Trivial mapping bugs, StreetsOfFire and duststorm

Discussion in 'Support' started by The Buttery Lobster, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    super super minor mapping bugs, but i figured i'd point em out just in case. It couldn't hurt, after all.

    This is just something weird i saw on duststorm so i took a screenshot. Probably just my computer being stupid, idk this stuff.


    Here you can see that the barracks can be placed on the bridge in StreetsOfFire, but note that the building is placed OVER the divider in the middle of the bridge. I'm not sure if this is intentional but usually buildings need fairly flat surfaces. At any rate, it looks funny.

    (I'm not sure why BE would want to put the rax on TOP of the bridge, anyway.... it's like a giant 'hit me' sign. I watched ABOUT half a dozen BE rax destroyed on top of that bridge during that game. Seriously, put em up and NF would knock em down. Mitties, so resources wasn't an issue)

    also you can see the building below and it looks funny.


    again, really minor stuff, just pointing it out.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2008
  2. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I love when enemy buildings get built through other objects, and you can safely deconstruct them

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