Hundreds of times I have gotten out of a vehicle to repair it to only have someone steal it. I think a lock on a vehicle which you are in would beneficial so no others would be able to get in your vehicle unless you release the lock. If no lock exists on a vehicle, you should be able to get in and it be locked to you until released.
It should release when you die or after 30 seconds or a minute, you don't need more to do basic fixing, and if you die the tank is stuck defenceless for minutes.
Good idea. The commander vehicle needs to be inlcuded. The inclusion of Empires intro steam has caused a surge of new people now playing. It is now to the point every single map round, a new person is stealing the commander vehicle. This crap has gotten beyond old.
I suggested a lock for the command vehicle a while back but it was laughed down. I guess it comes down to who the developers are catering to, pub games or serious games.
locking a vehicle requires little code... im fairly sure of it. Adding 2 strings and bool variable to the vehicle then adding a pointer to a tank object in the User object is easy. Then add Code: bool UserWantsInTank(maby pass in crap) { if(Vehicle.Locked) { if(User.Name==Vehicle.LockedByUser) return true; return false; } Vehicle.Owner=User.Name; // so we know who the fuck abandons shit everywhere or spams crap from vf return true; } bool UserWantsToLock(maby pass in crap) //can only have one locked vehicle at a time { if(Vehicle.Type==Jeep) return false; if(User.LockedVehicle) // User object stores pointer to a vehicle if he locked one Unlock(User.LockedVehicle); User.LockedVehicle=Vehicle; return true; } That is about the jist of it with a few more lines of code in there and some things different of course. Then of course when looking at a vehicle you should see a text or something like when you look at a wall.. made by who ever... for vehicles make it say... locked by NAME or made by NAME(thats why 2 strings). P.S. if my code is totally wack... tell me why or post your own version of the way you perceive it should be instead of saying ignore him he don't know stuff... ﺠ _ﺠ
what you mean like blocking a path with a vehicle then locking it an getting out? Or the VF... only two that I can think of... and both can be taken care of by allowing the com to unlock a tank by selecting it and hitting unlock while in com view. so assigning the L key on your keyboard to lock/unlock can't work?
Moral of the story, vehicle locking can't be accomplished in a vacuum. You need the com to have more control over his team. Oh wait... "But I don't want a medium tank with HEC, I want standard cannon!"
Well no problem then, this isn't a space simulator. Im cool with that. standard cannon is cool... it can fire about the same rate and give you less heat. kidding aside... what was your post trying to imply? I think im too tired to understand its meaning right now.
You can't allow locked vehicles unless the com controls the locking, or at least moderates it. But people will incessantly bitch if the com invades any crevice of their pitifully horrendous decision making. "Why can't I get in this tank? I am so pro with the tanks. COM, LET ME GET IN THIS TANK OR I WON'T DO ANYTHING. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" People want to be individuals and individuals want choice, but Empires isn't about two groups of individuals shooting each other, it's about two teams competing. Bottom line: People won't stand for more com control, so vehicle locking can't work.
oh is this amphibious tanks and vehicle locking month? Suggested too many times, and it makes tanks a bigger grief tool.
Please don't allow locking. If you do I wont be able to grief the small amount of players who still play this game... Then I can go downplay it on the forums.
A lot of communities think that mods will abuse privileges like this, but it really doesn't happen. I know the Fug TF2 community is notoriously generous with mod privileges. Get a couple vouches and a few months of experience and you can kick and mute players. You'd think it would be abused (especially in TF2), but it really isn't.
The thing is, mustard based has a sweeter less harsh flavor which in my opinion makes it better for dipping.