatibility is next to impossible - the fact that 90% of all programs still run fine is amazing (save OS SPECIFIC programs, like my old Cisco VPN software)

    Vista isn't perfect...but its better than everyone wants to say it is. I'm fucking tired of the "all MS stuff sucks" view people take. People who think that can go live with Linux only, or they can keep using Windows and STFU.

    @Krenzo: Are you actually looking into this problem...or are you just ignoring it for the time being? I'll post more info once I test insmod in Vista.

    Can I get comp specs (and where possible, Driver versions) if it is not too hard? If you are willing and don't want to hunt for specs, I think SIS Sandra would give all the specs in a few seconds flat.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2007
  9. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I can't really do anything unless I install Vista on one of my computers and test with that. I really really don't want to go anywhere near Vista.
  10. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    What do you use to view memory dumps then - would there be any information on what cause the crash in there, such as some indication as to whether it is a driver issue?

    Are there any known issues with forcing 8xQ AA using CSAA from the nVidia driver control panel? I've got no other odd settings going.
  11. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I use Visual Studio to look at the crash dumps. Crash dumps only hold a small amount of information. Crashing in debug mode on my own machine tells me a lot more information.
  12. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    I think the last time I checked was somewhere between .9.30 and .9.36. I seem to remember 1.07 working, and one of the earlier 1.08 RCs working.

    The part I have the most trouble with is Steam itself, since it doesn't shut down properly resulting in it bitching about the registry (clientregistry.blob) being in use. I then have to delete said clientregistry.blob, and wait for a good fifteen minutes while a new one downloads. Every. Time. I. Start. Steam.

    Maybe that problem's fixed. Hmmmmm. I should find out.
  13. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Bleh. Figures I need to slow down execution with trace errors.

    Well, insmod is fine for map changes. I'll try emp in compatibility mode.
  14. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    The majority of the crashes I had today were memory related, with HL2.exe trying to consume more tha 2 GB worth of ADDX space; the solution here is to get a binary editor and change the Source SDK Base EXE to have the LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag set.

    I also plan to push up to Vista x64, as I just bought an additional 2 GB of RAM; once I do more testing, I'll post the outcome and how I arrived there...but if worst comes to worst, I'm just going to dump empires (but I doubt that will be the case; even BF2142 had a memory crash - the large addx aware flag should help truly test memory issues, I need to install SUPCOM as it is rather memory hungry.)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2007
  15. Mabus

    Mabus Member

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  16. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    I was using Vista for a long time (several months) and I didn't have any special problems with Empires/HL2 mods. I'd say that you are having problems with drivers or programs incompatible with Vista.

    rampandandroid: VS2005 I think. I guess that it can at least print stack trace without having Empires source code.
  17. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    I'm so fucking sick of people screaming linux. Can you play games reliably on linux? Can you just install it and go? Can you get a good programming IDE in linux with a good platform builder? Didn't think so. Linux has its place - on servers. It doesn't work well anywhere else, and anyone thinking Linux can replace windows is a fucking retard and needs to go drown themselves in their fucking toilet.

    MOOTant - did you have settings on full? Vista...Premium? ATM, I don't need VS since I'm getting the memory error, which is something I expected since no games are large addx aware; a simple edit in VS2008 will fix the problem there...but then I have to see about these other stability issues, if they still exist.
  18. Metalhead

    Metalhead Member

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    Sorry for off topic, but I have to answer to this.
    I'm sick of any kind of fanboys.

    Yes, but only a few running native and even less with wine.

    Better than Windows. I've installed Ubuntu Feisty on my Laptop the day before yesterday.
    1.5 Hour and it had totally finished. 80% of this time I didn't have to be there, because it was copying data, downloading Updates etc... For my last windows installation I had a whole day. Drivers, Updates, all these little (and some big) programs, you know ;)

    There are many, depending on what you want to do. (In the beginning Linux was a system from programmers for programmers.

    Looks like you haven't tested it recently. Ubuntu is a very good desktop operating system. (And there are some other similar distributions too) I'm doing everything on it except of Empires and a few other games. If the main purpose of your operating system is to run games, then you definitely won't be satisfied with Linux, but "it doesn't work well anywhere else " is simply wrong.

