To: Dr. Uwe Boll

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vessboy, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    To: Dr. Uwe Boll

    We, the undersigned, respectfully ask that Uwe Boll give proper weight to the wishes of the video game community, the horror community, and the film going community in general and stop directing, producing, or taking any part in the creation of feature films. His distasteful handling of the subject matter and lack of acknowledgement of his failures simply cannot be abided any longer.

    Mr. Boll has repeatedly shown a complete lack of comprehension regarding the videogames he has dragged, kicking and screaming, to the silver screen and his ham-fisted approach to horror has soiled future possibilities for anyone else who may attempt to bring videogames to film.

    Sign this petition here
  2. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    He's gonna release a far cry movie. He must be stoped!
  3. theotherjms

    theotherjms Developer

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  4. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    i've never played Far Cry

    I know he directed Dungeon Siege, with Jason Statham, it wasn't as bad as Eragon when it came down to a fantasy movie...

    Did he direct Eragon? cause that was pure garbage, and almost ruined Paolini's books, if it hadn't been for the fact that almost no one went to see it anyway

    what else has he directed?
  5. Empty

    Empty Member

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    He siad he'd stop if he got like a million sigs. And then he got a million sigs and he pretty much said "fuck you guys, I'm gunna keep making movies"
  6. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    there are only 300.000 sigs so far.
  7. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    It's not like Far Cry is known for its incredibly deep storyline.
  8. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    It's just that he makes movies like Max Payne look good in comparison.
  9. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    as a hybridized lazy gamer, i can speak for myself, and possibly a great number of online peoples, that I'm too damn lazy/tired to go exploring the internet to sign an internet petition, plus theres all those fears of identity theft going around, so 'signing something over the internet' isnt too appealing

    im planning on seeing max payne, good or not, criticized or not, cause i loved that game, and i forgot to add it to the game list in that other thread....slow motion diving shoot-outs FTW!(with lots of blood and flying corpses, muhaha)
    but yea, the theatrical trailer for Max Payne doesnt look anything like the video game, and looks really random and not too appealing, and i don't know if theres a Max Payne book i can complain loudly about how that screenplay was nothing like the book, just like every other asshole.

    but seriously, what all movies has uwe boll directed? or does anyone even know?

    plus im suprised no one(that i know of) has realized theyre planning on letting people know about a World of Warcraft movie, notifications, release dates, planning on being released, in 2010, so the movie might be done in 2012, but thats hella far away. (or the fast and furious 4 movie, wolverine movie, xmen 4 movie, the last 2 harry potters, goonies 2, etc)

    im not saying that screenplay writing would be easy, or directing, cause i dont know how, and im not defnding Uwe Boll, cause i think hes a jackass

    but Uwe Boll is a product of our society, one of our more stupid generations in particular

    use this as an example,

    its like electing a mentally handicapped person as President of the United States (no pun on Bush so shut up), and then complaining that the President is mentally handicapped, which complete hypocratic disregard for the fact that your own society elected the mentally handicapped person to lead them(i.e. direct or write screenplays for your movies)

    plus, in a different direction, despite Bush's failings, and he failed a lot, ehs not so bad as Clinton, who made all Americans look like cowardly adulterers to the international public because of his sexual stunts in the oval office and his completely prison-bitch mentality in the 'Middle East' (firing a cruise missile to counter a terrorist bombing is an insufficient responce)

    im not backing McCain or Obama, but as far as I'm concerned, the only reason Obama has the lead right now is because of people like Chris Rock and the Saturday Night Live cast getting involved and telling the TV enamored masses how much they love Obama, and making the Republican nominees look like a bunch of incompitents, which they very well may be, but so are the democratic nominees

    none of the people nominated have what it takes to be a real president and satisfy our standards, theyre just the best we have at the moment, apparently

    end rant
  10. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    There will be no WOW movie. Blizzard won't sell.
  11. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Please tell where you got that information..
    As Blizzard wrote themselves on their homepage that they would make a movie with a GOOD company.
  12. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    And i personally believe a strarcraft movie would be best. Imagine A Protoss on the silver screen.
    Although A movie the the plot of "Speed of Darkness" Would be amazing. A great starcraft novel that bairly occupies 10 hours of time in starcraft. When the sons of Korhall evacuated Mar sara, Golden...
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  13. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    Dude, totally!

