The Turtling Stratedy

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Lazydog, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. Lazydog

    Lazydog Member

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    Granted, I'll admit that turtling is a failstrat, but it is also an important one on the losing end. When your team is losing ground everywhere, there's little you can do than buckle down and get ready for the long fight.

    Now turtling in itself is a losing strategy in that it's only a matter of time before the enemy punctures through your defense with arty's or nukes, but that's why you use that time to do something productive.

    Which is why I'm going write a few strategies I've seen work when a team have to resort to turtling.

    1) Make the other team lose tickets. FAST!

    For the most part, when turtling happens the other team gets more aggressive in how they attack. A lot of time, too aggressive. They start losing tickets, 20 every minute or so. Now this strategy works best if:
    -your enemy placed a barracks near your base. Closer spawn for them, means faster you can kill them off
    -you got engies to revive your guys. so you don't lose tickets
    -enemy vehicles are hard press to get to your base. so have chokepoints that only infantry would get through.

    For the most part you want to focus on killing infantry. Take down their numbers as fast as you can. You should also harass the enemy vehicles when they come by, but it'll be better if you manage to make it so that the enemy has a hard time getting their vehicles to your base.

    You don't want to take too long to kill them, however, because their comm is probably researching better tanks and telling his team to wait for those to punch through, so keep up the pressure and drive the tickets down.

    2) Ninja turtle

    If you have a few guys that aren't bunkered in, use them. Launch a quick assault against the enemy comm to kill it quickly. This strategy works best if:
    -Larger map, so enemy has a harder time to come back to assist the comm. And easier to sneak men out
    -Enemy comm has little defense around him. Surprisingly this happens alot and many good ninjas take that fact into account.
    -Enemy controls practically the whole map. This way they would be less likely run into your ninjas while they get that last random ref you lost.

    So basically you are the diversion for your team. Since the majority of the enemy is focused on hammering at your turtle defense, most of them will not be focused on what's happening back home. Even if their comm is yelling at them to get back to base, most of time it gets ignored since they are almost at your comm.

    3) Building a secret base

    Let's say you have a random scout (yes that useless class), hidden way outside because didn't get the memo to defend the base. Or just an engineer who happens to not be in the base while you're getting bombarded. Laydown a base in his location for a counter attack.

    Best if:

    -he's off in a really random spot, far from your base, close to the enemy.
    -you got the resources. You probably have one or two ref nodes churning out money, but your poor vf and radar was destroyed long again and now you just got money to spend.

    Or if you need to, sneak a scout out. Since they have hide, they can easily sneak out, if the enemy isn't paying attention to him. So the plan is to get a barracks and vf up then start pumping out tanks and whatever to attack their cv. Have the majority of your team kill spawn there and use whatever resources you have left to attack. Even attacking their main base can be great to pull off some of the heat off of you. If they divide their forces, you have a greater chance to pick off those that didn't leave to fight your other base. Meanwhile you can expand out and hopefully regain lost ground.

    Like I said, turtling usually means you're gonna lost. However, you turn things around. Use that time to come up with attacks. Anyways that's my two cents of what to do when things look grim. What have you guys seen that worked when the odds are definitely not in your favor?
  2. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    4) Pray to god some vets join and skill stack your team for lulz to see if they can win.
  3. Lazydog

    Lazydog Member

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    i love joining the losing team, as long as they have a spawn, it's always epic to run around on foot with missiles and shells flying everywhere.
  4. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    I like to wait until there is a team that is clearly winning or skill stacked then join it and sit in the VF until I can get the best tank possible. Then I laugh in the faces of the losers and extol my greatness to the masses.
  5. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    I love you so very much.
  6. Dragoon

    Dragoon Member

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    Well when I get back home from work or university I'm usually quite stressed.
    I like then to skill stack, and take my rifle.
    Shooting people can be a so relaxing. :D
    A stacked team makes sure I don't need to worry about unpleasant surprises and most imported I can play rifleman without hurting my own team.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  7. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    You sir are a disgrace to the game >:(

    I like to join the losing team and turn things around, usually I spec infantry maps for this reason, until a winner is obvious and then I join the loser.

    You forgot one strategy. If you are turtling because the enemy is too bunkered around the rest of your map and your team is unable to advance, (basically every reason for a turtle), you have the chance to defend a small area, and therefore don't need vehicles. Because vehicles become unnessecary for your team, locking the vehicle factory to stockpile resources is a good idea. You can have your infantry provide a diversion for the enemy, defending the base and making sure the enemy forces are all pounding at your door. You can research something to reinforce APCs and make them offensive, then wait for enough resources for 5 or more of them. Speed build them, take down one of your defenses and get a rush train out. This works best on open maps such as duststorm or canyon. rushing the enmy comm provides for an epic last effort that a decent commander and team can win.
  8. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Joining the losing team is like running up a hill during a landslide - exhilarating.

    And ofc, if you lose and only joined to help the losing team, it doesn't feel like a crushing defeat because you weren't there the whole game ;)
  9. Ikiller101

    Ikiller101 Member

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    I join the underdogs for one resone to get behind the enemys lines with a MG and wreak havok
  10. Empyrean45

    Empyrean45 Member

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    Turtling is not always a fail strategy. I always advocate Bagel Empire turtling on Escort, and I haven't seen it fail yet.
  11. tysonm1

    tysonm1 Member

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    One more thing I would add to the list is, PRAY:
    Pray to the good heavens that you have atleast a skilled player who doesn't run around in circles throwing out random crap like "omfg lol faggot!". If a skilled player comes onto the server nag them to join your team eventually they will, you may still be losing but it is good to have a good player on your team who loses wihout all the fags in the background throwing random crap at each other.
  12. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I always join the losing team.

    Then it becomes the winning team :D
  13. Mr.Bungles

    Mr.Bungles Member

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    lol empty you make me laugh.
  14. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I do my best.
  15. Rexz

    Rexz Member

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    It makes an epic scene when you are about to lose and there's half a dozen heavies lining up to execute the last barrack your team have. It remind me of one of those old sad war movies.

    And yes, I do pretend everything is happening in slow motion to add dramaticness.
  16. MichaelSteve

    MichaelSteve Member

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    I'm not the only one?! AWESOME!

    Honestly though, desperate last stands are I think what makes empires great.

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