    At the moment Linux can "replace" Windows in some tracts (right word?), but not as a whole and from one day to another.
    Maybe sometimes, in a few years...

    No flamewars please, but why this anger? If you are using Vista, this is not my problem and my Ubuntu isn't yours either.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2007
  19. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Well, lets just keep hijacking threads! Fuck someone wanting help with what they have. FUCK that.

    Have I used linux recently? Well, lets see. Yes...I have. Know why it cannot win? Can you go and DL any program for linux - Ubuntu or any of the other 1000+ flavors you like (strike number one - too fucking many flavors)? No, you cannot. Two: Linux updates...far too often. I happen to know Ubuntu is WAY too trigger happy when looking at new releases. They care more about eye candy than they care about reliability.

    I'll have you know, I'm no fan boy; I have my serious dislikes with MSFT - though over time they are diminishing as MSFT's attitude is changing (I don't favor nVidia over ATI, AMD over Intel...any of that crap. I take what is best for my needs. While I haven't bought a ATI card since my 7200 years ago, I would have bought a 2900 had it outdone the 8800 in DX10 benchmarks...) I think google is on the rise, and I'm afraid of what they will try to do. I'm not screaming windows is the best thing isn't. But here's the killer: Can you have two processors coexist? Ram types? Video card companies? Yes, you can. Why? Standards, technology. The two processors both work to the same end goal, the same software works on the hardware types...why? The way computers work, drivers, abstraction layers. Etc. Can you have two OSes coexist? Negative. The SECOND that someone imitates Windows so that Windows programs work NATIVELY (NOT Wine) on an OS, they risk getting sued by MSFT (or whoever you like) for patent infringement. Therefore you expect every software company two support TWO op systems. Then you'll bitch because one company will only develop for Windows.

    Why only develop for windows? Lawfully, companies must support software they sell. That's easy to do when you support ONE OS, but when you suddenly need to support two or more VERY different op systems, it becomes hard to get software to work on both - often times requiring the core software to be rewritten, inflating cost and development time.

    IDEs? None can take on VS at a single time. None. The best you get is just a collection of tools that can somewhat do what VS can - but they cannot do it as smoothly or efficiently - meaning, you can't just put a breakpoint into code, and then step into it, watch registers (and edit them, let say to edit the PC register) as easily as you can in VS. Frankly, I'll take ease of development over some warm fuzzy feeling that I'm using open source software.

    Why the anger? Oh, I dunno, you added nothing to the thread. That's why. You entered a thread with no intention on helping me, and still have no intention to help. That's why. That's like seeing some guy who dropped his books, stopping to insult his shirt he's wearing, and walking on.

    Now, if you will excuse me, I have a date with Windows Vista 64 bit install...and the funny thing is that I'll have to click the mouse 15 times, and I'll be in windows again within half an hour of starting the task. I guess you haven't seen the Vista install procedure, but it is a quantum leap over XP. I'll then edit the EXEs to be large addx aware and post here how it goes....

    As for why this happens in Vista:

    32 bit Vista obviously has a 4 GB limit on addressable space - we all know that...hence why the idea is to push to 64 bit. In XP, games only used say 1.2 GB - because the only data the game had in RAM was the game's data files. Vista changes this model on its head and now also maps the Videocard's VRAM to user space - decreasing the amount that you can address (by default, 2 GB unless the program is large addx aware, which most ARE NOT) by the amount of VRAM you have. In my case, I have 640 MB I go from 2 GB to 1.375 GB of RAM that my game can use. Whoops, looks like a crash there. So why does VIsta do this with VRAM? Simple - it allows VRAM to be moved in and out of RAM, much like system RAM and the page file works - if some other process takes over the videocard, the VRAM is dumped into system RAM, and when the game resumes its data is put into VRAM again.

    Solution: Go to 64bit to up the amount of addx space you have; change programs to be large addx aware so they can use 4+ GB of user mode space.

    Now we'll see if this holds true in practice.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2007
  20. SabreWulf

    SabreWulf Member

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    Hey used Empires 1.08 RC11- 13 on awhile on windows vista premium 32 bit version.
    Have to say that I had no issues with it, it ran nice and smooth. I cant that now because I am now back on XP pro.

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