This thread is for a list of things needed to be done for tutorial videos

Discussion in 'General' started by -tomandjerry-, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. -tomandjerry-

    -tomandjerry- Member

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    Please list only things that are not listed before you.

    I'll be making tutorials showing nubs how to play the game from that particular role, as i play all of them except scout. This is to have nubs learn what needs to be done and hopefully if they are professionally done, integrate them into the actual game.

    This is all volunteer work, if you wish to assist in video editing, or anything else please mention you can do that.

    Things to be done

    -Infantry loadout
    -Vehicle customization
    -Building placement logic / where / why / efficiency

    please suggest ideas in a list like this.
  2. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Comm basics:
    - Attack orders
    - Place camera in your main and build when not otherwise occupied
    - When to be wary of ninjas and how to avoid them

    - Differences between classes (including damage resists that most don't even know or care about)
    - How to prevent yourself from choosing scout

    - Drifting
    - Vehicle repairs and ammo via repair pad or engineer
    - Turning in-place with meds and heavies
    - More drifting
    BlackRedDead likes this.
  3. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    aside of a few things like "dont place the vf miles away from the barracks or you gotta run across the whole base when its under siege which inevitably leads to death, death and more death", which should be kinda obvious, im afraid this is something that needs experience.
    oh yeah, maybe "if you spam turrets, dont build them right next to eachother or they just die from explosion radius".
    also "drop armories, EVERYWHERE, they cost 75 res but make your dudes lifes so much easier".

    but other than that, its all rather map specific and there are too many empires maps to cover all in tutorials.

    uninstall life
    Señor_Awesome likes this.
  5. -tomandjerry-

    -tomandjerry- Member

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    "but other than that, its all rather map specific"

    you make so many videos you have a list of map specific videos.

    and you have a list of generalized ones for ex, canyon
  6. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    What kind of tutorial were you thinking of doing @-tomandjerry- ? Like making maps? Or articles? Videos?
  7. -tomandjerry-

    -tomandjerry- Member

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    Video tutorials, on how to not be a nub.
  8. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't want to shoot you down here, but DDD Destroyer does have a series of videos on YouTube for the game basics. I believe @BlackRedDead mentioned them before me.

    However, there are numerous more "in depth" topics that he hasn't covered... Such as class specifics. I believe there is a place for these that may well be of use to new players. So I too think it could be possible for you two to collaborate, on some further videos.

    Empires needs more tutorials, so I'm all behind you for making more. :)

    As for content? Well... Explaining the research priorities would be a big help. And General squad tactics too!
  9. BlackRedDead

    BlackRedDead Member

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    he had just planned to make more & deeper vids - thats why i suggested to work together instead doing the same work twice!
    but ofc you can just go ahead and cover stuff he haven't done yet :)

    and if statists & actors are needed i'm sure here are plenty of ppl you can contact, describe what you need and you get help :)
    good luck & have fun
  10. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    Destroyers videos are excellent. I watched many and think he did a great job describing how to play the game. They should be more easily accessed and I would hope he would be editor of scripts generated for future scripts. Also I know that Trump is working on some tutorials. Please form a group to eliminate bad information.

    Some ideas: Not video - AUDIO ONLY
    I'd like there to be a sound track recorded for each map to instruct anyone who wants to hear it. It should be optional. It should instruct the players about the differences about that map and something about tactics. We all know that some maps have specific strategies. You can be coy about how you inform the user, but it needs to be done to help nubs.
    1) Boohouse: This map is infantry - Rifleman is strong if you watch where you walk, Revive engineers will help you clear a path to the enemy base, Grens will torment as only they can. Be prepared to be punched through faux doorways and trolled on your spawn point. Yada yada
    2) Money: Commander maps require engineers to start, build your palace. Defeat a rushing enemy by quickly switching to grenadier. Tanks fighting in close quarters will ensue, but no man shall enter the enemy base without aid of an engineer. Team play wins the day.
    3) Slaughtered: DO NOT build the bridge or towers unless your commander instructs you to, it could lead to anal rape. Most fighting is in the East, but covering your ass via the bridge will be important. Fighting head to head can win this map, or slipping in the back door can cause a revolution.

    Also I've always thought that a simple map tutorial with vary levels of difficulty can be used to instruct new players. They shouldn't be allowed into the game until they complete the first of X. For example:
    1) Spawn in a barracks. There is a turret at each door at a distance far enough away that you can't run to it without dieing. Simply get out of the barracks, destroy both turrets.
    2) Same as 1, but add ML turrets, defeat all turrets before the barracks is destroyed. Requires the designer to time how long it takes for X ML turrets to destroy the barracks, and how long should the user get before they succeed. Easily figured out.
    3) Success on 1&2 - now exit the barracks. Be informed how important resources are and why. Build 2 Refineries. Inform value of a radar and what it does, build a radar, build a barracks and drive the jeep into the enemy base - kill the commander. Inform that the commander vehicle death ends the game.

    This is simple stuff - but none of the nubs know it!
  11. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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  12. Acolyte

    Acolyte Member

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    Hey, i'll write the "hobbes" style of commanding section. -aka high risk, high reward strats
  13. JustGoFly

    JustGoFly Member

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    The Hobbes style is only effective against nubs, although he's the best at staying away from anyone posing as a knowledgeable player in the game. If I'm caught as engineer while he's boom tanking, I hold up a grenade, run towards him, and that scares him into thinking I'm a scout. But a com near a rax, acting as a focus for the nub enemies certainly helps a team mow down the distracted nub players and occasionally attracts a vet grens attention. It's not very effective against a team that knows how to defeat it, and certainly not a strategy we recommend for new com's. Some variants I've seen work well, of staying with a squad near the front line, to aid in both distraction, building, reviving and dropping support turrets and buildings. Dropping a rax right at the front line will normally not get built with only one other player there, but a com distracting the enemy gives that one player time to get the rax up.

    I remember playing on BE with Hobbes as NF com, first thing I'd do is nine mine the roof of the rax, and drop a wall + mg turret on the opposite side to trap him.

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