Vehicles, the more people in it, the merrier.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Rexz, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Rexz

    Rexz Member

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    I think it's lame how tanks can only carry like 1 people in it, there need to be more vehicles that let different member that are in the vehicle to do something instead of just sitting in there being useless or can't even fit in it at all.

    The tank for an example, can fit up to a lot more people than 1... One person can handle the machine gun while the other control the cannon. Maybe squeeze another room or two for more people to be able to get in, and add another machine gun in the front or side.

    We need more of that going on, I want to see vehicles that are pack with players in it. So basically, the more people in a vehicle, the more dangerous it can get, something to that effect. I can imagine that going on with the air craft, but for ground vehicles, I just don't see it, I see individual with their own tank, I never see a tank that house like 3 + more people, maybe because the players cant do anything even if they are in it, or maybe there's isnt room made for them, or maybe they want their own tank. Either way, we got all these vehicle upgrade, machine gun, cannon, and all that for just one person to control, where's the team mate backing you up? Oh, they are on the other tank driving their own. It should be that your team mate are inside the tank, owning with you, instead of owning as an individual.

    APC can atleast have windows that players can choose to poke their head out and help with shooting, instead of sitting inside doing nothing.

    Also, with this idea, and that topic that saying this game is too vehicle oriented, I agree. There should be less vehicles in a game atleast, and more people inside the vehicles. Vehicles should be treated as a treasured unit, not like a normal infantry life. I see more and more people deserting their vehicles every time i play, treating it as if it was nothing. Vehicles should be important and powerful, not in quanity, but in quality.

    I don't like to see 10 players with each their own tank rushing a base, crashing into each other, squeezing through, the image isn't right. It should be instead 3 tanks, loaded with infantry inside helping out with the killing.
  2. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    That's what AFVs are for, troop transport and fighting. Now, they don't do either well, but still, the option is there.

    I think the BE Jeep should have 2 more slots, it just makes sense to me.
  3. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    I lol'ed. Hey now, come on, at least they can shoot down now! Quit hatin'!
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  4. Rexz

    Rexz Member

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    The AFV has only 2 seats with weapon on it though right?

    I want a supper tank with 6 slot and each man on it should be able to mount a weapon of some sort to shoot teh enemies with...

    Kinda like a mothership, lawl...
  5. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    AFV has four seats. APC has 8 seats.

    Buy an APC.
  6. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    but FOR GOD'S SAKE, go grenadier and get the defuse skill before you decide to drive around with a partyvan loaded full of infantry. Don't be that guy. Friends don't let friends drive without defuse.

    GADD- Grenadiers Against Defuseless Driving. It's the law. Look it up!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  7. Superlagg

    Superlagg Member

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    Why cant players ride on tanks, like sitting on the edge of the thing while it's doing donuts on the enemy's lawn?
  8. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    well i know there's a ladder on the back of the arty, and there's some sort of issue spawning ladders into the game like buildings and tanks, or at least that was the case with the original source engine. Idk about episode 1 or the next new thing, but originally the devs were limited in their ability to do this. That's why the ladder on the NF repair pad (if it's still there, i can't remember) doesn't work.

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