    Starcraft movie FTW, I mean, look at the opening 'Marine creation' video that they did to unveil Starcraft 2, if they had a decent screenplay writer, director, etc, I would say that a Starcraft movie is right around the corner

    Not to mention the additional video scraps they've added on to their website in the last year.
  14. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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  15. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    So they turned Uwe Boll down, doesn't mean they won't make it, they just think that Uwe Boll would ruin their movie, and then ruin their profits, if Uwe Boll approached them and got turned down, then it could be they're either waiting for someone of higher prestige to approach them now, so they can accept and the press can publicize it, or they've already accepted someone and are keeping it secret.

    Plus, if its a spin off of War3: Reign of Chaos, it would still be pretty good, as its an epic story of Arthas falling into evil, and Thrall fighting for freedom from the demons, and night elves, humans, undead, etc

    If they make as an actual storyline added on to the end of Frozen Throne, that would be awesome, as it would actually continue the game story, instead of making people wait like ten years for Blizzard to come out with a Warcraft 4 Real Time Strategy to continue the story.

    And another thing, I think it'ss ironic that Blizzard is complaining about someone ruining their profits, whether its in the next couple years, or in a decade, something will replace WoW, just like WoW replaced Everquest, after a decade, which can be attributed to luck, most of the loss of players from Everquest was due to the structured playing times before were used to, that they took a break from to try out WoW when it came out, and most of the disliked it and came back to Everquest, but at random times, leading them to feelings of isolation when they realized that everyone wasn't logged in at the same time anymore, which lead them right back to WoW, where they could find new players to make friends or compete against at all hours.

    Personally, from what I can tell, WoW gameplay is almost identical to Everquest(the first one), The 'format' is different, the creatures, the quest format, but its almost identical, which is ridiculous, In Everquest you got experience for finishing quests, gained levels, explored new places, the difference with Everquest was that people were actually requried to think, and be smart, where, as I believe, WoW just lowers your I.Q. by being way too easy to play. Most of the comments of people that tried to come back to Everquest that I heard, involved saying that WoW was too animated, didn't look very real, too comic-book-like, where the Everquest developers had worked hard to make new skins to make the EQ characters look like they could be real people with different colored skin, bone structure. They also commented on WoW being too easy, etc.

    Another aspect of WoW being just like Everquest, they're starting to come out with multiple expansion packs that you are required to buy, and absolutely 'need' to keep up with your peers and play in the same 'zones' or 'areas' as your peers.....Just like Everquest, only dumber
  16. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    His resouce is IMDB. No more creditable then wikipedia.
    This is made of rumors.

    The only way a blizzard game would make a good movie is if Blizzards oun cinimatics team Made it. And They know this. Peter Jacson And Legendary Films were turned down. There won't be a movie.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  17. Notorious

    Notorious Member

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    I've lookd at, its nothing spectacular, but every movie I've seen them make a page for, has come out, and i read the previous link you put up, regarding Uwe Boll being turned down, the points regarding jackson and legendary are extra info, including the cinematics team from blizzard doing the thing themselves,

    that doesnt mean there won't be a movie, unless you can provide a hardcore press release saying "blizzard won't make warcraft movie(and never will)"

    it just means that the blizzard cinematics team probably will make the movie themselves, and use the voices from the video clips from the games, for the same characters, or something similar
  18. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Do you have any plans to make a StarCraft Movie or any other movies?

    We are very interested in taking our worlds and characters into other realms of entertainment, but as with any of our projects, we seek to work with the best talent available. While we would love to bring StarCraft, Warcraft and Diablo to the screen, we will do so only when we find the right partners.
    If that isn't proof enough:

    Listen. LEGENDARY PICTURES is said a lot of times ;) .

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