To show possible employers in the future that I can practice consistency with materials , models, and designs I've decided to make a number Of Northern faction themed models and concepts. Here I will share a bit of my progress with the community I used to enjoy hours a week with. I intend to add more as I go. Please enjoy My take On How the NF Should appear. NF Turret Low Poly (WIP) NF Engineer (WIP) Note: I decided that the Jekotion would have used generations of Selective breeding Practices to make a small and rugged Mechanical minded sub class in their culture.
Those arms look kickass. Reminds me of the obnoxiously buff forearms on every male CoD character (even civilians). I also kinda like the face on the engy. It's distinctive and uniqu, yet plausible.
Well, if you're going to spend time on making models, you might as well make something that can be used by the mod.
It's actually in my opinion that All assets would need updating, In fact a complete visual over haul is just what the doctor ordered. How ever, I'm only making a Character and 3 props for now.
Empires needs an excessive amount of work on EVERYTHING before it can shamble back into the land of the living. New visuals is on the same list as airplanes unfortunately. I can only speculate on the exact priority list, but a complete visual overhaul is definitely not happening in the foreseeable future. Anyways, good luck on your modeling.
I was going to have a chest high wall segment(a lean-to Barricade), I haven't decided on what the other will be yet. So Suggestions are appreciated, Go ahead And PM' them to me. I don't want this to be a request topic.
Because meeting this in S-Bend makes BE turn around and run. @Vess Turrent thing looks cool. Bit like the Russian DShK. Are you planning on texturing it? The character looks weird, but then that was the point wasn't it? :D
It's not even like the real Santa Claus, it looks more like a chinese knock off called Santo Klause, in an attempt to trick people it's the real thing.