Trying To DL Empires WONT INSTALL

Discussion in 'Support' started by Rav3n87, May 30, 2009.

  1. Rav3n87

    Rav3n87 Member

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    hi im new to the forum and im a bit pissed because ive dnlded the client about 5 times and it wont install it says its failing an integrity test
  2. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    In what location do ya try to install it?
  3. Rav3n87

    Rav3n87 Member

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    i dld it to my docs then i just ran it it verifys the installer and then s@#$s itself dld from both mirror on this site
  4. Rav3n87

    Rav3n87 Member

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    it says its a NSIS error common cause incomplete dl or damaged media, contact provider for new copy
  5. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    This error sometimes occurs because of something on the host computer, I had this issue with a freeware program once, google around for more info on the error because I forgot what I did :p
  6. Rav3n87

    Rav3n87 Member

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    Why do I get NSIS Error
    From NSIS Wiki
    (Redirected from NSIS Error)
    If you are reaching this page from an error message, you are having a problem installing a program. The downloaded file is either incomplete or modified from the original file. While this page will outline basic solutions:

    Please contact the publisher or developer of the program you are installing for complete support.

    What does this message mean?
    The installer has failed a self-check. This means that for some actions, the installer file has been altered from its original form. If the install were to continue, the software install would not be complete and will be broken. To prevent further problems, the installer refused to continue.

    How do I fix the problem?
    There are a number of ways the installer can be modified, but we'll cover steps to fix the problem on your end. If all these steps don't work, please contact the developers or publishers of the software you are attempting to install or your normal computer support channels.

    If the software was obtained from the Internet
    Clear your browser's cache.
    Disable any download accelerators or managers and download the installer again.
    Rename the installer so it is a simple one-word name with no special characters (without removing the .exe suffix)
    Example: install.exe
    Download the installer from another source approved by the software developer or publisher.
    It might be corrupted on the server, or the connection to the server is unreliable from your location.
    Update your anti-virus software (if installed) and download the installer again.
    Disable your anti-virus software and download the installer again.
    Download the installer using another computer and copy it to the original computer.
    If you have the nVidia firewall installed, uninstall the program and download the installer again.
    Scan for, and remove malware and viruses on your system.
    Scan the hard drive using scandisk, chkdsk, or any other hard drive repair tool.
    If the software was obtained from a CD, DVD, or other physical media:
    If you are receiving this problem from an installer located on a disc or other media besides the Internet, then the problem may be due to a hardware failure or more likely the physical media being damaged. Try reading files from other parts of the media. If you are receiving read errors with other files on the disc, then the problem is likely due to damaged media. You will need to contact the source of the physical media for a replacement.

    Final Options {I DID THIS}
    As a last resort, the installer can be executed even though it's corrupted. To bypass the corruption test, pass /NCRC on the command line. To do so, go to Start->Run, type cmd and hit Enter. A black console window should open. Drag the installer into the window, hit Space and type /NCRC. Hit Enter again and the installer should start. This is not recommended!

    When all else fails, you will need to contact either the developers of the software you're attempting to download or your personal computer support channels.


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